
Hunting The Godkiller [Dropped]

TLDR: Famous detective and psychologist gets reincarnated to hunt down a serial killer in a fantasy world. [Epic fantasy with well thought out magic system and world map] Arthur Hayes was a detective; those who had worked with him would call him the best in the world. Over his 20 year long career, he has profiled and tracked down the most cunning of predators, often making use of the most abstract clues to hunt down his prey. His exploits had earned him legend status within the Bureau, and great fame without. Although these days, he wishes he had taken a simple desk job after concluding his service in the Military. When a deranged fan decided to create for him the perfect puzzle, Arthur's life was suddenly turned into a living hell. After four excruciating years of vague clues and false leads, he had finally tracked down his nemesis and exacted his vengeance, but not without being fatally wounded in the process. As he felt his life slip away, Arthur had only one wish; although he had never been religious, he wished that the afterlife was real, so that he may see his daughter once more. He closed his eyes and felt his pain melt away, only to find himself standing naked before the most beautiful woman he had ever laid eyes upon. And she seemed to have a proposition for him: "I will give you a new life with your daughter. In exchange, I need you to hunt someone down for me; someone who has killed a God." ............................. WSA 2023 Entry. Please leave comments and let me know what you think of my novel. I'll try to write a 2000 word chapter every day or two. I'm aiming for 5 a week atm as a base number. 20 powerstones = 1 more chapter (Powerstones from myself don't count towards this). Synopsis is work in progress. I will edit is as I release more chapters and get a better hold on what I want the plot to be. This will be a fantasy novel, where there is an overarching plot of a serial killer who mc needs to hunt down. This serial killer is an artifact, which has the soul of the God of Death trapped within, and mc needs to rescue this soul to save the world. Artifact meanwhile becomes stronger by murdering and absorbing the knowledge and skills of powerful individuals, its goal is to become the most powerful being in the world so no one can destroy it and release the God of Death. MC is in a race agaisnt time while the world collapses around him. The immediate plot will be regarding development of magical powers and mastering a certain set of skills. He will then try to build an International Spy Agency that will help him in his quest and control the international flow of information. The mc will be intelligent and rational, and use scientific thinking as much as possible. I draw inspiration from many different works, and will try to give credit where it is due. This novel is very much an experiment for me, and would love to listen to any and all feedback.

Ruizan · Fantasía
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4 Chs

Section 1: Notes On Magic

It has been a few days since we have returned to base after my first mission, and I am finally in the head-space to be able to ruminate on the many things the people of this world simply take for granted. I will be keeping this journal in order to note down my thoughts and keep track of my progress. I will of course, be writing this mostly in English, so that it is indecipherable to anyone else who finds it.


Mana seems to be a fundamental force of nature, much like gravity. It is everywhere and affects every living thing; it has greatly shaped both the evolution and geography of this planet.

The people of this world think of it as an invisible ocean that blankets the world, but I like to think of it as a scalar field. There doesn't seem to be any serious research on where it originates from, but every scholar has their own theory.


Infinite energy, the wet dream of every scientist. Living things all breathe in mana from the air, and it enters the body following a similar pathway to oxygen. All animals seem to be able to use this mana to power themselves to some extent; the evolutionary benefits of such a thing are obvious. However, food is still necessary for growth and repair.

Mana from the air can also be converted into different forms of every by the use of runes. The technology of this world seems to be largely focused on discovering runes and researching viable ways to use them. I will elaborate more on this later as I learn more about it.


Everyone has mana inside their body, and through repeated training, one can learn to use it to strengthen themselves, improving their speed, agility, and power. However, most people are unable to project mana outside their body. I have seen some people try; their deaths were very similar to what you would expect in the event of exposure to a vacuum.

The "awakened" are people who have exceptional sensitivity to mana and are able to consciously manipulate it both inside and outside their body. They make up a very small portion of the population, less than 1%. This number is much higher among the nobility, who have essentially practiced selective breeding for centuries to tailor their bloodlines.

