
Human Hunter

This story is about an insane and overwhelmingly skilled murderer nicknamed - Human Hunter. Disgusted with the way mankind has polluted, damaged, and overtaken the earth, he makes it his mission to return the favor. One day hoping to eradicate the human race entirely, giving this planet back to who it truly belongs to. Nature. Throughout his journey, Human Hunter will encounter beings he didn't know existed, abilities he wasn't aware were possible, and odds that will require his entire arsenal to overcome. No matter what is thrown his way though, Human Hunter never strays from his ideals, and continues to hunt.. every.. last.. human.

UnformedStatue · Fantasía
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36 Chs

Master Tracker

"Hey.. who're you? And why're you all the way up here, near my people? Are you this Wolf's owner?" Silhouette asked, his guard now up.

"Yes." Human Hunter claimed. He approached Halt, and gave him a gentle pat. "I came here searching for my wolf, Halt. That's all there is to it. But, it seems I've uncovered something unintentionally.."

"Hm. Well, it's something you should leave alone. We've lived up here for years without a single person finding our location. You seem to have done it effortlessly, which makes me think you're someone who could cause a lot of problems."

"That's fine. There isn't anything here that gives me a reason to take action. My guess is that Halt considered the possibility that you were related to the Assassin Corps."

"Assassin Corps..?" Silhouette shook his head. "No. I've got nothing to do with them. I know exactly who they are, due to.. a couple of things that occurred in the past. If you're with them though, then I was right. A little slip up on my end and I could make the Corps my enemy, which would likely get everyone here killed."

"They're my enemy." Human Hunter responded. "Ngh.. no need to discuss it further. Currently, nothing related to you interests me in the slightest. So I'll be leaving."

Just as Human Hunter was prepared to leave, a strange man in red wrapped cloth approached. "Well I'll be a son of a bitch...  it was that fuckin easy?"

"What the.. this isn't good." Silhouette thought. "How many people have found us today? Those bandits, the wolf's owner, and now this guy. It doesn't look like they're related either."

Continuing to leave with Halt, Human Hunter ignored everything.

The man in red suddenly pummeled a fist against Human Hunter's chest, sending him flying back, smashing into a small hut.

"Aghh.." the man in red's hand twitched a bit, smoke rose from his knuckles. "That shit took a bit more force than I would've liked. You.. you aren't one of these people are ya?"

Human Hunter pulled himself from the rubble, slowly standing up. He adjusted parts of his body. "I have nothing to do with them, but now.. I do have something to do with you." He flung his now repaired chained spear forward, red electricity flowed around it due to his arm now being created of Flowe's Overflowe ability.

Before the chained spear made contact, the man in red unraveled some of his wrapped cloth, and used it to wrap up and avoid the spear.

The spear was wrapped up tightly. Human Hunter kept a grip on it. The man in red shifted the positioning of his feet, and used the chain to toss and slam Human Hunter around.

At this point, Human Hunter let go when he was high in the air. Twisting his body around, he tossed a handful of shard scattering bombs.

Once they had exploded, a few of the shards sliced or stabbed the man in red. While pulling a shard from his leg, Halt snapped his jaws onto the man's forearm.

"I like this, someone who's not a worthless ass push over!" The man in red yelled. His entire face was covered in red cloth except for his eyes, which emphasized their now insane looking expression. He fully pulled the shard from his leg, and aggressively kicked Halt to the side.

Human Hunter landed on the ground, and immediately burst forward. Annoyed further seeing Halt treated like that.

Twenty people similar to Silhouette suddenly appeared between Human Hunter and the man in red. They had a black liquid looking substance floating in front of them, seemingly some sort of defense.

Silhouette approached them. "Battle here and you'll injure my people. That's not ideal. I don't get what you're trying to do, but if it's got anything to do with more violence, I'll kick your ass myself. This isn't a place for anyone other than us."

