
Human Hunter

This story is about an insane and overwhelmingly skilled murderer nicknamed - Human Hunter. Disgusted with the way mankind has polluted, damaged, and overtaken the earth, he makes it his mission to return the favor. One day hoping to eradicate the human race entirely, giving this planet back to who it truly belongs to. Nature. Throughout his journey, Human Hunter will encounter beings he didn't know existed, abilities he wasn't aware were possible, and odds that will require his entire arsenal to overcome. No matter what is thrown his way though, Human Hunter never strays from his ideals, and continues to hunt.. every.. last.. human.

UnformedStatue · Fantasía
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36 Chs

The Corps vs Nark

From pieces of rubble, Nark lifted himself up with a groan.

Kensin directed black smoke into Nark's body. It was able to pass through his armor. Nark tightened his physique, attempting to tone back the searing pain.

"C-Continued proof of skill and terrific impressions... y-you all have lived up to your b-bold claims with ease." Nark stuttered, placing a hand near his eye. "However, even with everything you've shown me, a-and even with the high expectations I hold for those who I haven't seen participate yet... you still will not leave here as the victors. I c-came here to see what was with the massive sapient gathering, and while it clearly has s-something to do with you all, I think discovering such strong adversaries has been much more of a treat."

Far, far up above, Malent watched the events unfold from a screen. "Nark.. how utterly pathetic. With your mindless goal of my annihilation being one that isn't accomplished with ease, even as an enemy, it's pitiful seeing you fall in this manner."

Nark's remarks were ignored, despite a slight grunt from Sonic, and he was ambushed by the corps.

With his far superior speed, Kensin reached Nark first.

The fist's of both Kensin and Nark connected with each other, sending airwaves across the building due to the impact. Neither man was moved by either ones blow.

An arrow burst from Vess's replica of Iron Charge's armor, and penetrated through Nark's leg. Multiple other corps members were attacking, but they were mostly ineffective.

"Iron Charge." Vess caught the attention of his creation. "Hold still, I'm going to give you the ability to shoot the same arrows that I am."

"Affirmative, I will halt my movements."

Near the abs region of Vess's replica armor, a holographic barrier exited from an opening that just unlatched. It passed through Iron Charge, and just like that, the arrow ability was transferred over with the expert technology developed by Vess himself.

Vess closed the opening, and turned his attention to Rez. "Though Kensin will be doing most of the work, our arrows can still do a significant amount of damage. Rez, when our arrows penetrate Nark's armor, it leaves a sliver of his skin vulnerable. Use your sword on those areas."

With a nod, Rez did just that. Iron Charge and Vess's arrows connected with relative ease, due to Nark being busy battling against Kensin.

Boom. Boom. Boom. Kensin and Nark traded blows that would destroy sections of the room simply with the reactive air.

Kensin created twelve copies of himself in an instant. They each pounded and beat on his opponent. Nark slowly began to smile. "Never did I think a single being other than Malent could stand toe to toe with the likes of myself. This armor I wear... hah.. I didn't think it could be bypassed by anyone else either. But, I'm glad that it happened. This day has taught me a valuable lesson. I'm not.. invincible."

Moving the forearms he had raised to defend himself, Nark swiftly pummeled the Kensin replicas until they poofed away. As the last copy faded, the actual Kensin came into view. He had already darted at Nark, and was mere inches away at this point.

Through Nark's head, thoughts rushed for how he could avoid damage, but it was too late. Kensin hugged his own body, and let out one more inaudible noise before phasing into Nark.

Nark screamed, and hyperventilated. At the same time though, he smirked between it all. "D.. err-.. GAHHH!! N-Not invincible... there... are others..!! Others.. who have at least a chance to-... GRRR... AHHH! A... a chance to overthrow Malent... a chance to __. A-AHH!... heheh... well, if that's the case, then I can die peacefully...."

With that, Nark lost control of himself. Kensin could completely manipulate his body. Black mist was barley visible seeping through Nark's ears, nose, eyes, and other openings.

Kensin calmly walked Nark's body in front of Vess and Iron Charge. He gave a slight nod.

