
Hunter A Hunter

Hunter A hunter is a fanfiction about man that is summoned to the hunter world.

The_Weeaboo_Lux · Cómic
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44 Chs

The Nearing Of The End

The crowd buzzed with anticipation as Hanzo and Leorio stepped forward for their match. Hanzo, the skilled ninja with an aura of calm confidence, faced Leorio, whose determination and grit had carried him this far in the exam. The two combatants stood opposite each other in the arena, their eyes locked in a silent challenge.

The referee raised his hand, signaling the start of the match. "Begin!"

Leorio, never one to back down from a fight, charged at Hanzo with a fierce battle cry. His fists were clenched, ready to deliver a powerful blow. However, Hanzo remained still, his expression serene and untroubled. As Leorio closed the distance between them, Hanzo's eyes sharpened, his body ready to react.

Just as Leorio swung his fist, Hanzo disappeared in a blur of motion. The crowd gasped in surprise, struggling to keep up with his speed. Before Leorio could even register what had happened, Hanzo reappeared behind him, delivering a swift chop to the back of his neck.

Leorio stumbled forward, the force of the blow disorienting him. He spun around, trying to locate Hanzo, but the ninja was already on the move again. Hanzo's speed and agility were unmatched, making it difficult for Leorio to land a hit.

Hanzo's voice cut through the air, calm and composed. "Leorio, you lack the speed and skill to match me. This fight is over."

Leorio, refusing to give up, swung wildly, hoping to catch Hanzo off guard. But Hanzo easily dodged each attack, his movements fluid and precise. With a swift kick, Hanzo sent Leorio sprawling to the ground.

"Stay down, Leorio," Hanzo advised, his tone almost gentle. "There's no shame in knowing your limits."

Leorio, panting and battered, struggled to his feet. His pride wouldn't let him quit, but deep down, he knew Hanzo was right. The difference in their skill levels was too great.

With a final, desperate lunge, Leorio charged at Hanzo once more. But Hanzo was ready. He sidestepped Leorio's attack and delivered a precise strike to Leorio's solar plexus, knocking the wind out of him. Leorio collapsed to the ground, gasping for breath.

Hanzo strikes a pressure point to wake Leorio. once Leorio awakens he saw that he had lost and forfeits the match hoping to win the next.

The referee stepped forward, raising his hand to signal the end of the match. "The winner is Hanzo!"

The crowd erupted in applause, acknowledging Hanzo's skill and Leorio's bravery. Hanzo extended a hand to Leorio, helping him to his feet.

"You fought well, Leorio," Hanzo said with genuine respect. "But you need more training before you can challenge someone like me."

Leorio, though disappointed, managed a weak smile. "Yeah, I guess I do. Thanks for the lesson, Hanzo."

Hanzo nodded, appreciating Leorio's sportsmanship. As they left the arena, the next contestants began to prepare for their match. The Hunter Exam continued, each duel bringing the participants closer to their ultimate goal.

Despite the loss, Leorio felt a renewed determination. He had much to learn, but he wouldn't give up. The path to becoming a Hunter was fraught with challenges, but he was ready to face them, no matter how tough they were.

Next ...

The crowd buzzed with excitement as Dice and Leorio stepped forward for their match. Dice, with her confident smile and undeniable charm, faced Leorio, who had just endured a tough loss against Hanzo. The two combatants stood opposite each other in the arena, their eyes locked in silent challenge.

The referee raised his hand, signaling the start of the match. "Begin!"

Dice, always the strategist, decided to play to her strengths. She sauntered towards Leorio, her movements slow and deliberate, accentuating her curves. Her eyes sparkled with mischief as she addressed him, "Leorio, darling, do you really want to fight me? We could find... other ways to settle this."

Leorio's resolve wavered for a moment. Dice was undeniably attractive, and her flirtatious tone was disarming. He found himself blushing, his mind momentarily distracted by her allure. Dice took advantage of this, moving closer, her hand lightly brushing against his arm. "You know, Leorio," she whispered, "it would be such a shame to ruin that handsome face of yours."

The crowd watched, some in amusement, others in disbelief, as Dice continued her seductive approach. Leorio's internal struggle was evident; he had come so far and couldn't afford to lose now, but Dice's charm was difficult to resist.

Leorio took a deep breath, trying to shake off the effect Dice was having on him. He remembered why he was here, all the trials he had overcome, and the dream he was chasing. "I can't lose like this," he muttered to himself, determination hardening his gaze.

Dice, sensing a shift in Leorio's demeanor, leaned in closer, her lips almost touching his ear. "Leorio, why don't you just give up? We can both walk away from this, no harm done."

Leorio grinned, a mischievous glint in his eye. He decided to fight fire with fire. "You know, Dice," he said, his voice taking on a playful tone, "you're right. It would be a shame to ruin your beautiful face too."

