
Human Hunter

This story is about an insane and overwhelmingly skilled murderer nicknamed - Human Hunter. Disgusted with the way mankind has polluted, damaged, and overtaken the earth, he makes it his mission to return the favor. One day hoping to eradicate the human race entirely, giving this planet back to who it truly belongs to. Nature. Throughout his journey, Human Hunter will encounter beings he didn't know existed, abilities he wasn't aware were possible, and odds that will require his entire arsenal to overcome. No matter what is thrown his way though, Human Hunter never strays from his ideals, and continues to hunt.. every.. last.. human.

UnformedStatue · Fantasía
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36 Chs

The Corps vs Human Hunter

Human Hunter flung his chained spear forward, but it was effortlessly slashed in two by Rez.

"Well, the run I had was one to remember." Flowe closed his eyes, and leaned down, skimming over his life occurrences. "My search for the strongest didn't disappoint. Heh, I was naive to think Proel had a shot. I suppose I was just looking for some glimmer of hope that my search wasn't over."

To the side, Human Hunter fought against Rez with all he had. Each punch he threw was blocked by Rez's blade. He tossed up one of his grenades that scattered sharp objects, and it exploded in Rez's face.

In less than a second, Rez diced them down to insignificant crumbs. Human Hunter used the brief moment of distraction to hurl his own sword at her.

Keeping a neutral expression, Rez placed her blade where Human Hunter's would have impaled her, and allowed his weapon to connect with it, which split his from the tip of the sword, to the hilt.

"Nnghhh!!" Human Hunter growled.

"This is why Proel's members are simply an afterthought. Even against just one of us... you're nothing." A simple flick of the wrist from Rez was enough to send Human Hunter's left arm across the floor. Blood spilled from where his now missing limb once was.

She spun around to deliver the killing blow, but her sword instead connected with a wall of red energy. Overflowe. "However..." Flowe thought to himself, stepping forward. "Even with a guaranteed loss, I don't intend on making our deaths easy."

"I see.." Rez's expression didn't change as she kept applying pressure. "You know, it's nice being able to use my blade effectively again. Especially to cut down a traitor."

She broke their connection, and swung her blade faster than a normal human eye could register. For a substantial period of time, her attacks were blocked by small Overflowe squares Flowe developed to protect himself.

Eventually, Rez halted her assault. A small amount of steam rose from her weapon.

"Effectively? Well, it seems that your statement simply isn't true." Panting, Flowe smirked.

Rez's stare still refused to change.

Human Hunter suddenly threw himself forward, blade now in hand, but Rez countered, and kicked him across the room. She then tossed her blade through Flowe's stomach without looking. Unable to anticipate this move, Flowe collapsed to the ground in agony.

Looking down at her fallen opponents, Rez said. "Beaten by a single member. Hopefully now you've noticed the vast skill gap between us. Though.. I suppose it's mostly futile since you'll soon be disposed of."

Blood still poured from Human Hunter's missing arm. He struggled to keep his eyes from closing. Every second was a fight to stay conscious. "This strategy... isn't going to work. To save Benson, Aria, and now Proel, my strength needs to increase immediately. Going through people like this is only going to get us all killed before I can make that possible. I don't think Setianal has the ability to bring me to the correct level either, assuming he was the one who trained Proel."

He heard voices, and faint noises from behind. "But I've become aware of things I wouldn't have known before. Such as the existence of multiple groups like the Assassin Corps that are much stronger than myself. If I would have discovered them when it was just the three of us, it's likely it would have resulted in our deaths."

Something touched him. Only lightly though. "I describe many of my opponents as weak and pathetic. But.. I've come to realize that I should have used that to describe myself. Eradicating humans at this level was an overconfident goal. I'm glad to have realized that. Nnghh.. there has to be a way to become stronger myself, but, the issue here is that I'll need to escape before I can consider what that method could be."

"Human Hunter, once you awaken, I would like to speak with you promptly." A now clear voice stated, breaking his thoughts.

Human Hunter turned to his back, and looked up above to see that he was in a completely separate location. Aurora's temple.

