
Hunter x Hunter : The Harem King

Ash Bernard finds himself in Hunter x Hunter world, bound to a system called The harem King System, with the goal to build a multiverse level Harem! First World : Hunter X Hunter Second World : Jujutsu Kaisen Possible worlds with no determined order : Danmachi, One Piece, My Hero Academia, Chainsaw Man, Magi, High School DxD, Naruto, Soul Land, Tales of Demons and Gods, Wu Dong Qian Kun, Battle Through The Heavens, A Will Eternal, Emperor's Domination, Martial World, The Outcast, Solo Leveling, And any future serie that interests me. ... if you simply want to give me some tips : P@YP@L: achraf.oubella00@gmail.com

SaikiKusu · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
23 Chs

Chapter 3 : Superpower X Heavens X Arena!

Curiosity peaked, Ash eagerly waited for the item to materialize before him. A bright light engulfed him, blinding him momentarily.

"What did I just get?" Ash asked, turning to the system.

"Congratulations, host," the system replied. "You have just won the superpower : Absolute Order!"

Ash's eyes widened in surprise. "Absolute Order? What's that? it sounds powerful!"

"Absolute order : The user can impose absolute and irresistible commands upon any kind of existence including themselves, natural and supernatural, living and non-living, the user can impose complex commands with a single word, through a specific gesture or a sheer act of will, unquestioningly bending anything and everything to their will with all their intents and meaning behind it. "

Ash felt a sense of excitement building up inside him, he rubbed his eyes thinking he was dreaming, he can't believe he got such a power at the start.

"System, am I dreaming? Is this some kind of error or what?" Ash couldn't help but to ask the system.


"there are no errors in the system, The system's lottery function is purely a lucky thing."

"A reminder to the host, the superpower "Absolute order" is limited by your strength, energy, and perception, you can't impose order on things that are stronger than you, or things that you don't perceive, or make orders that exceed your energy, or else the consequences will be losing your lifespan or directly dying!"

"Which means, with your current self, you can't unleash the full power of this power."

Ash nodded his head after hearing the system's words, he wasn't too much surprised, he thinks those limitation are just temporary, as long as his strength kept increasing then one day he will unleash the full potential of this power.

"Awesome! I can't wait to test out this power," Ash said with a grin. "Thanks, system!"

"You're welcome, host," the system replied. "Use your power wisely."

"Don't worry, I will use it in the right place." Ash patted his chest and promised the system.

Ash now is like a kid getting a new toy, he wants to test his superpower as soon possible and see where are his limits.

He looked around searching for a suitable testing subject.

He saw the pedestrian walking around, the fighters who are lining up to register in heavens arena, or spectators waiting in the line to enter the tower and watch the exciting fights.

'No, I shouldn't use it on people for now, I need to familiarize myself with it for the time being."

Ash decided to look for something non-living to test his superpower on. He scanned the area and his eyes landed on a nearby vending machine.

"I guess this will do," he thought to himself.

He walked towards the vending machine and stood in front of it. Ash took a deep breath and focused his mind on the power of absolute order. He closed his eyes and concentrated.

After a few moments, he opened his eyes and spoke in a commanding tone, "Vending machine, give me this snack and this can of soda!" Ash pointed at the things he thought looks delicious, although he was hungry he didn't dare to say 'give me all your snack' or else he will attract the attention of the people.

Ash felt that his hunger increased, and his strength seemed to be weakened, he knows that was the Absolute Order consuming part of his body energy to realize his command.

To his surprise, the vending machine started to shake and hum loudly. Suddenly, the snack and the can of soda he choose came out of the vending machine. Ash was caught off guard he hurriedly picked them.

"Whoa, I didn't expect it to work this well," Ash exclaimed as he quickly put the snack in his pocket, He looked around to see if anyone noticed what just happened, fortunately he was covering the vending machine with his body, no body saw the process, he returned to the previous bench.

Sitting on the public bench, Ash smiled to himself, feeling confident in his newfound power.

"Now that I know it works, I need to figure out how to control it better," Ash said to himself, his superpower is simply overpowered for this world, it's something beyond what Nen can reach!

Ash felt that even the power of Nanika is nothing in front of his power, because the former needs to pay heavy prices to make a wish, but the later only requires Ash to have the enough energy, strength and perceive the thing he wants to command to achieve any wish he wants!

Ash felt a sense of safety and calmness enveloped him, not restless as he was just a few moments ago.

"System, I'm really lucky to have you, thank you!" Ash thanked the system in his heart one more time.

