
Humans and Gods

This is story about Michikatsu Kamado, descendant of Tanjiro Kamado, a man who killed Demon King Muzan, but in different reality where worlds of Highschool DxD and Kimetsu no Yaiba cross each other. After tragedy 14 years ago, Michikatsu's friend contact him and request him to do some job. Michikatsu stopped hesitating when his friend said he has information about the culprits of his family's death. This is how one of the strongest Demons Slayers become teacher in school and bodyguard of certain heiress. _____________________________ I know what you think "Another fic of DxD, meh", but don't be surprised. Dxd world have amazing background and potential for writers, you can place any character there and it will fit anyway. Besides I think Demon Slayers will fit perfectly xD. And yes, MC will stick with Rias group. I see that majority of fics decide to avoid them, so I want to write something opposite. I hope that someone will like it. I don't own Highschool DxD, Kimetsu no Yaiba and cover (it's from Pinterest). And yes, I know it's Yoriichi on the cover, not the Michikatsu, I just like both brothers so I mixed them ;P I'm still a student so I only know English this much that they teach me at School and sometimes I have to use Google Translator, so please be lenient with me and I'm sorry if your eyes will bleed. And please write in comment if I have to correct or change something to make this fan-fic better. It was long time ago when I last watched DxD so minor events may not be chronological and I advice to think of it as a parallel world and don't compare it to the original. Just think of it as a completely different story. I don't know if it will be Harem or Romance, it depends on how the story goes, but for Harem is Max 4 girls, more is just too much to handle. I will add one girl for sure but if it turn out to be harem story, then it's for you to decide about 3 other girls.

Ice_Pillar · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
8 Chs

Chapter 5

"Hmmm... So you say that you lost contact when your clansmen attacked you and aunt Shuri... But that doesn't explain anything. Like why my brother asked him for help? Where does he know Sona's sister? What is his connection with the supernatural world?" Pondered Rias aloud.

"We never really talked about it. We were just kids back then. All my mother mentioned is that my ancestor and his were acquainted, so our families have known each other since then. I remember that when I was younger, adults used to talk about how unimaginable talent he has in swordsmanship." Explained Akeno to Rias and others in the room. "I shouldn't talk about his past without his consent. And it'll be better if you don't ask either... It's a sensitive topic." She turned gloomy after memories of her time with the Kamado family appeared in her head. She didn't say anything anymore.

"But he has to be strong. Otherwise, Lucifer-same wouldn't choose him to protect you, President. Even Heavenly Dragon admitted that he is strong." Pointed Kiba.

"Then is he an Exorcist? Maybe a Mage? No, he wouldn't carry a sword then..." Mumbled Issei. "Maybe he's not a human at all, but a fallen in disguise or something like that?"

"You didn't listen to what Akeno said earlier? She has known him since childhood, he has to be a human." Corrected him Rias.

"I-oh, you are right." Said Issei embarrassed.

Rias was tapping her fingers against her thigh. She was in a bad mood. Her only option was to contact her brother and get a serious explanation, and if possible, get rid of her self-named bodyguard. Since Sona left for the SCR with her Peerage Members, it was only Rias and her servants, so she didn't waste any time and called her brother via magic circle. After a few seconds, Sirzechs responded.

[Yes, my beloved sister?] Sirzechs' voice traveled across the room.

"You know why I'm calling. What is the meaning of this? Why didn't you even discuss it with me or ask for my opinion? You just sent a letter. I can take care of myself." Rias immediately started complaining to her brother.

[Calm down. I didn't because I knew how you would react. Unfortunately for you, I'm not going to change my mind. I've made a deal with him so I can't just cancel it. And don't bother to call parents, they already know about everything.]

"What deal? I don't care! You sent a stranger to protect me! Can you at least send one of your Peerage or Grayfia?"

[They have their jobs, I can't bother them with that. Besides, Michikatsu is more than just capable, trust me. And please, try to cooperate and be nice to him, he is my friend.]

"You have friends?"