"Hm." Vess stared for a while, staying quiet. "You were a noticeable opponent, Nark, but not one that couldn't be taken out with relative ease. Now rest."

Arrows flew from both Iron Charge and Vess, stabbing through Nark's limbs, chest, and neck.

Rez leaped out in front of Nark, and slashed every single one of the spots hit by an arrow several times each with a single stroke. Blood profusely spurted from these locations.

"Heh, my turn." The ground rumbled when Belfume began to jog. He leapt as high as he could, striking his hammer just beneath Nark's chin, knocking the head clean off the already damaged neck.

The head remained airborne for a while, until Slate punched it in Sonic's direction.

"Ahh, great. This is gonna hurt." Groaning, Sonic let an earsplitting sonic boom burst from all areas of his body. The attack managed to send Nark's head into an explosion of blood, but also resulted in Sonic collapsing to the floor.

Mist rose from Nark's body, and reformed Kensin. All of the present, and conscious corps members let a moment of silence fill the room as they regained stamina.

Small noises were escaping from Slate's lips.

"Is there something wrong, Slate?" Rez broke the silence, and rose a brow.

He brought a fist in front of his chest, and blurted out. "Exactly the opposite, I'm just trying to hold myself back from screaming after taking that guy down!"

Now fiddling on his computer, Vess displayed a faint smile. "It was an impressive battle. It's not often we get to use our abilities to that extent. Actually, other than training, I believe that's the first time."

"Hahah! And a damn good time too! I'll admit, I was ready to kick back and do my own thing again after killing a good bunch of those sapients. But.. what brought my spirit back was this guy right here." Belfume pointed to Nark's corpse with his hammer. "My hammer struggled against a lot of sapients, but it didn't even damage this guy til he was long dead. I like strong people, ones that are way stronger than me. It gives me the chance to improve myself, and have Vess upgrade this baby." He slapped his hammer a couple of times, and smiled.

"Ahah. Yes, not to worry. This event has given me a very substantial reason to conduct upgrades to everyone's equipment. Once repairs on HQ are completed, I'll have you join me in my workshop."

"Great! I'll bring some aged booze too!"

A loud bang interrupted the discussion. It was from Iron Charge, he'd shot a bullet into the air. "A moderate threat is approaching from nearby. It's levels of strength far exceed that of a sapient, but draw nowhere near that of Nark."

"Then it shouldn't be much of a big deal, right?" Slate turned. "Unless you wanna start a new collection Vess."

"After what just occurred, I'm not exactly looking to begin collecting again for a while. However.. I am intrigued to see what this is."

Footsteps echoed. They grew louder and louder. The attention of the corps was locked onto whoever was approaching.

"Stop celebrating.." Someone said. The person then turned the corner, and was now in sight.

"And who's this?" Asked Rez.

"My name is Human Hunter, one of the people you captured today. I'm also the one.. who's going to kill you."

Human Hunter stood there, nearly enraged. Close behind him, Flowe had followed. "Hello there old friends. My my, quite the battle you seem to have just completed." The former corps member said with confidence. Though, he gulped under his breath. "Yes, I know, sort of an awkward situation. But you see.. my friend here holds a grudge against you, and as much as I try to calm him down, in the end, it's better to leave him be."

"Flowe... what the hell are you doing..?" The smile Belfume once had disappeared. "You bastard. Is betrayal some type of hilarious joke to you?"

"Not at all, I was explaining the situation. Nothing more, and nothing less."

Nobody said anything for a while.

"The past you have with each other doesn't matter. The fact is, you're our enemy, and we're yours. I don't know how I intend to do it, but the only way I'll be leaving this room is if you're all corpses." Awaiting a response, Human Hunter began to slowly flip one of his chained spears around.

"Yes..." Rez stepped forward. "The newest member of Proel. Human Hunter. It was difficult to tell. The main reason we keep tabs on your group is because of Flowe and your leader Setianal, not its members. Apologies for being forgetful."

"It's perfectly fine, an apology isn't needed. Before you never had a reason to notice me, but now, I'll be the last thing you ever see."