He couldn't wait to see what other amazing things he could get from the harem king system.

"Now with this power, I think there is no need to be afraid of not having a place to spend the night." Ash looked at the heavens arena tower and smiled with confidence.

"Well if I remember correctly only by reaching the 100 floor you can have a private room."

"I don't know if I'm able to reach it in one night? Well let's try! Anyway if I can't reach it I can use the money to rent a room!"

Ash without wasting time, he headed toward the area where fighters register and stood at the end of the row waiting for his turn.

"Welcome to heavens arena." The receptionist greeted Ash with a professional smile, but when she saw the face of Ash, looking at his golden eyes, smooth white hair, and the milk like skin, she was shocked!

'So beautiful!' she opened her mouth wide and kept looking in shock.

The fighters behind Ash saw this scene and become full of jealousy, they looked at Ash with piercing gaze wishing they could kill him with their eyes, for no reason just because he is too much handsome!

"Hurry up, do you want us to stay all the night here?"

"Boy, this isn't the place for you, aren't you afraid you will lose your pretty face? Go back from where you came!"

"Tsk tsk, just with his appearance alone he can become a big star, I don't know why he come to this place?"

"Just from his smooth skin I can tell he never practiced any martial art, or even had a real fight!"

"Alas, if I had his appearance I will definitely become a movie star or a model, making money will be easy!"

They starts whispering, some were making fun of Ash, some were jealous, some were persuading him to leave, but Ash turned a deaf ear to all these things.

"Sorry sir, please fill out this form." The receptionist came back to her sense, she handed Ash a form and a pen.

Ash took the form and discovered he could understand the words in it, he directly attributed it to the harem king system.

Although he could understand but he couldn't write, so he had to ask the help of the receptionist.

Hearing Ash's request, the receptionist wasn't surprised, she professionaly took the pen and starts asking.


Ash hesitated for a moment, in hunter x hunter world, there are all kind of weird abilities that can cause you harm just by knowing your name, like the power of nanika, if someone wished from her to kill Ash Bernard then he will receive an attack from milles away and don't know how he even died, thinking of such a possibility, Ash decided to not report his real Name, after all, heavens arena doesn't care about your real identity, even wanted criminals like the phantom troupe head can become a floor master.

"The white emperor!" This is the title he thought to himself.

"Eehh?" the receptionist looked at Ash with a puzzled look, but she didn't say anything, the name in heavens arena is only for formalities nothing more, fighters can decide how they should be called, it won't make any difference.


"20 years old"

"Do you belong to any school or any martial art genre?"

"Well, I know kararte." He didn't lie, in his previous world he had a black belt in karate.

"Please sign here, by signing you're agreeing that any injuries or accidental death you receive isn't the responsibility of heavens arena."

Ash nodded his head and signed.

"White Emperor-sama, you are number 3987, they will call your number on the first floor of the arena, so make sure you remember it, please go on ahead." The receptionist entered his informations into the system and said.

"Thank you!" Ash thanked the receptionist and walked toward the entrance of the arena.

The moment he steeped inside it is as if he was teleported to a new world.


"Kill him!"

"Bastard I bet all my money on you!"

"Ha ha ha I won!"


The blood boiling atmosphere and the loud shouts of spectators impacted his face.

It was the first time Ash saw something like this, those wrestling matches or mma fights in his previous world were nothing compared to this scene.

"This is just the first floor and its already so lively!" Ash felt his blood boiling, he is an adventurous guy by nature, taking risk was always something that he likes to do, not because he is fed up with life, but because the thrill he got from putting his life on the line is something he can't live without.

The first floor is as big as normal football stadium, with spectators seats surrounding in a circular way the sixteen arena bellow, which are named by the alphabets, from A to P

Ash took a seat and watched the fights bellow, although most of these fights are just a pure fist-to-fist exchange with no profound techniques, but still it managed to awaken the bloodthirsty nature hidden in the genes of every human.

Ash become excited, he wants to experience a fight as soon as possible, and see how much thrill he will get from it.

"Number 3987 and number 3989 please enter ring A." The voice of the arena staff came from the radio and resounded through the first floor, everyone heard it clearly, including Ash.

"3987, it's my number!" Ash quickly stood from his place, he descended the stairs and walked toward the ring A.

anyone who reached this place, please leave a comment, heck just a gif or a point! also don't be stingy with power stones, if you liked this fanfic then just give one so i can get some motivation, i'm not a machine that works with electricity! my charge is your cheering guys!

damn! seeing some shitty fanfics in this site getting alot of support make me feel bad!

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