
Human Hunter

This story is about an insane and overwhelmingly skilled murderer nicknamed - Human Hunter. Disgusted with the way mankind has polluted, damaged, and overtaken the earth, he makes it his mission to return the favor. One day hoping to eradicate the human race entirely, giving this planet back to who it truly belongs to. Nature. Throughout his journey, Human Hunter will encounter beings he didn't know existed, abilities he wasn't aware were possible, and odds that will require his entire arsenal to overcome. No matter what is thrown his way though, Human Hunter never strays from his ideals, and continues to hunt.. every.. last.. human.

UnformedStatue · Fantasía
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36 Chs

Teleportation Experimentation

Silhouette had been patched up for the most part, at least back to a functional state. It was several days later, and after Human Hunter gathered the remaining members of Proel, they all met at an open area atop the mountain. Master Tracker joined them.

Silhouette stood in front of them all. "It's not the easiest thing in the world to learn something like Teleportation. Takes a lot of mental pressure, tapping into something within yourself that almost nobody even knows is there."

"In what timeframe do you believe this task is doable within?" Lock questioned, an eyebrow raised. "Due to a plethora of factors, this is not something we can necessarily dedicate years to."

"I'm not sure. I'm not a teacher, this isn't something I'm familiar with showing others how to do."

"And how exactly did you learn this yourself?" Flowe brought up.

"A complicated question to answer. But, to keep things short, it isn't something I wanted to learn. It's a side effect of being these things we've been turned into. Trying to figure out more about ourselves, I've journeyed and done a lot of my own personal research. I won't get into the details, at least not now, but I will mention that I did figure out that this teleportation ability isn't something exclusive to us."

"Perfect! Which means just about anyone including us can learn it!" Putting her arms into the air triumphantly, Faed smiled.

Adjusting his glasses, Lock subtlety smirked.

"Well, thanks to Halt, we've made an important step toward our goal." Flowe glanced in Human Hunter's direction.

"Yeah." Human Hunter responded. "This alone isn't going to be enough, but it's a drastic improvement if we're able to learn it."

They all nodded, and the training began.

Months passed, five to be exact. The time frame was less than ideal, but the remaining members of Proel, as well as Master Tracker, were able to master the teleportation skill by going through a plethora of activities, all similar to meditation and focus.

Several days before Proel's planned departure, Lock received a knock on his cabin door. Each member of Proel, as well as Master Tracker, had been supplied with their own personal cabin during their stay. Upon answering said knock, he was met with Master Tracker.

"Ah. The Master Tracker himself." Lock began. "I am moderately surprised that I had yet to hear of your presence among this world until a short time ago."

"The world's bigger than ya think. I tend to disagree with the shitty phrase 'it's a small world'."

"In the grand scheme of things, the world is without question small, but, I certainly see what you mean. Either way, moving onward, what is it that has led you to the entrance of my domain? Amid all of the months we've been training among one another, we have only directly interacted briefly. In which case, I did not expect you to be the one who I opened up this door to."

Twirling around his weaponized cloth, Master Tracker responded. "I've come here cause we'll all be leaving soon, since we've taken care of mastering this sick technique and all. Months back, when I took on your buddy Human Hunter.. it was the best rush I'd had in years. A lot of years. Then, I come to find out he's got a little group of his own. People who're close to as strong as he is, if not even stronger. I mean.. the shit I've seen you do? C'mon. I can't leave here without seeing who's the strongest out of you four. I almost never meet people of this caliber."

"Hm. So you're looking to partake in the act of battle with the four of us individually? As long as your intent isn't to kill anyone, I suppose I will agree to your request." Lock closed his cabin door for a moment, gathering a number of items, as well as his needed gear, before bluntly opening the door and walking past Master Tracker. "Not that you would be able to anyway."

The two of them went to a secluded and open area atop the mountain, that had been used by everyone a number of times, for a variety of training related tasks. They stood a significant distance apart from each other.

