
Hunter x Hunter: Card Apprentice Daily Log

Jack Daniels, a gunshot victim of Earth finds himself alive in his favorite anime Hunter x Hunter as a genius Nen user with the Diamond Grimoire of his favorite Webnovel 'Card Apprentice Daily Log' as his Nen ability. Due to a series of mysterious events, Jack ends up joining Kite's team, Amateur Hunters, on their adventures and mission to conduct a biological survey of the Kakin Empire in the Azian continent. Join Jack on his journey with Kite and his team Amateur Hunters.

IGotStones · Cómic
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12 Chs

Training x Gyou x Ten

"Practice Gyou until it becomes as natural as breathing," Kite instructed Jack as the group marched toward the known settlement of the bipedal lizard magic beast to check what was causing them to leave their habitat. 

Kite woke Jack up early in the morning and talked to him about the four major principles of Nen and how Jack's body seemed to already be aware of these principles even though Jack himself had no idea of them. Jake was easily able to use Gyou and Ten but Kite wanted him to adapt them similar to how he was adapted to his five senses. He felt that with enough training Jack would use Gyou and Ten as naturally as his five senses sight, hearing, smell, etc. 

"But I am practicing Ten right now," Jack complained, after waking up Jack found that his Nen had almost recovered and was full. He found that the nen recovery was fast when he was asleep. According to Kite that was not true for every Nen user. So Jack credited his fast Nen recovery during sleep to his origin card. Since then Kite has him practicing Nen and integrating it with his regular activities. 

One could say Kite's requirements for Jack in terms of Nen training were very high and Jack has not disappointed him so far thanks to this special physique that basically made him a Nen genius even more so than any Nen genius Kite has come across in his life. 

"You should not have a problem practicing both as your body is a natural when it comes to nen," Kite said as the group paced towards their destination not waiting for Jack, who not only had to keep up with them but also practice Ten and Gyou at the same time. 

"..." Jack was having a hard time multitasking between the long walk and practicing Gyou and Ten. Jack could not slack off as Kite would chuck pebbles at him as a form of corporal punishment as if he had his eyes on the back of his head. With force the he put behind the pebbles, they stung Jack even more than being shot by a BB gun. 

"Come on keep up with the group," Kite urged Jack seeing him fall behind the group. Kite knew that Jack's body had already adapted to Nen, the problem was Jack's mind as it was still getting used to having Nen, it would be long before it would subconsciously use Nen like its other senses. 

Therefore, Kite especially created vigorous training for Jack just so that his mind would adapt to Nen as flawlessly as his body did. Training Jack the normal way would only be a waste of time for both of them. Having seen what Jack's Hatsu was capable of Kite felt strongly about this 

"Jack, come on, you can do it," Spin cheered for Jack. The group was faster than usual as they only carried their weapons and some emergency supplies on them since all their language was stored in Jack's storage cards. After successfully creating a bipedal lizard's regeneration ability into a skill card Jack used the remaining ingredient cards to create storage cards to help the group carry all the extra language. 

It was noon since the group started their travel by foot in the early morning as the forest path was not fit for vehicles, they had now already traveled 25 miles and would have covered more ground if not for Jack holding them back. However, Jack was soon able to keep up with the group while actively maintaining his Gyou and Ten so they picked up the pace. He had grown more comfortable with using Gyou and Ten and adapted them into his normal stride. 

As someone who had read the original work, Jack was surprised to find how fast he could adapt and use Nen. After all, even the protagonists, Gon and Killua, took two weeks to get used to using Gyou under the guidance of Biscuit Krugar. But they did train Ren along with Gyou in those two weeks. However, his current goal was not them but King Meruem who was able to learn Nen in seconds thanks to his innate Nen ability Aura Synthesis. 

After trying to create various cards using bipedal lizard magic beast corpses as ingredients Jack knew that his Nen Ability Diamond Grimoire was still not polished for the HxH power system, it was lacking in many areas. However, he was not disappointed as he believed he could use Hatsu to create new Nen abilities or cards that would make up for the shortcomings of the Diamond Grimoire. 

"Let us set up a camp for lunch and a little rest," Kite said finding a good spot to set up camp. Then he turned to Jack who summoned his grimoire to pour out the language from his storage card and instructed, "Jack, you follow me. Now that you have adapted to Gyou and Ten, time to work on your Ren." 

"O-okay!" Jack nodded as the group got to setting up the necessary tableware and campfire to help Dinner prepare the lunch.

Finding a clearing away from the campsite, Kite turned to look at Jack and knocked on the tall tree next to him. To Jack's surprise, he saw the tree split in the middle, forming two exact halves, and fall to the ground. Seeing this he could not help but cuss, "Fuck!" 

Jack knew Kite was strong, very strong but seeing his handsome appearance along with his approachable attitude, he was starting to treat him as just another one of his mates who guided him on how to use Nen forgetting the bloody fiasco last night. But now seeing him split a tall tree in half with just a knock Jack could not help but swallow his saliva in fright. 

"Did you see what I just did?" Kite asked 

"Yes, you gathered your Nen in your knuckle and then knocked on the tree," Jack who could use Gyou as naturally as his sense of sight did not have a problem catching Kite mobilizing his Nen.