
Human Hunter

This story is about an insane and overwhelmingly skilled murderer nicknamed - Human Hunter. Disgusted with the way mankind has polluted, damaged, and overtaken the earth, he makes it his mission to return the favor. One day hoping to eradicate the human race entirely, giving this planet back to who it truly belongs to. Nature. Throughout his journey, Human Hunter will encounter beings he didn't know existed, abilities he wasn't aware were possible, and odds that will require his entire arsenal to overcome. No matter what is thrown his way though, Human Hunter never strays from his ideals, and continues to hunt.. every.. last.. human.

UnformedStatue · Fantasía
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36 Chs

Proel Prepares

Having now moved to the meeting hall, Human Hunter sat with the rest of Proel in order to discuss the first mission he would be assisting them with.

The table they sat at was rounded and large. Surrounding it was the entirety of Proel. Lock sat next to Faed, then came Silva, and Alant. Tigal sat on his own, as far away from everyone as he could. Human Hunter was nearby Alant with Halt by his side. Setianal of course sat in the largest seat.

"Everyone." Setianal began. "I'm sure you're all aware by now that Human Hunter did indeed pass my tests. There's something about him that's different than others. The drive and will to save those he cares about is what led me to make my final decision. But enough about that, we've gathered here today to discuss our next mission."

Lock clapped his book shut. "Very well, hearing you give someone such a high amount of praise following a single interaction is enough to get me at least mildly interested in his future here."

"I agree." Silva smiled, chin rested on her sweater covered hand. "When I talked to him, Human Hunter already seemed like he would be a splendid addition to the team. Your seal of approval only makes his presence here all the more joyous."

"It's good to hear that many of you are pleased with this." Setianal continued. "While I'm certain that's not the case for everyone.. in order to work as a team, we must accept new additions that get through me."

Tigal growled to himself, and glared.

"It's like I said though, enough about Human Hunter for now. We need to discuss the mission you will all be embarking on immediately once this meeting has ended."

Faed, who had been trying to stop herself from belting this out earlier, snapped. "Setianal can I please pretty please tell everyone about it! I remember that you let me know what we were doing a few days ago which made me feel really special plus I like explaining stuff so getting to tell our whole team about it would be even more special and-.."

"Yes. That would be fine, Faed." Setianal stopped her to say.

Lock's eyes widened.

Alant clenched his fist, but smiled. "Go on and tell us then, Faed. We're all ready to listen!"

"Yayy!" Faed clapped her hands twice, grinning in a happy though sort of creepy manner. "I'll be sure to keep it short for you guys too, hehe. Okay so.."

Mission Briefing Done By Faed

There's this really mean rude greedy selfish women who's been trying to capture humans for her research. What kind of person would do that I know it's weird!! Anyway, Mr. Setianal said it's because she's trying to learn how to clone them. That's bad guys, if she cracks the code we'll never be able to eliminate all humans on earth... hmph! Which is why I'm going to add her heart to my collection! It's where all of the love happiness and joy in a person is kept, that's why I take them! Hehehe.. plus it'll make her die so we won't have to worry about a thing anymore! Well, it's a little harder than that though. She apparently has way way way too many traps outside of her house, that's her specialty I guess. Setting down traps, catching humans, and killing intruders. Speaking of her house, it's right in the middle of a really big canyon, one that's way bigger than even our swamp! So we'll have to be extra careful when going down there. But once we do, I know all of us together will be able to remove her heart for me so that I can have all of her love and affection foreverrrr without all the bad stuff hehe. Oh and also since she's mostly bad other than her heart she's probably really ugly so watch out for ugly people and traps like I already said watch out for because I don't want you all to die I love you all I mean you're my family after all and the only people who are good even outside of just your hearts even you Human Hunter I know you just got here but I already feel like you're a member of my little family it makes no sense I know you didn't even say anything to me but..

~two hours later~

End of Mission Briefing

Lock looked like his head was about to explode. "How I ever managed to sit through an eight hour session of that nonsense is a question that even someone as intelligent as I cannot answer!" He thought to himself.

"Faed.." Tigal said, "There are so many potential risks that you missed during that briefing that it's not even funny, but, I'm glad that you at least tried to cover them all unlike most here would do."

"Hey man." Alant added on. "As much as I hate to say it Tigal, I'm pretty sure the sky isn't gonna implode on us."

"What?" Tigal seemed extremely confused. "Why would I ever think of something like that? The only risks here have to do with molecular rearrangement and animals evolving to their next stage in front of our very eyes. But now that you mention it.."

"Err-.. n-nevermind hahah.."

Finally deciding to add something to the conversation, Human Hunter spoke. "If it's traps we're dealing with, I can snuff them out fairly easily. When I was living on my own, I needed to be able to pick up on any potential threats, which included an assortment of certain traps specifically designed to take me out."

"These are different." Setianal informed everyone. " Phina doesn't use ordinary traps. Not ones designed for any specific purpose either. She creates traps that cater to any possible situation that could be thrown her way. They're like nothing we've ever seen before. I trust that you'll all be ready."

"Hmph." Tigal grunted. "I'll be sure to warn everyone of potential threats along the way. Not only will we have to deal with the molecular rearrangement risk and possibly life threatening evolution of animals, but now Alant brought to my attention the fact that at any second the sky could come imploding towards earth. Not the greatest of things to have on your mind during an important mission like this."

"Tigal dear, there's no need to worry about something that you can't prevent. If the sky does implode we'll all be killed either way." Silva crossed her legs. "Now enough with the negativity, I think that we're going to kill the bitch without many issues whatsoever.." her eyes narrowed.

"Hahah that's right!" Alant yelled with a wave of positivity. "Not a chance in hell that this chick will take us out, especially not with our new buddy Human Hunter!" He put his arm around who he had just mentioned, Human Hunter.

Petting Halt, Human Hunter gave his opinion on the upcoming mission. "We've gathered six elite level human hunters to work side by side. I doubt anyone would be able to knock us off course let alone defeat us all together. The odds are in our favor."

Closing his book yet again, Lock seemed anxious to get started. "Then let us embark on this perilous journey straight away. We needn't discuss it any further, I believe we have acquired all the necessary information."

"I agree." Said Setianal. "All of you, it is time to gather your things. Phina awaits you within her canyon, I expect her to be greeted with care. By that I mean.. give her the death she deserves."

"Yayy!" Faed yelled in glee, much like she did earlier. "That means I'll be getting my heart soon. Hopefully it looks good on my wall next to all the others.."

Everyone left the meeting hall before Faed had a chance to speak any further. They were all gearing up to face off against someone who was being severely underestimated.