
Human Hunter

This story is about an insane and overwhelmingly skilled murderer nicknamed - Human Hunter. Disgusted with the way mankind has polluted, damaged, and overtaken the earth, he makes it his mission to return the favor. One day hoping to eradicate the human race entirely, giving this planet back to who it truly belongs to. Nature. Throughout his journey, Human Hunter will encounter beings he didn't know existed, abilities he wasn't aware were possible, and odds that will require his entire arsenal to overcome. No matter what is thrown his way though, Human Hunter never strays from his ideals, and continues to hunt.. every.. last.. human.

UnformedStatue · Fantasía
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36 Chs

The Mind of a Trapper

While Proel prepared to infiltrate Phina's trap defended canyon hideout, she herself was sitting in the middle of it, inside of an enormous strange looking warehouse, cackling like some sort of crazed sociopath.

"M-Miss..?" Someone nervously said to her. It was a Sapient. Phina had somehow managed to enslave a large grouping of them. Most likely because their ideals of keeping the human race as the top species coincided.

Phina stopped cackling, and took a quick breath of air. "What..? Can't you see that I'm busy, this better be good you worthless peasant.." she gritted her teeth a bit in anger.

"Of course Miss, my apologies.." the Sapient quickly scrambled through some recordings he had captured. "T-The group we're spying on, Proel, one of the recording devices that we planted within the leaves caught onto one of their member's items of clothing. Luckily, that means we were able to listen in on what they discussed. I-In addition to a new member, Proel has located our hide out, and plans to immediately attack. This is not good Miss, should I-.."

"Ahahahahahahaaaa!!" Phina cackled even louder, cutting the Sapient slave off. "They've found our location have they?? Splendid! Marvelous! I'll finally have the opportunity to capture humans who are actually worth cloning! Not the mediocre good for nothing trash I've gotten as of late... prepare the monitors, I'd like to witness the capture of our test subjects first hand. Hehehe."

Crossing her legs, Phina was immediately rolled over a tv. It displayed the camera systems she had set up all throughout the surrounding area. She always used it to view the effectiveness of her traps, this day however, the stakes were a little higher. She bit her lip. "Oh my.. they're already here? I guess you weren't wrong when you said they were arriving soon. Hehehe.. now it's only a matter of time before I get to see them face to face behind a cage!!"

One of the cameras showed Proel in it's entirety. They were next to the canyon, the aircraft (not Human Hunter's) they had taken there was parked nearby.

Human Hunter peered down the edge of the canyon. He examined the distance of the drop, in addition to any potential methods of climbing down. His shoulder was then suddenly grabbed by Tigal.

"Keep your distance from there, Human Hunter. One wrong look and the place could cause a massive nuclear level explosion."

"For once, Tigal makes a statement that I agree with." Lock said, occupied with his book. "As Setianal informed us, this ladies traps are nothing to scoff at. Be wary that the slightest of movements could result in your immediate demise."

Jogging over, Faed tugged onto Lock's hand. "L-Lock, I really don't wanna be killed especially by this mean rude lady so can you pretty please come up with a way for us to get down the canyon plus if one of us is blown up and Tigal is proven right he'll come up with even worse theories and never let us hear the end of it-.."

"Grr.. yes Faed! I will cycle through possible solutions until I have come up with one that is effective. But I cannot concentrate if you do not settle down!"

"O-Oh.. I'm sorry Lock.."

Sighing, Lock clapped his book shut, and put his free hand on his eyes. "It is fine. Just please keep the noise level to a minimum. If you are able to do that, we can... sit together while I think."

This statement filled Faed with joy. She sat with Lock on a nearby rock, well-.. tried to at least. Tigal tackled them both to the ground before they made contact with the stone. "What are you two doing!?" He yelled. "Did you not just listen to what I said?! Anything and everything here could be rigged as an explosive, portal, molecular rearranger, or anything else that the human mind could possibly conceive." Tigal stood up, and peered off into the distance. "Hmph. If it weren't for me, you two would have probably switched clothes at such a rapid pace, that it would have turned your skin to ash. That's my guess for what the rock does at least."

Both Lock and Faed looked at Tigal in confusion due to his last statement. They began arguing with him, and while that was going on, the rest of Proel discussed solutions of their own.

"When I was younger.." Silva began, standing next to Human Hunter and Alant. "The people dear to me used to say that I was such a bright little girl. That there wasn't a single puzzle I couldn't solve." She chuckled a bit. "Well as much as I hate to say it, their statement doesn't seem to be holding true today. I'm stumped."

"Hey, it's no sweat!" Alant optimistically said. "It's why we've got a guy like Human Hunter here, he said it himself, he's a pro at this kinda stuff. Ain't that right, H.H.?"

Human Hunter flinched a bit after hearing the nickname Alant had just come up with. "That's right. But since these traps aren't coming from people who I'm experienced with, I'll need to see at least one of them go off before I can assess how this particular trapper goes about things."

"Heheh, fine by me." Alant lifted a red rock from the floor, and prepared to toss it into the canyon. "Let's just hope this doesn't kill us."

Silva grabbed his arm. "Now hold on just a minute, we've spent all this time discussing our plan of action, and our conclusion is to just-.. set off a trap to see what it does? I may not have any better ideas, but this seems a little rash darling."

Alant smiled under his mask. "Don't worry, if we die, Setianal and Human Hunter's dog will eliminate the human race for us!"

Human Hunter shook his head. "He's a wolf."

A few seconds of hesitation passed, until Silva finally let go of Alant's arm. "As much as I disagree with you, arguing like those three wouldn't accomplish much at all. Go for it I guess."

"Will do." Alant said as he brought his arm back. He threw the small rock into the sizable canyon.

Instantly, a large grouping of glowing yellow objects zoomed towards Alant at what looked like light speed. He put on a stunned face, but only for a fraction of a second before smirking. Alant proceeded to seemingly phase through the projectiles. Almost disappearing due to how quickly he managed to dodge. His speed sent a burst of air behind him.

"Nice! That was actually pretty impre-.." he started to say, however he was cut off by the same yellow projectiles, which had completely turned themselves around in mid air.

This forced Alant to continuously dodge at all times. To Human Hunter, Silva, and the rest of Proel, Alant appeared as a blur in the air as he bolted around to avoid damage.

"What the-.. ALANTTT WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO!?" Tigal screamed, looking away from Lock and Faed who he had been arguing with this entire time.

"I was seein what these traps are made of, that's all!"Alant replied.

Tigal was visibly angry. "That's all!? Moron! You're lucky the tilt of the earth hasn't shifted!"

"Ugh.." Lock stood up, and dusted himself off. "Why must I always be the one to solve dilemmas such as this." Reopening his book, he closed his eyes for a moment. This resulted in the complete absorption of the glowing yellow projectiles, into the book of course.

Alant skidded to a halt, stopping directly in front of Lock. He chuckled nervously. "Oh uh, sorry about that Lock! Didn't mean to almost kill us!"

Faed grabbed onto Lock again, hoping he could protect her from any future trap activations.

Sighing, Lock touched his glasses. "Whatever Alant, the important thing is that we are now aware of the power that one of Phina's traps is able to display."

"Yep!" Alant answered. He turned around towards Human Hunter. "Alrighty man, was that demonstration enough for ya?"

"Yeah. I think I've got a good idea of what this psycho is capable of." Human Hunter took a step back, and gazed off towards the vast canyon. "And it's a lot worse than what we've just seen."