
Human Hunter

This story is about an insane and overwhelmingly skilled murderer nicknamed - Human Hunter. Disgusted with the way mankind has polluted, damaged, and overtaken the earth, he makes it his mission to return the favor. One day hoping to eradicate the human race entirely, giving this planet back to who it truly belongs to. Nature. Throughout his journey, Human Hunter will encounter beings he didn't know existed, abilities he wasn't aware were possible, and odds that will require his entire arsenal to overcome. No matter what is thrown his way though, Human Hunter never strays from his ideals, and continues to hunt.. every.. last.. human.

UnformedStatue · Fantasía
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36 Chs

Unexpected Tragedy

"Proel may have the potential to defeat the Assassin Corps in the future, but as of right now, they aren't even remotely near the level of strength they need to be! The entire team would be slaughtered!" Flowe urgently belted out.

"I'm aware of our current shortcomings." Setianal acknowledged. He sat down on the table, resting an arm on his knee. "When I say we'll be engaging with the Assassin Corps, I don't mean in battle."

Leaning forward, Lock asked. "What is it that you would like us to do then, Setianal?"

"I'd like you all to do a few things. Firstly, you'll need to acquire a piece of their base. Whether it's big or small doesn't matter. The materials used by the Assassin Corps are incredibly rare. That's one of the most well known facts about them for those who are at least aware of their existence. Luckily, I can usually track down where any material was retrieved by simply examining it. It's a natural skill I have. I'll be able to gather an abundance of whatever you bring and create an indestructible and unmatched base of operations. The one we reside in now, will be demoted to our secondary headquarters."

The table shook. "Ughhh then I'll have to move all my hearts!" Faed complained. She grabbed a cupcake, and shoved it in her mouth while laying sprawled out on the table.

"Secondly." Setianal continued. "You'll be needing to-.." he stopped. Slowly, Setianal turned his head. Left.. then right. A creaking sound echoed throughout the large room they were in. This went on for several seconds.

"Setianal..?" Alant asked. His voice was serious. "What are you doing..?" He had never seen him act like this before.

Then, through the ceiling, something crashed through, shattering everything surrounding it. Every member of Proel flew back. Whatever had caused this devastation stood in the middle of a small crater it had just created. It's black silhouette didn't move. As the dust subsided, it was revealed to be wearing skin tight, glistening, black body armor. It covered the figure from head to toe, with hints of yellow metal in some areas.

The dust faded completely, revealing that the figure was holding Setianal's hand in his palm. "T-That's..." Flowe began. He brought himself to his feet. "That's.. Kensin.. the third ranked member of the Assassin Corps. Why.. why would they send him..?? Even the tenth ranked member would have been more than enough!!"

"What're you talking about Flowe..?" Alant asked from behind.

"Isn't it rather obvious..? I'm speaking of the man who stands before us. A true monster indeed. I was only able to interact with him a few times during my alignment with the Corps. Based on the circumstances, I'm fairly certain that he's been sent here to deal with my betrayal. Though he's well aware of who Proel is, and will without a doubt take you all out with me while he's here."

"A monster huh..? Heh, we've dealt with plenty of em before. Plus guys, this dude made the mistake of messing with Proel while they're all togethe-.."

"ALANT!" Lock cut him off.

"Hm?" Turning his head, Alant's gaze met Lock's. "What's up?"

"In all our years of training, not a single one of us has ever managed to damage Setianal. Not even to an insignificant degree."

Alant realized what Lock was referring to before his explanation was even finished.

"But this guy.." Alant's voice suddenly became a lot shakier. "Took off his whole entire hand.."

At the moment, Setianal was nowhere in sight. Kensin had landed directly onto the table where Setianal and Proel were all sitting. This meant that Setianal was either crushed, or had fled.

The noise of Silva's whips buzzed near Alant's left ear as she walked by. "Either way, to prevent losses and further damage to our home, we must take care of him as soon as we can."

"Tch.." Flowe tightened his fists. "As I mentioned to Setianal, current day Proel stands no chance against even a single high ranking member of the Assassin Corps!"