[Hey!! That was rude! Okay, listen, I have to go. Please, tell Michikatsu that I will visit him Friday afternoon. Bye~]

Magic Circle faded when Sirzechs cut off the connection. Rias was sitting and massaging her temples. 'You stupid brother! Why do you all have to make decisions for me?!'


"Thank you, ma'am. I promise that won't repeat anymore. Have a nice day." Michikatsu said to the Headmistress as he left her office, closing the door behind him. He leaned on the wall next to the door. 'What a woman...' he thought.

She was in her mid-forties but she didn't look like it at all. Even Michikatsu couldn't take his eyes off her, which embarrassed him, but it looked like she was satisfied with his reaction.

"I can't believe she is older than me... She is dangerous..." He massaged the back of his neck.

"Whatever, I should go home." He sighed and started walking back to the exit. As he walked, he couldn't help but think about the whole situation with Akeno. It wasn't like he didn't know she was with Sirzechs' sister, quite the opposite, it was him who asked Sirzechs to help them. He just totally forgot about it. And when they finally met, he panicked.

Lost in his thought he arrived at the entrance gate. He took out a cigarette and put it in his mouth, but before he reached for a lighter, he grabbed his phone from his pocket and quickly checked where his new house was.

With a corner of his eye, he noticed something, a few steps away on the right. Someone was standing, leaning on the pillar of the gate from the roadside. He felt that person was watching him. Slowly turning his head, he directly looked at the person. He blinked. Once. Twice. And again.

"What took you so long?" She brushed her long, dark hair. It was Akeno. Michikatsu's mind froze momentarily. He was just staring at her with an unlit cigarette in his mouth. Just when he was thinking about what to say to her, how to explain himself, she appeared out of nowhere.

" I-" He couldn't even say something because the next moment she snatched a cigarette from his mouth. "Hey!"

"Since when do you smoke? It's bad for your health." She said strictly, a little annoyed that she found that he smokes. She threw it to the side, but Michikatsu swiftly caught it mid-air.

"Hey! Don't just throw it away, it's not as cheap as you think!" He put it back in the pack and shoved it into the pocket. "What are you doing here? You don't have lessons? Or your club's activities?" He asked, trying to change the topic.

"I don't. I thought you were going to run away again and it looks like I was right." She sent him a glare.

Michikatsu scratched the back of his head and smiled wryly, feeling a little guilty. "So you decided to ambush me? I didn't know you were such a yandere hahaha." He tried to make a joke to loosen the tension.

"You have no idea." She said seriously. The joke backfired...

He was stunned for a moment but sighed soon after. "Listen Akeno. I know you are angry with me, no, you are mad at me. And you have a reason to be. Let's talk about it tomorrow, I have to unpack my stuff and do some other things, okay?" He looked at her apologetically and wanted to turn around and leave, but she suddenly grabbed him by his hand.

"You aren't going anywhere!" She raised her voice and she almost yelled. Holding tightly his hand, she lowered her head and continued speaking. "You aren't going anywhere... Why do you want to avoid me so much?! Am I some kind of disease to you? Do you hate me?" She looked in his eyes, with tears of her own.

"What, of course not! Don't say anything like that ever again!" He walked closer and wiped tears that slid down her cheeks. But the moment he got even closer, she threw her arms around him and hid her head in his chest. He widened his eyes, he was surprised. With such a sudden movement she slightly knocked him out of balance so his arms automatically embraced her back to not fall on the ground. "A-Akeno, what are you doing?"

She looked up, as she was a head shorter than he, but there wasn't a trace of tears, her eyes weren't even read. She just looked at him playfully and stuck out her tongue which was accompanied by a giggle. "What-"

"OMG!! I told you they were a thing! I told you!!"

"No way... No way! Why?! Because he is older?!!"

"Don't worry bro! He is a teacher and she is a student! We just have to report it!"

"Kiyaaa~!! They even hugged!! Did you see how he was staring at her!!"

"H-Hey! Kids! I said, Sit down!"

