
Hunting the Lycan King

Elena Petrov is a Rogue Hunter, tasked with hunting down the most vicious of the furry beasts and putting a bullet through their brain…or heart, whichever she could reach first. But when she finds herself in the grasps of the Vampire King, who gives her the offer to either serve him the Lycan King’s head in a silver platter or watch her sister be mercilessly drained of blood in front of her…she has no choice but to set out on the most difficult task of her life…hunting down the Lycan King, Vincent Blackburn. However, their first encounter doesn’t go as she had planned and she ends up in the dungeons, chained and ready to be executed by the Lycan King himself. However, as their eyes meet and a searing contact is forged in the unexpected circumstances, she hears him say the only words she never expected to hear from a Lycan: Mate.

Bloodbath008 · Fantasía
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65 Chs

Chapter 5: Trapped

Elena P.O.V

I found myself once again confined to the chilling embrace of the dungeons. The damp, stone walls loomed around me, an unwelcome reminder of the imprisonment I had briefly escaped. 

But strangely, this time, the usual sense of despair and desperation did not claw at my heart. My thoughts were consumed by the whirlwind of events that had transpired earlier.


The Lycan king, Vincent, had dared to proclaim me as his mate. The mere notion was preposterous, ludicrous even. How could someone like me, a werewolf hunter sworn to protect humanity from the likes of rogue wolves, be linked by fate to the very ruler of those creatures? It defied all sense and reason.

Lost in the tumult of my thoughts, I grappled with the impossibility of the situation. My mind raced through the labyrinth of uncertainties, contemplating the ramifications of this inexplicable declaration. Could it be some twisted ploy, a cruel jest orchestrated by fate itself?

The isolation weighed heavily upon me, magnified by the labyrinthine thoughts swirling in my mind. Questions, doubts, and disbelief collided in a tumultuous cacophony within me. I was left to grapple with the enigmatic puzzle of my alleged connection to the Lycan king—a puzzle whose pieces refused to align.

Amidst my inner turmoil, the gate to the dungeon creaked open, shattering the cloak of silence that enveloped me. A sliver of hope flickered within me, anticipating a familiar face, a reassuring presence amidst the gloom. But before I could discern the identity of the visitor, the gate slammed shut once more, plunging me back into the suffocating darkness.

Startled by the abruptness of the intrusion and subsequent departure, I strained my senses to discern any lingering traces of the intruder. The air hung heavy with an unsettling stillness, the echo of footsteps fading into the vast emptiness of the dungeon.

A mixture of frustration and resignation settled upon me, a cloak I wrapped around myself in the absence of answers. The uncertainty of my fate loomed ominously, a shadow that eclipsed any semblance of comprehension.

"Hunter…do you think you can escape your fate that easily?"

I startled at the unexpected voice echoing through the dungeon, my heart pounding with a mixture of fear and urgency. 

"W-who's there? Show yourself!" Desperation laced my voice as I called out.

"Please…whoever you are…take me to the Lycan King. Please!" I begged to be taken to the Lycan king, hoping for some semblance of explanation or reprieve from the looming threat that surrounded me.

But instead of a response that could offer solace or understanding, a chilling declaration pierced through the darkness, freezing the blood in my veins. 

"You're not going anywhere." The ominous voice echoed through the vast darkness of the room. "I'll make sure to correct the mistakes of the Moon Goddesses! You won't be leaving these dungeons alive!"

The sinister promise of not leaving the dungeon alive hung ominously in the air, a foreboding prophecy that sent shivers down my spine.

Panic surged within me as I strained against the restraints that bound my hands and legs, a futile attempt to create some distance from the approaching footsteps. The darkness was an impenetrable shroud, concealing the identity of my assailant, amplifying the terror that gripped my soul.

A sharp, slicing sound rent the air, followed by an excruciating pain searing through my shoulder. Agony blossomed within me as I felt a cold, piercing sensation accompanied by a sickening thud. A dagger, embedded in my flesh, lodged itself with a cruel finality, sending waves of unbearable pain coursing through every nerve.

My breaths came in ragged gasps, the metallic tang of fear and desperation enveloping me. The dungeon seemed to shrink in its suffocating embrace as I struggled against the searing pain and the impending darkness threatening to engulf me.

The weight of my helplessness bore down on me like an unyielding burden. With each heartbeat, I could feel the dread of the unknown assailant closing in, a palpable menace that loomed over me like an ominous specter.