"You're aware that nothing I've displayed in front of you, is even a fraction of my true strength, correct? Well.. that fact is most likely a piece of information that excites you further. Not to mention, how the same could be potentially said for you." Lock stated with a strong tone to cover for the distance.

"Obviously." Master Tracker boomed back. "We were just learning or whatever. Had no reason to go all out. So you're exactly right. Not only are you freakin clueless as to what I can do, but I sure as hell am getting excited. So let's get started already." He then disappeared, only leaving a faint tint of red behind that slowly faded away.

Pondering on a number of things, Lock thought to himself. "After five months, I'll be able to see how well the gained ability of teleportation, combines with the power I already held. Nevertheless, however, my current opponent has just learned the exact, identical ability. What he's completely ignorant to though, is that I have spent my free hours over these five months, learning an ability of my own. One that directly counteracts anyone who may also have teleportation."

Lock opened his book, and rapidly flipped through the pages. The lowering sun glistening from his glasses. Suddenly stopping on a specific page, a blue aura enveloped the area within a large radius. With this, he was able to instantly be informed of the exact, constant location of any living beings who were within the blue aura. In other words, even with the new teleportation ability he had acquired, Master Tracker could not hide himself in any sort of way.

Flipping further, Lock again stopped on a different page. This time, turning his book around, and using it to absorb, tangle, and rearrange the landscape and all sorts of objects around where Master Tracker would reappear.

Able to avoid all of the chaos, Master Tracker jumped, dodged, flipped, and teleported his way around and across the chunks of the mountain and debris. One massive piece of the mountain flew directly in front of his face once he reappeared, but he was able to slice it completely in two with his cloth.

He eventually reached Lock, and swung a foot in his direction. Lock teleported behind him, and pointed his book at Master Tracker, ready to unleash an amount of debris he had gathered within it.

Master Tracker teleported himself. Lock was able to instantly track his precise movements. Even before he reappeared, Lock blasted all of the debris he had gathered from his book toward where he estimated Master Tracker would emerge. His prediction was correct, and Master Tracker was pummeled, slammed, and nearly crushed with everything that was released from the book.

After landing, as where he had previously teleported to was in mid air, Lock firmly clapped his book shut. "An attack such as that, cannot truly be all that is required to triumph over the one who is known as the Master Tracker."

"Not a fuckin chance" Master Tracker's cloth bursted through the rubble, four separate sections of it. Lock teleported to avoid it right before it made contact with him. He did so multiple times, as the cloth continued to pursue him wherever he would teleport to.

Eventually, Lock quickly reopened his book, stopped, and began to absorb the cloth within it.

Due to his cloth being absorbed, Master Tracker teleported away to avoid losing all of it. Lock did the same thing simultaneously. Both men reappeared in front of each other. Lock adjusted his glasses, and Master Tracker devilishly smirked, as they both connected with strong blows. Lock's punch landing against Master Tracker's kick.

They both then repeatedly teleported around, rapidly exchanging blows. Using Trees and other large, impactful objects that he had stored within his book, Lock smacked and deflected Master Tracker's further cloth attacks.

The two of them went at it for some time longer, until the sun disappeared fully. Leaving their sparring match to continue in the darkness of the night. The only illumination being from the starry night sky, along with the moon.

"Damn.. " Master Tracker choked, panting heavily. "Heheh, I sure as hell hope I'm not the weakest one here."

Lock wasn't panting at all. His demeanor was completely calm, and his gaze was locked onto Master Tracker. "While you are by no means weak, I have confidence that when against the remaining members of Proel, you will be met with the same result that has presented itself now. Not only because we are stronger, but also because we don't intend on allowing ourselves to lose any sort of battle again."

"Yeah? Eheh, seems like you're really sick of it."

"That's precisely right. You see, we came here with the intent to learn this new ability, directly due to the fact that we have far greater opponents than you that we must deal with. In which case, any battle that you instigate against another Proel member.. will end as a failure on your end."