
Humans Are Gods

Humans were once gods but our divinity has been sealed. However, the seal is leaking, combining with our focus on numerous fictions to create countless demi-planes based on fictional worlds. This has destabilized the space around Earth creating rifts leading to these worlds. Javier Jaun Cortez gets sucked into the first rift to open up and isekai'ed. His body is disassembled and reassembled on the other side in the process, breaking the seal on his divinity. Join him on his journey through countless worlds, he conquer, he will save and he will return. Read on Reddit for more here: https://www.reddit.com/user/TyroTurtle/submitted/ P.S. I posted on here so that people can't steal my story and post it here. So most updates will be on Reddit. My story is in the Humanity Fuck Yeah subreddit community.

Tyroturtle · Fantasía
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2 Chs

Chapter 1 Isekai?

"Javier Juan Cortez!"

"Ya, Mom?"

Mama Cortez, " I don't get to see you much ever since you moved to Texas. Come here miho."

After hugging my mom I made for the door. I still had to get more food for Christmas, I just hope they still had turkey, it's only 2 days till Christmas after all.

Mama Cortez, "Don't forget the cranberry sauce, iho!"

Javier, "Yes, mother!"

Papa Cortez opened the paper at the table, "You and your cranberry sauce."

I closed the door to my parent's apartment and made my way downstairs, snow was already falling, coating the ground in white. I was almost at the bottom of the stairs when a crack in space with a void inside that sucked in the light and snow opened at the bottom of the staircase.

Javier, "Shit!"

The crack in space was sucking in the surrounding air too, I felt myself being picked off my feet and being sucked toward the portal, but I grabbed the railing. Unfortunately, the railing was covered in snow and I couldn't hold on for more than a few seconds before my hand slipped off the railing. I was sucked into the portal and I felt it as my body was broken down and rebuilt on the other side.

When my vision returned I was in a temperate forest with gigantic trees, I looked behind myself and the crack in space snapped shut. The sun looked bigger here, but just as I was taking in my surroundings something happened to me. I felt immense pain as my blood became like liquid fire flowing through my veins and I felt like I was being hit by countless lightning bolts. My bones cracked as they were broken down and rebuilt, my heart beat a thousand miles an hour and kept getting faster. Soon my heartbeat was breaking the sound barrier, racking my body with the pain of rapid sonic booms. I lost consciousness from the pain.

When I woke up my clothes no longer fit and hugged my body while showing my new eight-pack abs. I looked at my arms and they were built like a statue of Atlas. My light tan skin was now a rich caramel color, when I stood up I could tell I was taller. If before I was 5'6 now I was a good 6'5. I clasped my hand into a fist and heard a sonic boom emit from it as I did so. I took a look down my pants and noticed I was three times bigger. When I looked around I could feel some sort of sixth sense stretch out from my mind engulfing the area in a mile and I could tell I could take it even further. So I did and I felt it engulf this entire world which was apparently a plane, huh weird. This world had five continents and a frozen wasteland on its edge basically a flat earther's wet dream. I was in the central area of one of the northern continents. Winter was going to be harsh. This seems like a fantasy world soooo.... I wonder....

Raising my hand I attempted to create a fireball, and it popped into existence above my palm. Then I closed my hand and snuffed it out with my will. Next, I created a simple pair of linen clothes a black tunic, black pants, black leather cowboy boots, and a black hooded cloak with a black mantle. I took my cell phone, wallet, and keys out of my old clothes, then transferred them to my new ones. Looking at my cellphone I turned it off to save the battery. Next, I created a large iron staff shaped like a gnarled wooden staff. I would be pretending to be a mage, as I might just be something far more powerful right now.

Next experiment, I created an eagle-sized crow, and success I can create life. However, it didn't follow directions so I attempted to create a way to make it loyal to me. After a while, I got sidetracked and discovered I could manipulate gravity a law of the universe, so why not create a law of loyalty? So that's what I did I then attached the law of loyalty to the large crow.

Javier, "Perch on my shoulder."

The crow then flew up to my shoulder and perched there. Awesome, "Make sure not to poop on me. Now then you need a name, how about Grimm, like from the brother's Grimm fairy tales."

Grimm, "Caawww!"

Javier, "Grimm it is then."

This next thing could be what makes or breaks my future journey to civilization, flight. With gravity control, I attempted to create a gravitational field around myself so I could fly. It worked however perhaps I should build a home base first... Nah I can do that later, wanna see what these people are like first. First, though I don't wanna accidentally injure someone with my immense super strength. Through various experiments with laws, I created a limiter that could seal 99.99% of my muscular strength, and release it at will. Thus I took off into the sky and flew toward the nearest village.