"Awh hey, he moved!" Another voice claimed.

"Ah, he did indeed. A valid sign of consciousness. Human Hunter, are you able to distinguish the sound of my voice?"

After remaining quiet for a moment, Human Hunter kept his answer simple. "Yeah."

"Marvelous. You seem to have made it through the worst of things, then." Next to Human Hunter, Lock sat on a stool. Faed was doing the same on the other side. "Without a doubt, I'm aware that you're most likely oblivious to how exactly you've appeared in this location. Last time you were conscious, was directly in the center of enemy territory after all. Alleviate your concerns, I will explain it all in due time, but as of now, your recovery takes priority."

"Is Flowe alive?"

"Yes, they were able to recover us both." Flowe answered himself. He sat nearby on a bed, arms crossed, looking to be unbothered by his stab wound.

"I see... and where's Alant?"

Discreetly sighing, Lock adjusted his glasses. "He departed following the initial attack that resulted in your capture, while filled with a petrifying amount of rage. God knows where he is, or what he's been conspiring.


Flowe informed me of Tigal's fate."

Human Hunter tightened his fists. "Aurora.. he's now our permanent enemy."

"Yeah.. uhm, you guys are sure it's alright to stay here in the base of such an evil man? A man who k-.. kill-.." Faed teared up before she could finish.

"We don't have many other options. Not to mention, he seems to be occupied with the corps right now." Flowe said. "Even if he were to return, Setianal would kill him with ease. That's a man who even the corps themselves fear."

"Where is Setianal?" On his feet, Human Hunter stumbled a bit. He felt his head with his left hand, just now realizing that Flowe had replaced it. The same way he had done with Tigal. Small electrical noises radiated from the limb.

Lock steadied him. "You'll find out once you're able to at the very least function properly."

"Nnghh... alright." With hesitation, Human Hunter sat back down. "Are we at least going to construct a plan?" he asked.

"I've come up with a few potential options." Flowe leaned against the wall, and kept his gaze forward.

"And what are they?"

"Option one, scour the world for people that are able to match or surpass the corps. From all that's occurred as of late, my confidence that there are such beings has increased. Option two, we find a way to train ourselves to such a level that just the four of us are a match. And option three.. convince Setianal to assist us, and potentially wipe them out single handedly."

"Option one." Human Hunter instantly replied. "The only way to make substantial progress is with another living being's help."

"And if the Corps find us first?" A dismaying look showed on Lock's face.

"We'll just have to make the most out of the time we have..."

He paused.

"...now tell me, how did you get us out of there?"

"Well.. Faed did it."

Faed nodded. "Yep.. we were actually trying to sneak you guys out but once I saw Tigal I couldn't hold myself back anymore and transformed into my really mad state slammed through the entire base looking for you guys and picked ya up when I saw you both looked like you were about to be killed, hmph.. jeez, the Assassin Corps are mean."

"And we must learn to be meaner." Standing up, Flowe winced in pain, and grabbed at his side. "K-Killing any member even if it takes shameful tactics to do so." He walked across the room, and grabbed a bottled water, hydrating himself. A small amount of sweat was now visible upon his forehead.

Human Hunter watched him, and added in his own thoughts. "There's no such thing as shameful tactics. It's called outsmarting your opponent. And that's exactly what we'll do. But first.. our skills themselves will need to drastically increase. I said we'll be taking the first route Flowe suggested, which means finding someone or something powerful enough, and willing to train us. With our current skill levels already being incredibly high compared to the average human, I don't see anyone improving from standard training. Another living being will be needed, and that isn't a criteria easily met at all."

"Faed and I can discuss with Setianal on where such a match may lurk. You two at the moment are not suited for any form of travel, but time cannot be wasted. Just recover, and hopefully we'll turn up with something."

"Mhm!" Faed nodded, and bowed.

They prepared to leave.

"We'll stop by shortly before departing, in case of anything you both may need." Lock waved a hand back.


Human Hunter's request caused Lock to pause, and turn. "Yes?"

"I also need to know where Halt is."

The expression of Lock faded. "He's remained undetected for several days at this point."


...probably searching for me."