Hearing multiple voices, Michikatsu looked towards the school building. There he saw it. Tens of heads belonging to students and even some teachers staring at him and Akeno through the windows. He was just staring at them but then it clicked in his head. 'This girl...'

"You are unbelievable... *sigh*" He just sighed and massaged his nose bridge, with Akeno still glued to him. "So this is your little revenge, great actress? You know that there are going to be rumors about us now?"

She just giggled and snuggled deeper into his arms. "Mmm~ I don't mind at all~... It will give me a headstart...." She said the last part quietly and he almost missed it. Almost.

Michikatsu sighed again, a little tired now with her jokes. He gently pushed her off him and shouted at the audience.

"The show is over! Go back to your lessons! Show some respect to your teachers! If I see a single pair of eyes in this direction you'll write a test! Every! Single! Day!" He yelled. There was a moment of silence and then everyone disappeared from the windows.

He looked at Akeno, just standing there and smiling, clearly satisfied with what she did. "I'll remember that, be prepared for my Vengeance!" He said jokingly, making her giggle again.

She once again took his hand, but this time she interlocked her fingers with him. "Let's go. I bet you are hungry." She pulled him gently leading the way, without waiting for his response.

"What, but where?" He asked, completely unmoved by the fact they are walking and holding hands. From Michikatsu's memories, they used to walk like that all the time, so it didn't bother him. He thought that Akeno just wanted to feel like in the old days.

"To my house, of course. Mom should be done with dinner by now. You have no idea how she'll be surprised when she sees you~" Responded Akeno walking in front with a cheerful smile, humming happily.

'Oh, crap... Auntie...'

«^» «^» «^» «^» «^» «^» «^» «^» «^» «^»

"It's a nice place." Said Michikatsu admiring the surroundings. He and Akeno were walking down the road set with rocks, on his left and right stood a few sculptures without any moss on them. A clear sign that Akeno and her mother kept this place in check.

"Thank you." Responded Akeno with a small smile. They arrived at the main building where the shrine was located. Only then did she let go of his hand and did a short prayer. She glanced at Michikatsu and noticed that he was just standing there, looking around like some kind of tourist.

She nudged him in the ribs with her elbow, quite hard. "Ugh! What now?!" He asked, startled by her sudden punch. She gestured towards the shrine with her head, giving him an obvious sign. He just rolled his eyes and did a cross sign on his body, finished by "Amen".

Akeno was taken aback for a moment. He did that mockingly, that's not the way you pray at Japanese shrines. She just sighed and shook her head. "You seem to be irritated, why?" She asked him.

"Without a reason. Listen, the place is beautiful and all, but can we keep going?" He glanced at the shrine and frowned for a moment before putting on his usual smile, but that small change didn't escape Akeno's eyes.

"Sure. I didn't know you missed my mom so much~" She decided to ignore his strange reaction and change the topic.

"Hmmm, if you were at least a half as charming as your mother then I would have missed you too. Hahahaha." Seeing a glare she shot him he couldn't help but chuckle. "I'm just joking. Not funny when you're at the receiving end, huh?" He bumped his shoulder into her's in a friendly manner.

"Hmph!" That was her reaction. 'Strong offense, weak defense, huh?' Thought Michikatsu.

After a few moments, they arrived in front of the small, one-story house built in traditional Japanese style. In front of the house was a woman dressed in Miko attire. She had beautiful facial features with light brown eyes. Her hair was black and long, tied in a high ponytail with a purple ribbon. She was sweeping the stone path while humming, which along with her smile gave her a true charming appearance. If you thought that Akeno is a beauty, then now you know where it comes from. She noticed someone approaching her, thus she stopped what she was doing and looked up.

"Oh, welcome home, Akeno. Aren't you a little too early? And who is behind you?" Asked Shuri with a smile.

"Hi, mom. My lessons got canceled so they let us go earlier. We've got a new teacher in a school and he came to visit." Explained Akeno with a playful smile.

"Oh my, I hope you didn't do anything... Wrong..." Her words trailed off when the man behind Akeno stepped forward. Her eyes widened in surprise, she covered her mouth in shock.