"Is that so?" Silva shook her head as she approached Kensin. "Well what do you expect us to do then darling? Sit around and allow this 'high ranking member' to slaughter us? Hmph.. I apologize but, that's not how we do things around here." As her flying cloud morphed around her body, Silva returned to her armored cloud form for the first time since battling Phina. "If this Kensin is as strong as you say, I'll need to put absolutely everything into this fight. My life along with the rest of my teammates's are at stake here. I won't fail you all again."

"Exactly the kinda motivational speech I was waitin for.." Now standing next to Silva, Alant drew his swords. "You lead the way, and I'm pretty sure the rest of Proel will follow ya."

Silva smirked. She drove her foot into the ground, finalizing the strategy she had created in her head.

"Do none of you know how to listen?! The power gap between you and Kensin is immeasurable!" Flowe activated his Overflowe shield when he sensed an attack coming from behind. It was Tigal, who's curved blade ricocheted off.

"You ignorant bafoon." He said. "Giving up gives us all guaranteed deaths. If you at least give a bit of effort, no matter how small, the chance of victory still increases. Plus.. there's a small chance that a meteor will crash through here and kill this guy for us.  Let's cross our fingers and hope that's what occurs."

A drop of Flowe's sweat connected with the floor. "You're wrong.. I doubt even a meteor could kill Kensin."

The attack then commenced after Silva called for it. Kensin still had not moved from his position.

"GRAHHHH!" Alant and Silva swiftly ran in two separate directions. Alant intentionally didn't strike first, assuming Kensin was already aware of his vast speed advantage. This left Silva with the duty of landing the first blow. From a distance, Lock removed his glasses, and used his absorption ability to its fullest extent. Coming out of nowhere, Human Hunter jumped in to help as well. He tossed a multitude of shattering grenades hoping that would have some sort of affect.

Blade in hand, Tigal waited to see how things would play out at the beginning here. With already so many attacks going on at once, he didn't want to interfere with any of them. As for Faed and Halt.. they were nowhere to be seen.

With more force than she'd ever put into anything, with more effort than she'd ever given before, and with more emotion in her face, and her heart, than she'd ever had, Silva swung at Kensin. The glowing yellow color of her whips shone onto his armor. However, the effect was short lived. Kensin grabbed her by the neck. He released some sort of black mist from his wrist, which entered Silva's mouth as she struggled to breathe.

"S-SILVAAAAA!!" A blood curdling scream came from the lips of Alant. He increased his speed so much, that the air blew out the remaining walls to each individual room that still stood. The blades in his hands shattered into pieces once connecting with Kensin. "Huh..?" Alant was blasted into the ground, completely crushing his rib cage, and a few other bones.

The strange black mist continued to enter Silva's body. She was now twitching and scratching at her neck awkwardly.

"Damn Assassin scum!" Tigal finally joined the fight. He didn't even get remotely close to Kensin before Human Hunter was thrown into him.

"Tch.." Wrinkles formed on Lock's forehead. "Without a doubt, I'm exerting more power now than I did even against Phina's monstrous creation.. yet this man is yet to even flinch. O-Originally I was mostly concerned about Faed.. but now.. I'm beginning to think that this time..  we will be unable to pull off the impossible."

Kensin tossed Silva into the air, and disappeared. A hint of black mist was left behind. Not even half a second later, he reappeared in front of Lock, who's expression faintly switched to one of distraught. He didn't leave Lock any opportunity to move. Kensin grew his hand, and crushed Lock's book. After uppercutting him into the ceiling, Kensin teleported back to his previous location, and caught Silva.

Nobody was left to provide any form of assistance. Flowe, knowing a loss was guaranteed, cowered in fear.

The black mist shot into Silva's body incredibly fast now. Her neck tightened, she was trying to scream, but couldn't. After a long while of suffering, Silva's eyes exploded due to her body being overloaded with the mist. Her stomach burst, and her body squirmed with its last bit of life. Finally, Silva fell limp.

She was dead.

Beginning of the Assassin Corps Arc