The more intelligent individuals within animal species also seem to be able to manipulate external mana, however they do not breed frequently. It seems they are aware that having offspring will increase competition and can lead to their own downfall.

Noone knows for certain why awakening happens, but based on my conversation with the gods, and the increased awakening rate in nobles, I have a hypothesis.


Lamira told me that my soul had the affinity for death, and that it would find a suitable host. I believe this is a giant clue regarding the process of awakening.

If souls automatically seek out unborn babies with suitable bodies.. then a highly specialized body is more likely to attract a soul with a very specific elemental affinity. This means that more specialized bloodlines are more likely to attract compatible souls.

I believe this compatibility between soul and body is what leads to awakening!

There is little research on souls, but my hypothesis is as follows:

By creating very specific bloodlines, the nobles of this world make themselves unattractive to the majority of reincarnated souls, and only very specific souls can bond to them. They have turned essentially their bodies into locks that can only be opened with very specific keys.

As a result of this, members of a noble family also awaken similar talents, which allow them to build and preserve magical legacies that get passed down generations. In contrast to this, when a peasant awakens, their talent seems completely random.

A consequence of this is that there should be an increased number of miscarriages or stillbirths within noble society, due to the vast majority of souls being unwilling to bond with them. The more specific the composition of a bloodline, the more common this will be.

This results in a trade-off: The more specific the bloodline, the greater the chances of awakening in the family. However, it will be more difficult to keep the bloodline pure, and the family will suffer from more stillbirths. A less specialized bloodline will be easier to maintain, but have a lower chance of awakened members. This can be mitigated by simply having more children; the problem is that the quality of the awakened children will be variable and their talents less predictable, thereby making it more difficult for the family to pass on their magical legacies.

I am yet to investigate this, but I shall do so if I ever have the chance. The only way I can get access to information like this is if I make myself into a renowned doctor, which is definitely a career path I can look into, given my knowledge.


Talents are magic one can create naturally without the use of runes and it varies from individual to individual.

I believe the type of talent one awakens depends on their bloodline, but they must also have a suitable soul in order to awaken, meaning only a lucky few will ever be able to use it.

Talents allow individuals to manipulate mana in a very specific manner. One way to think of them is as spells that are engraved into the body (or soul), that the user can activate at will.

Known talents:

Myself - I seem to be able to visualise souls.

Master Aegismith - Can conjure transparent barriers with great freedom and precision.

Keira Kerrstark - Can manipulate moisture in the surroundings, converting it to ice and back.


Runecalling is the use of runes to convert mana in the air into different types of energy. Runes seem to instruct mana how to behave, and certain combination of runes can bring about certain effects. These strings of runes are called spells, however, they are incredibly difficult to construct, most mages unable to use more than just a handful.

Calling a rune with mana is like writing a complex Chinese character with your left foot. Creating a full spell is akin to writing 5 characters at once with 5 left feet.. and I can't even rotate my foot clockwise while rotating my hand in the other direction. Runecalling will require years of training to learn how to do reliably, and perhaps decades before I am able to use it when under stress.

However, once one is able to create spells, they are no longer restricted to their intrinsic magic. In fact, most experienced mages don't even use their talent, relying completely on runecalling, as it offers far greater flexibility.

Talents seem to be a byproduct of awakening for most mages, the desired outcome being the ability to freely manipulate mana. However there is still some dependency between one's talent and runecalling ability. This is variable from person to person, but mages seem to find it easier to call runes that are of the same elemental as their talent.

This should be expected if my earlier hypothesis is true:

Body (or genetics) determines both talent and soul

Soul determines affinity.

Affinity determines runecalling ability.

Therefore, one's body will determine both their talent and runecalling ability, meaning the two qualities should be related.

Note To Self: Most things discussed here are simply conjecture as a result of taking a scientific lens to this world of souls and magic. It is unsubstantiated and I am currently not in the position to go out and look for evidence to support my claims.