Before Dice could react, Leorio pulled a small trick from his sleeve. He reached out and lightly tickled her side, causing her to jump back in surprise. "What are you doing?" she demanded, her composure momentarily lost.

Leorio seized the opportunity, lunging forward and grabbing her wrist, using a move he had picked up from one of his medical textbooks. Dice struggled, but Leorio's grip was firm. "Sorry, Dice," he said, "but I can't let you win this easily."

With a quick twist, Leorio maneuvered Dice into a position where she couldn't escape. Despite her initial shock, Dice's eyes flashed with anger and frustration. She tried to wriggle free, but Leorio's hold was too strong. Realizing she had underestimated him, Dice finally accepted her defeat.

The referee stepped forward, raising his hand to signal the end of the match. "The winner is Leorio!"

The crowd erupted in applause, acknowledging Leorio's unexpected victory. Dice, though furious at first, couldn't help but respect Leorio's cleverness. She nodded, a grudging smile on her face. "You got me, Leorio. Well played."

Leorio released her, breathing a sigh of relief. "Thanks, Dice. You almost had me there."

Dice chuckled, shaking her head. "Next time, Leorio, I won't be so easy on you."

As they left the arena, Leorio felt a sense of accomplishment. He had managed to win, not through brute strength or superior skill, but by using his wits. The Hunter Exam continued, each duel bringing the participants closer to their ultimate goal.

Despite the unconventional method he used, Leorio felt proud. He had proven to himself that he could think on his feet and adapt to any situation. The path to becoming a Hunter was challenging, but Leorio was ready for whatever came next.

The anticipation was palpable in the arena as the final phase of the Hunter Exam commenced. The remaining candidates stood at the ready, each determined to secure their Hunter license. Among them, Nicolas faced off against Pokkle, a skilled archer known for his precision and agility. The match was set to be a clash of styles, with Nicolas's martial arts against Pokkle's archery.

The referee raised his hand, signaling the start of the match. "Begin!"

Pokkle wasted no time, swiftly nocking an arrow and drawing his bow. With practiced ease, he let the arrow fly, aiming directly at Nicolas. The arrow whizzed through the air, but Nicolas was ready. He dodged to the side, feeling the rush of air as the arrow narrowly missed him.

Pokkle's dominance was immediately evident. He continued to fire arrow after arrow, each one expertly aimed. Nicolas found himself on the defensive, dodging and weaving to avoid the deadly projectiles. Pokkle's accuracy was astounding; each arrow came closer and closer to hitting its mark.

For the first half of the fight, it seemed like Pokkle had the upper hand. His archery skills kept Nicolas at bay, preventing him from closing the distance. Nicolas's attempts to approach were met with a barrage of arrows, forcing him to retreat and rethink his strategy.

The crowd watched with bated breath as Pokkle maintained his relentless assault. His confidence grew with each arrow that found its mark, albeit narrowly missing Nicolas's vital points. Pokkle's strategy was clear: keep Nicolas at a distance and whittle him down with precise, calculated shots.

Nicolas, however, was not one to be easily discouraged. Despite the pressure, he remained calm, his mind racing to devise a plan. He knew he had to get in close, where his martial arts skills would give him the advantage. Dodging another arrow, Nicolas took a deep breath and concentrated.

Unbeknownst to him he had unlocked his Nen. 

With a burst of speed, Nicolas dashed forward, closing the gap between him and Pokkle. Pokkle, taken aback by the sudden change in pace, hastily fired another arrow. This time, Nicolas anticipated the move, deflecting the arrow with a swift kick. The arrow clattered to the ground harmlessly.

Pokkle's eyes widened in surprise, but he quickly recovered, drawing two arrows at once. He released them simultaneously, aiming to catch Nicolas off guard. Nicolas responded with a display of agility, flipping over the arrows and landing gracefully like a ballerina in front of Pokkle.

The tables began to turn as Nicolas launched into a series of martial arts techniques. He delivered a rapid combination of punches and kicks, forcing Pokkle to abandon his bow and defend himself with his hands. Pokkle's agility and reflexes were commendable, but Nicolas's close-quarters combat skills proved superior.

Nicolas used a variety of martial arts styles, blending them seamlessly into his attacks. He employed swift, precise strikes from Wing Chun, powerful kicks from Taekwondo, and fluid grapples from Jiu-Jitsu. Each move was executed with precision and purpose, overwhelming Pokkle's defenses.

Pokkle tried to counterattack, but Nicolas was relentless. He caught Pokkle's arm mid-punch and twisted it into a joint lock, forcing Pokkle to his knees. With a swift movement, Nicolas disarmed Pokkle, sending his bow clattering to the ground.

The crowd erupted in cheers as Nicolas demonstrated his dominance. He maintained his grip on Pokkle, preventing any chance of escape. Pokkle struggled, but Nicolas's hold was unyielding. With a final, decisive move, Nicolas swept Pokkle's legs out from under him and pinned him to the ground. pokkle feeling helpless surrenders.

