
Human Hunter

This story is about an insane and overwhelmingly skilled murderer nicknamed - Human Hunter. Disgusted with the way mankind has polluted, damaged, and overtaken the earth, he makes it his mission to return the favor. One day hoping to eradicate the human race entirely, giving this planet back to who it truly belongs to. Nature. Throughout his journey, Human Hunter will encounter beings he didn't know existed, abilities he wasn't aware were possible, and odds that will require his entire arsenal to overcome. No matter what is thrown his way though, Human Hunter never strays from his ideals, and continues to hunt.. every.. last.. human.

UnformedStatue · Fantasía
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36 Chs

What the Future Holds

"What the fuck was that!?" Aria screamed. Once they had left the area, she had lost all fear of disrespecting Human Hunter.

Benson looked stunned at her tone.

"I already told you.. that I'm as clueless as you are." Human Hunter replyed, keeping his eyes locked ahead. As much as both kids usually tried not to talk back to him, Human Hunter rarely ever became angered with them. He was a rather calm sort of guy when he wasn't slaughtering large groups of people.

"A-Aria..!!" Benson stuttered. "How dare you use such language when speaking to him!"

"You think I give a fuck??" She was losing it, "I signed up for this shit to kill people not to run from insane alien fucking psychos!" Aria started to shake.

Human Hunter still kept his gaze set forward. "Then leave."

This angered Aria even more. "Leave?? Why the hell would I do that?! Now that I've been roped into this shit, without you I'm fucking screwed!!"

"LANGUAGE Aria!" Benson was acting like a parent again.

She looked directly at him like the devil. "Benson.. shut your fuckin mouth.."

Human Hunter sighed. "Listen.. you're both going to be fine. Neither of you can die before fulfilling our goal.. our uhh.. promise. Now, we're heading over to see a.. friend of mine.. I guess you could call them. They've warned me about things like this, but I always pushed it off as nonsense and didn't pay much attention to what they were saying. They're probably going to be pissed, but I can handle it so try not to get involved."

Benson saluted, "Yes sir! And I thank you for your concern in our safety, I assure you that we will not die until we have eradicated all humans!" He turned back slightly, and nudged Aria to respond as well.

Chin rested on her hand, Aria said, "I don't care where we go, as long as it's somewhere that'll keep me alive for a while."

"Good. I'm glad there aren't any complaints." Human Hunter took a sharp turn, "Until we get there I'll be assessing what just happened in my head, trying to make sense of it. You two should do the same. Either way though, we should gain some answers once we arrive at this place."

"How long are we staying here..?" Aria asked. She seemed to have calmed down rather quickly.

"I'm not sure." Human Hunter answered, "Long enough to allow ourselves to build another secure base, emergency HQ, and tunneling system. Plus we'll need to figure this alien crap out, or whatever those things are called."

Hours passed. Flying over vast forests and through tall mountains, the group, in a way, was on a family road trip.

After nineteen long hours, finally, they arrived at a futuristic looking temple like structure, which sat atop one of the tallest mountains.

Landing, and exiting the vehicle, the group came to realize that the ground was rather flat. This made traversing the high landscape simple. Though Human Hunter, having already been here before, was already aware of this. It was mostly Aria and Benson who were surprised. Halt payed no attention to it.

Entering the large structure, they encountered an elderly man who sat with his legs crossed on the far side of the room.

The old man stood up, walked over, and smacked Human Hunter behind the head with a stick. His walking stick that is.

"Bafoon! What did I tell you! I said the Sapients would be on their way sooner or later, but the oh so great Human Hunter just blew me off!"

Benson had to hold himself back from defending Human Hunter.

Human Hunter didn't even flinch at the whack. "Yeah, I know. Sorry. But now's not the time for punishment, we need to do something about this and quick." He sat upon a nearby bench, "So, what do you know?"

After Human Hunter discreetly waved them off, Benson, Halt, and Aria went to explore the place.

The old man, who went by the name of Aurora, sat down on another bench opposite to Human Hunter. He sighed. "You know, this would have been a lot simpler if you had just heeded my advice when I told you ahead of time. Well, I guess for once you are correct, complaining about it now will do me no good."

"Right." Human Hunter stared at him.

"So with that being said, I'll tell you again. Ahem.."

Narrated by Aurora..

There was a time when all living things stayed within a set path. They didn't stray like humans of today do. The food chain was balanced, and people as well as animals, lived on mostly equal footing. That is until one day, a despicable race by the name of the Sapients came along.

They are the ones who granted Humans with the knowledge they inherit today. Technological advancements were made because the Sapients, who are a race that travels to different planets messing with the ecosystem or the food chain. They are able to implant far fetched "ideas" into the minds of the living things who they want to become almighty rulers of their particular planet. One such idea, was given to a man by the name of Tatum.

A Sapient gave him the idea, but most importantly the will, to create a sort of automatic animal hunting mechanism. Countless had tried before, but without a will given to them as strong as Tatum's, they were unsuccessful. Tatum on the other hand, was in fact successful, creating a machine that could hunt at a more effective rate than a thousand hunters.

From then on, more and more ideas continued to be implanted into the minds of humans. Basically, any inspiration that a human ever had back then, was directly caused by the Sapients. Eventually though, it became second nature to them. They no longer needed assistance from the Sapients to be inventive. This led to them completely overtaking the planet, making all other forms life obsolete. At least when it came to having control that is.

The Sapients did this because they wanted humans to be on top, and now that they've seen you trying to mess with that, they're coming to stop you.

(End of Narration)

Human Hunter shook his head.

"Implanting ideas as simple as that into people's brains? Now that's just stupid."

Aurora yelled. "It May be stupid but it's what happened! And if you want to complete your goal, your promise, of eradicating the human race, you'll have to deal with the Sapients!"

Human Hunter stood up, swiftly. He clenched his fist, and peered over towards a nearby window. "And deal with them I will. They talked about stronger units, do you know anything about that?"

"Not much. I just know that if they were to attack right now, you wouldn't stand a chance. They're world altering beings, something almost beyond our comprehension. I have no idea how you managed to escape with your lives today."

"It's because those were their weaker members, according to the twenty foot tall giant."

"I see.." Aurora thought for a minute, "Alright, if you want to stand a chance against the Sapients, you'll need to know how powerful they are exactly. It's my assumption that they're much stronger than something any of your blades could cut. So to figure out a way to defeat them.."

Human Hunter jumped in, "We'll need to observe them up close."

"Precisely." Aurora pushed himself up with his cane. "And it won't be an easy task."

"I know." Human Hunter looked at Aurora.

"But that's why I will be coming with you. You have an extra seat on that flying machine of yours, right?"

"Yeah, I do."

Aurora smirked, "Then let's go find ourselves a top ranking Sapient."