
Human Hunter

This story is about an insane and overwhelmingly skilled murderer nicknamed - Human Hunter. Disgusted with the way mankind has polluted, damaged, and overtaken the earth, he makes it his mission to return the favor. One day hoping to eradicate the human race entirely, giving this planet back to who it truly belongs to. Nature. Throughout his journey, Human Hunter will encounter beings he didn't know existed, abilities he wasn't aware were possible, and odds that will require his entire arsenal to overcome. No matter what is thrown his way though, Human Hunter never strays from his ideals, and continues to hunt.. every.. last.. human.

UnformedStatue · Fantasía
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36 Chs


Flowe kneeled next to Tigal, transporting some of his red energy into the burly Proel member's body. "This should give you the ability to use the arm I removed. It'll be replaced with an artificial arm created entirely out of my red energy."

"I'm completely screwed.." Tigal weeped. "A-Alant... Lock... why? Why would you let him poison me?"

Alant put his hood down, revealing wavy blonde hair. "Because I'm not about to let you live the rest of your life while missing an arm buddy. Not to mention when I contacted Setianal to ask whether or not I should trust this dude, he gave me like a twenty minute answer on the pros and cons before giving me the nod. I've got no clue what he was talkin about but I trust his input!"

"Essentially.." Lock pressed his glasses against his forehead. "Setianal informed us with accurate data he had collected based on what Flowe had said thus far, that there was nothing to fear. Ah, yes. I nearly forgot to add that the only reason why we are currently standing, is due to Flowe's direct assistance and healing capabilities. He's proven to be one of the strongest beings I've ever encountered. With the power he possesses, deceiving us would be pointless."

"Damn you Lock... you brainwashed bastard.." Tigal stared at the ground in defeat following his comrades attempts at reassurance.

"And... there we go.. your arm should be available for use shortly." Flowe patted Tigal on the shoulder. "In order to make it appear, you must feel the flow of power throughout your body, and focus it towards the missing arm. It's rather simple in the grand scheme of things. You'll catch on quickly."

Without answering, Tigal pouted, staring at the floor.

"Anyway.." Flowe continued, pulling himself to his feet. "We'll need to answer Phina's distress signal before whatever happens to be going wrong is resolved." He used Overflowe to morph his energy into a platform yet again. "Anyone who'd like to assist, may hop on at once."

Before even a second went by, Alant made his way onto the platform. "Did ya really think I was gonna say no? You don't even gotta ask Flowe, everyone's coming."

Looking to from side to side, Flowe noticed that Tigal and Lock had quickly joined as well. He closed his eyes for a moment, smiling gently, fiercely opening them up again to acknowledge their haste.  "Very well then! You all seem to have taken a liking to me rather quickly, and I feel the same! So let's give our newfound companionship meaning by eliminating the one who threatens the lives of your allies!"

Everyone nodded (though Tigal seemed to be quite hesitant) as Flowe took off. Momentarily they would be joining up with Human Hunter and Silva to finish Phina off, and eliminate her cloning device once and for all.

A significant chunk of time had passed since Phina had sent the distress signal. It hadn't been long but, the wait was substantial. "Just another worthless peasant.." Phina thought to herself, blocking another attack Human Hunter had thrown her way. Speaking of Human Hunter, while he had sustained damage, the intent to accomplish his goal to one day save Benson and Aria drove him forward. He needed to improve significantly in order to defeat Malent, who he was up against now was nothing compared to the Sapient Lord.

Phina jumped over one of Human Hunter's shattering grenades, and prepared for a counter attack. Just then however, Flowe and the rest of Proel smashed through the ceiling, blocking Phina's path.

"Ah, hello there my dear Phina!" Flowe stated with a smile. "You needed me to come to your aid, yes?"

Phina skidded to a halt. "...hehe... yes! Yes! You are exactly right! Targeting these mentally screwed people was a terrible idea.. but.. you seem to have recruited at least a few. Stupendous job Flowe! Maybe you were worth the money after all... hehehe.."

"Well I'm afraid you may disagree with your own statement following what I'm about to say."

"Hm..? What's that....?"

"I believe you heard me correctly the first time, Phina. I'm no longer on your side. No need to explain myself to a lunatic such as yourself, though. You'll be dead momentarily anyway so why bother.."

Everyone within the warehouse that barely stood let silence consume the place.

"H-How.. did you get through the shields?" Phina finally asked."

"Oh, that? Heh.. I gained a bit of assistance from this little angel." Flowe pointed his thumb behind himself.. at Faed.

"I just tore the mechanical looking thingy apart because well I assumed that was the right thing to do I mean how else was I supposed to get in here I was way too tired to break in since you guys made me so mad plus I had to destroy that really really big trap but-.."

