
Chapter 40: Town

It's all Reid can do to not collapse in a heap and never get up again. The fence just stands there and hums its electric

heart out, offering nothing in the way of comfort. It can't be. It just. Can't. Be. Reid's head whips back and forth,

searching both directions while he paws through his memories of where the moon should be. It's possible he's wrong, and

somehow he's made it and is looking at the reverse side. But the glowing half disc above him tells him what he needs to

know as it climbs overhead, uncaring and about its own business.

They are still on the wrong side of the fence.

Reid does fall then, his knees taking the impact as he lets himself slump forward, out of strength and so tired he's

ready to quit. But he has one thing to do before he can curl up and let it end.

He has to tell the others. The thought of them in the town, running around, making so much noise, spikes his fear back