The referee stepped forward, raising his hand to signal the end of the match. "Winner: Nicolas!"

The crowd's applause was deafening as Nicolas released Pokkle and stood up. He extended a hand to his fallen opponent, helping him to his feet. Pokkle, though defeated, accepted the gesture with grace. "Well fought, Nicolas. Your skills are impressive."

Nicolas smiled, nodding in acknowledgment. "You too, Pokkle. Your archery is truly remarkable."

As they left the arena, Nicolas felt a sense of accomplishment wash over him. The month of training had paid off, and he had proven his abilities. His victory was a testament to his determination and the hard work he had put in.

In the audience, Satotz and Lipo watched with pride. "He's come a long way," Satotz remarked, his eyes never leaving Nicolas.

Lipo nodded in agreement. "Indeed. Both Nicolas and Yuuma have shown great promise. They have a bright future ahead of them."

Netero nodded and agreement "I agree, they have a lot of potential I can't wait to see how he grows from here."

Back in the waiting area, Yuuma greeted Nicolas with a congratulatory pat on the back. "You did it, Nicolas. That was an incredible fight."

Nicolas grinned; his confidence bolstered by the victory. "Thanks, boss. I couldn't have done it without everything we've been through."

Yuuma nodded, his expression serious yet proud. "This is just the beginning. We have a lot more to accomplish, but for now, let's celebrate this victory."

As the final phase of the Hunter Exam continued, the remaining candidates prepared for their own matches. Each one was determined to prove their worth and earn their Hunter license. For Nicolas and Yuuma, the journey had just begun, and they were ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.


The crowd buzzed with excitement as Dice and Leorio stepped forward for their match. Dice, with her confident smile and undeniable charm, faced Leorio, who had just endured a tough loss against Hanzo. The two combatants stood opposite each other in the arena, their eyes locked in silent challenge.

The referee raised his hand, signaling the start of the match. "Begin!"

Dice, always the strategist, decided to play to her strengths. She sauntered towards Leorio, her movements slow and deliberate, accentuating her curves. Her eyes sparkled with mischief as she addressed him, "Leorio, darling, do you really want to fight me? We could find... other ways to settle this."

Leorio's resolve wavered for a moment. Dice was undeniably attractive, and her flirtatious tone was disarming. He found himself blushing, his mind momentarily distracted by her allure. Dice took advantage of this, moving closer, her hand lightly brushing against his arm. "You know, Leorio," she whispered, "it would be such a shame to ruin that handsome face of yours."

The crowd watched, some in amusement, others in disbelief, as Dice continued her seductive approach. Leorio's internal struggle was evident; he had come so far and couldn't afford to lose now, but Dice's charm was difficult to resist.

Leorio took a deep breath, trying to shake off the effect Dice was having on him. He remembered why he was here, all the trials he had overcome, and the dream he was chasing. "I can't lose like this," he muttered to himself, determination hardening his gaze.

Dice, sensing a shift in Leorio's demeanor, leaned in closer, her lips almost touching his ear. "Leorio, why don't you just give up? We can both walk away from this, no harm done."

Leorio grinned, a mischievous glint in his eye. He decided to fight fire with fire. "You know, Dice," he said, his voice taking on a playful tone, "you're right. It would be a shame to ruin your beautiful face too."

Before Dice could react, Leorio pulled a small trick from his sleeve. He reached out and lightly tickled her side, causing her to jump back in surprise. "What are you doing?" she demanded, her composure momentarily lost.

Leorio seized the opportunity, lunging forward and grabbing her wrist, using a move he had picked up from one of his medical textbooks. Dice struggled, but Leorio's grip was firm. "Sorry, Dice," he said, "but I can't let you win this easily."

With a quick twist, Leorio maneuvered Dice into a position where she couldn't escape. Despite her initial shock, Dice's eyes flashed with anger and frustration. She tried to wriggle free, but Leorio's hold was too strong. Realizing she had underestimated him, Dice finally accepted her defeat.

The referee stepped forward, raising his hand to signal the end of the match. "The winner is Leorio!"

The crowd erupted in applause, acknowledging Leorio's unexpected victory. Dice, though furious at first, couldn't help but respect Leorio's cleverness. She nodded, a grudging smile on her face. "You got me, Leorio. Well played."

Leorio released her, breathing a sigh of relief. "Thanks, Dice. You almost had me there."

Dice chuckled, shaking her head. "Next time, Leorio, I won't be so easy on you."

As they left the arena, Leorio felt a sense of accomplishment. He had managed to win, not through brute strength or superior skill, but by using his wits. The Hunter Exam continued, each duel bringing the participants closer to their ultimate goal.

Despite the unconventional method he used, Leorio felt proud. He had proven to himself that he could think on his feet and adapt to any situation. The path to becoming a Hunter was challenging, but Leorio was ready for whatever came next.

To be continued....

I did not like how short the last chapter was so I buckled down in edit my manuscipt to create a longer chapter.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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