
Chapter VII

Thick fur grew over his body in seconds, his canine grew longer and his bones cracked into various shapes, leaving a picture of a tailed monster with fire-red eyes in dark cave. Agashi transformed totally and in no time started running towards the alpha's call. He followed the sound of Malik's howl through hills and forest, on a full speed and soon found himself on a mountain occupied by an alpha-Malik and his pack. The pack where surprised, it was their first time of seeing another alpha aside Malik, since the death of Sesugh- Malik's brother. The pack were confused whether to attack or not, then Agashi spoke up in a language only wolves could understand: "I am Agashi, son of Sesugh, the grandson of king Adessugh and heir to the throne of Oduduwah. I have come to claim my throne." There was panic mixed with confusion in the atmosphere, but Agashi moved slowly towards Malik prepared to meet death in the most dignifying way. Malik who looked far more frightening than Agashi's, was bigger in built and his eyes where just as red as Agashi's own, but was more terrifying when in Malik's eye sockets. As Malik roared to speak, there was total silence amongst the pack, then he spoke up: I know the tradition that two alphas cannot rule a pack, tradition must be obeyed. We fight to death." Malik then turned his gaze away from his pack to Agashi. "The faith of your father awaits you." Agashi hearing this words, Agashi howled deeply and in the same instance advanced towards Malik in the highest speed and anger.

He knew he was no match for Malik-one who had only known how to hunt and reign war since childhood. Agashi had no option but to fight till the end, even though the odds were against him he still put all efforts in ensuring his survival. Losing was not an option for any of the alphas the pack was all that matters, he who rules the pack rules the kingdom of Oduduwah. It was an epic battle decorated with blood and sweat. Malik had taken pleasure in designing Agashi's body with his claws into different fashions, but Agashi showed no intention to back down he continued to attack and defend with his claws and teeth. The tearing and biting continued spilling Agashi's blood, but his amazing body kept healing up. Malik knows that killing a werewolf will take more like cutting his head or ripping out his heart. This young wolf had protected his neck and chest very well. Malik continued tearing with all skills, and the Agashi howled in pains awaiting his death.

The pack were curiously watching the royal fight that would determine their new alpha and king. They howled in praises to Malik as he beats the light out of Agashi. Agashi was bleeding in all directions and panting heavily like a hunted prey that just escaped a lion's chase. The atmosphere was not in support of him, the pack didn't want him and are happy that Malik was doing the major damage on Agashi. The yellow shiny eyes so believed that Malik's red frightening eyes would be the only red eyes shining afterall, Agashi is only struggling to survive the next minute.

After a long battle, Malik saw that Agashi's guard was weak, so Malik took advantage and sent his claws into Agashi's chest to rip out his heart. It was a failure that was costly, because the heart was not there and his left hand has been trapped. In a flash, Agashi caught the other hand of Malik which was his only available hand now, and Agashi sent his own claws into Malik heart and ripped it out. Agashi held the beating heart on his claws and Malik's wolf body dropped heavily on the ground before his pack. There was a long silence that seems to have been caused by the surprise of killing their alpha. The wolf pack couldn't understand how situation changed in matter of seconds, but they must take it that the throne has changed ownership especially as their vicious alpha is lying lifeless on the ground like a butchered dog.

"Anyone dare to challenge me?" Agashi thundered to his new pack while breathing heavily. The whole pack bowed to the new king as no one dared challenge the new alpha or oppose his reign. Agashi had felt more powerful ever since he killed Malik, he doesn't need a soothsayer to tell him that he had ceased Malik's powers both physically and supernaturally.

Killing the lord of the hunt-Malik, was not an easy task but his wisdom in shifting his heart from has helped him. This story was told to my father's father by his father, and has been handed down to me by my father. I know that believing in a werewolf tale is not so ideal, but this story is one that is prominent in my tribe. Everyone knows the story like the basis of the tribe. Many elders had said it was just a myth and never existed, but my father claimed the story is true and that werewolves might still be in existence. "Werewolves were later hunted down by men and witches. This creatures were not many right from the start and when people started growing fear of them, extinction threatened them from different angles."

The falsehood of this story one couldn't tell as Hutseh as we have it today is known for having witches even till this present day. The people of Hutseh believed that Toshin existed and was the strongest witch in their village history. Civilization has eaten up many devilish practices, but some of the witches of Hutseh still hold their traditions and practices in their family circles, handing their powers and practices down through the generations.