The sweeping brush fell on the ground, hitting the stones. Shuri gasped, shocked by the man's appearance. "Michi-Kun? Is... Is it you, Michikatsu?" She said quietly under her nose.

Michikatsu smiled awkwardly and waved his hand. "H-Hi, auntie. You look good as always, haha."

Shuri looked at Akeno, thinking that this could be some kind of joke, but she knew Akeno wasn't like that, thus when she saw her nods with a smile, Shuri walked at a fast pace towards Michikatsu. Expecting a slap to his face, he closed his eyes and clenched his teeth. But instead of sharp pain on his cheek, he felt arms around his head pulling him down, towards something soft.

Opening his eyes in surprise he realized that he was hugged by Shuri. "You are back... You are not dead... I'm so happy..." He heard her cracking voice, even though she tried to hide it. "We thought something happened to you..." She hugged him even stronger. "But it looks like you're completely fine, so tell me. Was it so hard to contact us? Hmmm, ~?"

"A-auntie? I enjoy the situation but..! I'm suffocating-! Ack!" She squeezed him so hard that he started to have problems with breathing. Though none of them noticed a frown on Akeno's face when she heard the first part.

"Hmmm~? You said something?" Shuri looked down with a smile that sent chills down his spine.

'I knew it! Auntie was always like that! She's a monster!' Thought Michikatsu crying inwardly. Seeing that he was struggling and her mom was enjoying herself too much, Akeno decided to step in.

"It's enough mom, he may faint."

"Oh my~ You are right. Come on in. I have dinner prepared." She let him go as if nothing happened, with a cheerful smile. "We can hear your excuses while eating~" She glanced at Michikatsu who was catching his breath and walked inside.

He smiled wryly and scratched his head. "Of course, aunt Shuri." Seeing that she disappeared inside the house, he sighed, feeling tired. "Your mom hasn't changed at all... She still likes to bully me..." He complained to Akeno, wiping imaginary tears.

Akeno snorted, "I'm surprised she took it that lightly. I expected something more... dramatic?"

"You mean like?" He asked curiously.

"Hmm~ I don't know, slap in the face or two, maybe fireball. Something like that." She shrugged and went after her mother, leaving bewildered Michikatsu alone.

A sigh escaped his mouth a moment after. "I want to go home already..." He said as he followed the two women.


Author's note:

Hey, chapter for you dear readers!

I'm sorry for the quality, I didn't write anything in some time.

I also decided to soon update another chap of my MHA fic.

Another thing, I have too many ideas for fanfics, I'm not joking, there are too many of them that I'm kinda lost. I think it's fine to start something new, in the end, this FanFic has only 5 chapters. So I decided to write at least one or two chapters of each of my new FanFics and see which one will be the most comfortable to write for me. I will try to post them all at once at the end of next week.

My ideas:


Black Clover- Angel magic or Necromancy (not like that dude with the one-paged grimoire, sth more powerful and not like Solo Leveling necromancy, more like the classic old school one.)

Naruto, but in the Minato Namikaze's generation timeline, the MC will have Ketsuryugan, I found this dojutsu underrated and I think it's kinda cool to manipulate blood and other fluids with iron, with additional strong genjutsu comparable to the Sharingan.

Classroom of the Elite but with the apocalypse, you know, zombies and so on but more like that from World War Z and some other variants.

GATE FanFic but in an alternative universe where Earth is invaded, the conflict between Magic/Fantasy and Technology/modern world

Crossover between the Second Coming of the Gluttony and the Gothic, the MC will be the chosen one of the Addanos, the God of the balance. (For those not familiar with Gothic I advise you to read about it, especially about the gods. Addanos my fav *w*)

I also thought of a typical RPG like fantasy FanFic, you know with different races, classes, LvL's, and so on, but more serious and dark like Goblin Slayer and The Witcher.


Just comment what you think, if none of them will be alright, I'll just continue with this one or with MHA Fic.