"Not now Faed!" Lock threw his glasses to the side. "We need to quickly dispose of this waste without allowing another second to pass!"

Human Hunter kneeled for a moment to catch his breath. "Yeah. I usually don't complain much, but I'm ready to get the hell out of here."

"I'm feeling the exact same way." It was Silva, back on her feet. "This crazed sweetheart should have been taken out by me a long time ago. I'll make up for my failures by helping you all right here and now."

"You guys are seriously startin to pump me up! Hahah, but I guess that's what amazing people like you do.. right?" Alant spun his swords around, excited to presumably claim victory.

"That's right." Flowe added. "This has been no mistake. Joining Proel will prove to the greatest decision of my life. That's been made clear simply by observing how you all interact in this single instance."

"What the-.. who the hell said he was permanently joi-.." Tigal's concerns were interrupted by a yell from Flowe.

"Either way, that's irrelevant now! The focus needs to be on the elimination of Phina! So I suggest you all prepare.. to let loose."

Every single member of Proel acknowledged Flowe's final statement in one way or another, and then proceeded to attack Phina simultaneously.

"Damn fucking traitor!" Phina screamed. "Whatever.. you think I didn't prepare for even something as disgusting as this to occur!? Yeah right.. we'll see how strong you should be slaves really are once you take on the last of my traps! One that not even I thought I'd ever have to use.. hehehehe!" Phina dodged the offensive onslaught somehow, maneuvering her way past each of the Proel members. Once on the other side she typed one final code into her keypad. "Try not to scream too loud, it'll hurt my little ears.."

The entirety of the warehouse aggressively vibrated. Proel all stood together, anticipating what this apparent final trap was going to do. "Woah.. even if this kills us, at least it'll probably be freakin sweet!" Alant's excitement increased even further.

Faed grabbed onto Lock's arm. "Eek! Please keep me safe Lock I'm all out of power so if something really really bad happens it's going to hurt me!"

"This is it.. she's going to detonate planet earth." Tigal placed his sword down in defeat.

The warehouse reached the peak of its vibration, and shot out of the ground. It launched several hundred feet into the air somehow staying together, taking Proel along with it. It transformed itself into some kind of gigantic creature. The warehouse being it's head. It's sized surpassed that of multiple skyscrapers.

"H-Holy shit this is gonna be awesomeeee!!" Alant gleefully screamed.

After head patting Faed, Lock looked around the structure with his surging blue eyes. He then looked at the rest of Proel. "Do not fret. As dire as the situation looks, I have a simple solution." Lock gently pulled away from Faed, walking towards the edge of the creature. "Flowe, on my signal, may I ask for you to create a platform? Otherwise I'm afraid that this could potentially result in my death."

"As you wish, Lock. Do you plan on attempting to absorb this thing?"

"Precisely. Now that I've tapped into abilities far greater than what I was previously capable of, I'm confident that even something of this magnitude can be consumed by my faithful book."

"Dammit Lock!" Tigal yelled with concern. "And what the hell do you expect us to do?! Just fall to our deaths??"

Flowe chuckled, and reassuringly placed a hand onto Tigals shoulder. "I will prevent that by placing platforms under all of us expect for Phina, if she is even up here that is. I'm also fairly certain that Silva can fly herself down. Which means platforms will be needed for you, Alant, Faed, Lock, Myself, Human Hunter, and his adorable little wolf."

"Tch, just get off me. Like I'd trust you. If we survive you'll probably just end up killing us anyway." Tigal scoffed, and walked a few steps away.

"J-Just stay safe Lock please! I have lots of stories to tell you once we get home so don't even think about getting killed okay??" With delicate watery eyes, Faed tugged on Lock's robe.

"Hmph.." he smiled at her warmly. "Yes, I understand. In that case, the prevention of my death will take priority." Lock removed his robe, revealing black strapped on gear with blue clothes underneath. He placed his robe in Faed's hands. "And your priority here in addition to preventing your own death, will be to ward my attire."

Faed pulled the robe close to her after spending a minute staring at it. "Mhm, I'll do that Lock. Your special robe will be safe with me!"

"I am glad to hear it. Now then, I wish you all the best of luck supposing this is a success. In addition to the defeat of Phina's monstrous creation, this strategy should also result in the destruction of the cloning device, assuming it's located in the warehouse. Additionally, we are placing most of our lives in your hands here Flowe. You are a man who only a short time ago was our enemy. But it is the only option thought of thus far, I can only hope that this is not all part of some type of scheme."

Flowe clenched his fist and pulled it down. "I assure you it isn't.. my trustworthiness will be confirmed shortly."

"In that case... I will not delay any further. Our plan will be put into action... NOW!"