The man in red smirked. "I'm the Master Tracker. Don't forget that shit, ya got it?" His eyes were locked on Human Hunter. "Cuz that's the most evenly matched fight I've had in a long ass time. No matter what, we're gonna have another go. I won't let these shit faces ruin it." He looked around. "I didn't realize there were this damn many of em though, nor did I think the fuckers could do this teleportation shit. Not sure if I can win.. so if not, I'm gonna run away."

"What an idiot, throwing himself into a fight with little to no knowledge of his opponent?" Silhouette sighed. "Guess that's the situation I'm in too, though. The only difference is, I'm doing it on defense." Disappearing and reappearing in several different locations around Master Tracker and Human Hunter, he continued. "We've lived up here for a long time without much conflict, that much is true. But, that doesn't mean I'm unable to do anything. There've been other situations, so I'm perfectly capable."

"I really don't care about that wolf anymore, and my people are immune to this. So I can raise hell." Cracking open two of his liquid containers with his teeth, Silhouette snapped his hands outward, scattering the liquid everywhere, obliterating everything unrelated to his race.

The dust settled, and what appeared was Master Tracker, slightly harmed. Having captured most of the steaming liquid inside of his cloth. "Heheh. The hell kinda weird ass ability was that?" He questioned, watching the fluid evaporate as he opened his cloth to look at it.

"It seems similar to something a former ally of mine once used." Human Hunter answered. "Although the one I'm familiar with isn't exactly effective to that extent."

"Yeah? Makes sense he'd have something like it, with this guy being the supposed leader of this groupa freaks and all."

"Impressive. Seems like you're both at a level where I can't battle like I normally would." Silhouette reached into his clothing. "Well, what I mean is.. I'll need to give much more of an effort." The surrounding area suddenly became chaotic, the structure of this section of the mountain itself changing shape due to the amount of strange fluid Silhouette started using.

Human Hunter, Halt, and Master Tracker did their best to survive the onslaught. Between all the chaos, they were attempting to find any way to damage Silhouette. However it was difficult, considering Silhouette was constantly on the move.

Silhouette felt a slight presence closeby.

"Hey jackass, I'm not called Master Tracker for nothin." Master Tracker whispered behind him. The red cloth he used roughly slammed through Silhouette's back, impaling him.

Blood spurted from Silhouette's lips. Master Tracker kicked him across the landscape with a perfectly placed slam of the leg.

"All that talk and you ain't shit." The footsteps of Master Tracker sounded louder than ever, with the sudden silence that ensued.

A large collection of Silhouette's people created forcefields to block any further damage to their leader. "Leave him be. You have done enough! We have constantly been betrayed and hated by society, why is it that even when retreating to the top of a dangerous mountain we are still unable to find peace!" One of them said.

"Well.." Master Tracker continued his slow approach. "Because when something's too strange.. people are always gonna wanna get rid of it."

"Leave him." Human Hunter stood in front of the nearly deceased Silhouette and his allies.

"Dammit man c'mon, move the hell outta the way."

"That ability of his, the one that allows him to teleport. I'm not sure if it's unattainable or not, but I'd like to see if I can learn it."

"Heheh." Master Tracker let out a chuckle. Touching his chin, he leaned to the side in an attempt to get another look at Silhouette. "Mm. Ya know, learning that shit would make our next fight a hell of a lot more visually and mechanically impressive."

"Yeah." Turning around, Human Hunter looked at the defending group. "Again, I have no interest in killing anyone here or harming this place at the moment. However, I think as a thanks for calming this maniac down, you could allow me to have a conversation with your master, or whatever he is. Unless you really do want have an issue."

The group of Silhouette's people looked at each other, and eventually nodded, before spreading apart.

With his leg, Human Hunter pushed Silhouette onto his back after approaching him. He watched as Silhouette let out a cough, and breathed with a scratchy muffled noise.

"I've changed my mind. My theory now, is that Halt knew you were exactly the type of person I'm looking for.." Human Hunter said, still gazing downward.

Barley able to open his mouth, Silhouette managed to slowly say. "Hm..? ...What ...do you mean?"

"That ability of yours. The teleportation.


Do you think you could teach it to me?"