Despite the agony that coursed through me, I mustered all the strength I could, fueled by a desperate will to survive. Every fiber of my being screamed for escape, for a reprieve from the imminent danger lurking in the shadows.

Summoning every ounce of resilience, I forced myself to focus amidst the chaos of pain and fear. With trembling hands, I attempted to grasp the hilt of the dagger lodged in my shoulder, fighting against the overwhelming waves of agony that threatened to engulf my senses.

But the bindings that held me captive limited my movements, rendering my attempts at self-preservation futile. I could only writhe in agony, my breaths hitched in a symphony of pain and desperation, as the dark tendrils of unconsciousness threatened to claim me.

In the midst of the torment, a desperate resolve ignited within me, a flickering flame amidst the encroaching shadows. I clung to the remnants of consciousness, driven by an unwavering determination to defy the cruel fate that sought to snuff out the fragile spark of life within me.

The searing pain in my shoulder was relentless, tearing through my senses like a raging inferno. With every breath, I felt the torment amplifying, a merciless reminder of the dagger embedded in my flesh. I recoiled in agony, my screams echoing through the desolate confines of the dungeon.

Amidst the cacophony of my torment, a sudden shift in the atmosphere rippled through the darkness. Strange sounds, eerie and disconcerting, intermingled with my anguished cries. Hisses and faint whispers echoed off the cold stone walls, adding an ominous layer to the already dire situation.

My heart pounded against my ribcage, a wild rhythm matched only by the intensity of my fear. What unseen horrors lurked in the shadows of this forsaken cell? The dungeon seemed to come alive with the unsettling symphony of unknown entities, a chilling reminder of the perilous uncertainty that enveloped me.

"This cage is full of vampires…vampires that have been starved for weeks." The man's voice, tinged with a sinister edge, sliced through the chilling ambiance. "The more you struggle…the more you bleed…and the hungrier they get."

"No..." A shiver of terror coursed through me at the mere mention of their presence.

I strained to make sense of the surrounding darkness, but the boundless blackness offered no respite. Desperation clawed at the edges of my consciousness as I struggled against the restraints, the debilitating pain in my shoulder a grim reminder of my helplessness.

My mind raced with frantic thoughts, each more dire than the last. The notion of being besieged by ravenous vampires, torn apart by their claws and fangs as they drained every drop of blood in my body…in made my spine lock with sheer terror. I was trapped, a defenseless prey amidst unseen predators.

The air grew thick with a palpable sense of foreboding. Sinister whispers and eerie hisses seemed to draw closer, an unnerving prelude to an imminent and harrowing ordeal. My breaths came in shallow gasps, the metallic tang of fear suffusing every fiber of my being.

As if summoned by the darkness itself, a chilling draft swept through the dungeon, carrying with it an aura of malevolence. The cold tendrils of fear tightened their grip around me, rendering me frozen in terror, unable to comprehend the horrors that awaited.

In the midst of the chilling silence, the man's ominous proclamation lingered in the air like a sinister specter, casting a veil of impending doom over me. The dread of becoming prey to these starved creatures clawed at my soul, a paralyzing fear that threatened to consume me whole.

A sudden movement in the darkness sent shivers down my spine. Panic surged within me as I struggled against the bindings, my efforts spurred by the primal instinct to escape the clutches of impending danger.

The sound of shuffling footsteps, paired with the chilling whispers and hisses, and the occasional rattling of chains, grew louder, signaling the encroaching menace. My heart raced, my mind frantically seeking a glimmer of hope amidst the encircling darkness.

The chilling realization spurred a surge of terror within me. My breaths came in shallow gasps, the metallic tang of fear enveloping me. I squirmed, writhed, and struggled against the bonds that confined me, the suffocating darkness and the harrowing sounds of approaching danger gnawing at the edges of my sanity.

The dungeon's oppressive silence shattered abruptly as the eerie sounds intensified—hisses grew louder, whispers more sinister. The air thickened with the menacing presence of unseen horrors, closing in on me like an ominous tide.

The dungeon seemed to pulse with an eerie energy, a dark symphony heralding the arrival of something ominous and malevolent. Desperate and terrified, I awaited the inevitable clash with the unknown horrors that lurked within the unfathomable depths of the dungeon's shadows.

Trapped, bound, and helpless, I was now prey to a horde of ravenous creatures, starved for weeks and thirsting for my blood.