
Humanity's Greatest Mecha Warrior System

Max always wanted a more exciting life, and after being reincarnated into the far future and a Galaxy in constant war, his wish was granted. Discovered to have a high compatibility with his new world's Technological System, he was drafted as a child into training to become one of their elite Mecha Pilots, the heroes of the Kingdom who face down even the mightiest of threats from inside giant Mecha, wielding the mightiest of weapons known to mankind. All he has to do is prove himself worthy. https://discord.gg/hxTpqZQtKN

Aoki_Aku · Ciencia y ficción
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1266 Chs

267 Negotiations

From the inventory that the crews had produced, they had more than enough of the materials that they intended to trade already processed, so Max simply ordered the crews to prepare the required amounts for shipment, in preparation for their arrival at the space station.

That left him with only one more essential detail to plan. If the station didn't allow them to dock, they would need to use one of the Pirate vessels as a shuttle to bring the materials to the station, so they could have the barge bring their payment back to them.

But the ships were currently designated as Pirate Vessels, with communications systems that any respectable station would realize weren't legitimate even if they didn't recognize them as wanted Pirates right away.

That meant he would need to get all of the essential details changed within the next day so that they could safely venture out to meet with others and not risk being immediately arrested.