
Human Hunter

This story is about an insane and overwhelmingly skilled murderer nicknamed - Human Hunter. Disgusted with the way mankind has polluted, damaged, and overtaken the earth, he makes it his mission to return the favor. One day hoping to eradicate the human race entirely, giving this planet back to who it truly belongs to. Nature. Throughout his journey, Human Hunter will encounter beings he didn't know existed, abilities he wasn't aware were possible, and odds that will require his entire arsenal to overcome. No matter what is thrown his way though, Human Hunter never strays from his ideals, and continues to hunt.. every.. last.. human.

UnformedStatue · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
36 Chs


The police force unloaded on Human Hunter as well as his trusty companion, Halt. Every single bullet though.. was deflected. Human Hunter kicked Halt into the air, allowing him to avoid damage, and was now spinning his chained spear at an abnormally high speed.

A few of the bullets that were deflected hit officers, either killing, or critically injuring them.

Halt held one of Human Hunter's blades within his jaws. With this, he could now deflect bullets on his own. Though he wasn't as skilled as Human Hunter himself, so he may still need a bit of assistance.

"Halt.. fetch."

Shaking a bone out of his belt, Human Hunter kicked it into the middle of the pile of cops. Halt sprinted towards it, slicing and dicing his way through everyone. Limbs flew everywhere, and blood seemed to spray endlessly.

Human Hunter, now in a different location of fire than Halt, no longer needed to play defense. He stopped spinning his chain, revealing that his armor was bulletproof. "What's the matter?" He taunted, "Did something happen to your bullets? Oh wait.." Stepping forward, Human Hunter tossed a spiky looking ball towards his enemies. Sparks flew from his armor. "Those things don't work on me."

The ball exploded. A variety of sharp objects spewed from it, stabbing through many more of the police crew.

"Aghh!" Some of them screamed.

Human Hunter then sprinted towards the crowd, grabbing necks and cracking them, stomping on limbs, and tearing out organs.

Halt and Human Hunter both took out their enemies in unison.


"I hate it when we have to do this!" Benson complained. He ran alongside Aria through an underground tunnel.

"Too bad too sad, we're world renowned criminals here so these things happen! Suck it up!" Both kids ran through their escape route as quick as they could.

"Man.. Human Hunter really is a wonder. I mean, he managed to build this entire thing in a matter of six months! So breathtaking.." Benson pushed his glasses up. They had slipped down his face a bit due to his running.

"How many times are you going to repeat something so obvious." Aria rolled her eyes, "Human Hunter this and Human Hunter that, yeah I know he's great why do you think I'm working for him."

Benson made a goofy face, "Okay, Aria. One of these days I'll be teaching you proper respect." They finally reached the end of the tunnel. It had been built to lead all the way to Human Hunter's secret base. One that was used for emergencies only. It was a humongous fort, with walls surrounding it in its entirety. Trees covered the top in order to prevent aircraft detection. "Hm.. sometimes I wonder how law enforcement can always seem to find our tiny little tree bases, yet they somehow miss our extensive barricaded hideout that we've had for years."

Gazing at the plethora of vehicles, gear, technology, as well as other miscellaneous items, Benson and Aria walked through the secret base which they had only seen three other times up to that point.

"Now.." Benson pulled up a chair, "We play the waiting game. Depending on the amount of enemies he must deal with, it can take-"

"Ughh" Aria groaned, "You act like you're talking to an audience. I know how long it takes him to get here." She blew a strand of hair out of her face.

Benson took off his glasses, and looked at Aria like a disappointed parent. "Fine then! We can sit here.. IN. SILENCE!"

Before that could happen though, a loud and bombastic crash was heard. Benson stood up, putting his glasses back in place. "..okay then.. for once Aria, I think I agree with you. I shouldn't have said anything.."

"Hehe, exactly." She giggled a bit. But her smile was quickly reversed as a large grouping of futuristic looking creatures approached her and Benson.

"Uhm.. uhh.., w-what the hell are those things??" Aria's eyes had widened. Conflict and danger didn't bother her, but the unknown.. definitely did.

"I-.. have no idea.." Benson was just as scared. Both kids looked up at the creatures, who wore blue and gold shining armor. They each were on average around 7 feet tall. "Nevertheless.. as long as we do what Human Hunter told us to do in case of an extreme emergency such as this, we should be fine.. r-right..?"

Aria backed up. "No.. idiot. Because he never prepared us to face off against 7 foot tall freaks of nature.."

"Ah.. right."


"Stop eating them Halt. It could give you a disease."

Human Hunter and Halt stood within a sea of corpses.

"I'm a little surprised, they found our hideout quicker than usual. With the precautions I take.. I doubt they did it on their own. Hm.." Human Hunter finished wrapping his chains around his forearm. "And if there's a second party involved, it's likely they've found our emergency HQ. Nngh. Great, better head over there quick in case Aria and Benson are in danger." He pet Halt. "Though I'm certain they can handle themselves for now."

Benson grabbed his pockets. He tossed out a grouping of small gadgets, each of which could fly. "I'm able to control these suckers simply by thinking of the action I'd like them to take. I doubt even these creatures will be able to keep up with our instant communication." The gadgets all did their jobs. Some opened fire, a few shot overwhelmingly powerful lasers, and the rest attempted to slice through the creature's armor with powerful bladed propellers. The sparks created by all of this mayhem glistened off of Benson's eyewear.

None of this worked though. Their armor was too strong, looking to be completely unaffected by the attack.

"U-Uh.. you're kidding me right??" Benson freaked out after seeing the lack of effectiveness.

One of the opposing enemies knocked one of the robotic machines away, sending it directly towards Benson. He thankfully saved himself with a forcefield wielding gadget. "Eek!" He screamed as it just barley missed him.

Aria sighed, now trying to act like she had no fear, "Useless.. let me give it a try." She pushed her hair aside, pulling an ultra thin, folded katana from her jacket. "This thing packs a little more punch than those stupid little scraps of metal."

"They're called Robotic Gadgets, thank you." Benson corrected her.

"Mhm. I totally care. Now shut up and watch how someone with actual battle skill takes care of things." Sweat dripped down Aria's chin. She had no clue whether or not her weapon would work on these things, but still wanted to make sure her ego was in tact.

Starting off with a 360 spin, Aria swung her blade at the unknown creatures. The three directly in front of her were sliced clean in half. She was completely stunned.

"W-Wait that-.. hah! Ahaha! Ahem.. see Benson, when you're as skilled as me, even dumb weird freaks don't stand a chance against you."

Aria played with her hair, giggling.

"Okay now you might wanna record this next part, the footage can be used as a great lesson for you later.. oh."

The three creatures who she had sliced now fell to the ground completely, revealing that it was in fact Human Hunter who had made the cut.

"....hhhellll yeah!" Benson screamed. "Err-.. I mean- it's good to see you H.H., I humbly thank you for saving us both!"

"..hello sir." Aria groaned, "I could've soloed all of them but, I guess I should thank you now that I don't have to get my hands dirty or anything."


Passing Aria, Human Hunter placed his hand upon her head, patting it. "The blade I created for you isn't strong enough to cut through these guys. But after today, I'll be sure to change that." Aria silently and angrily pouted. He gave Benson a pat as well, but on the shoulder this time, and continued behind the two teens. He approached a large group of the creatures who had been standing behind Aria and Benson the entire time, and pointed to them.

"There's an aircraft that I built back there, I haven't given it a name yet, but I'll need help from the both of you in order to get it. You can both use some of my gear to take these things out." He glanced back slightly, and asked, "Are you ready?"