
Human Hunter

This story is about an insane and overwhelmingly skilled murderer nicknamed - Human Hunter. Disgusted with the way mankind has polluted, damaged, and overtaken the earth, he makes it his mission to return the favor. One day hoping to eradicate the human race entirely, giving this planet back to who it truly belongs to. Nature. Throughout his journey, Human Hunter will encounter beings he didn't know existed, abilities he wasn't aware were possible, and odds that will require his entire arsenal to overcome. No matter what is thrown his way though, Human Hunter never strays from his ideals, and continues to hunt.. every.. last.. human.

UnformedStatue · Fantasía
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36 Chs

Celebration Preparation

Grass folded under the weight of the aircraft as it landed. Human Hunter was able to maneuver his way through the woods this time whilst flying. His battle against Phina had enhanced his senses, due to his need at the time to avoid powerful traps at a moment's notice. It translated to avoiding the trees.

"That was some top level flying H.H.! I think we've got ourselves a new permanent pilot!" Alant closed his palm into a thumbs up, winking.

Human Hunter exited the vehicle. "If that's the job you assign me, I won't complain. It'll help improve my flight skills drastically for whenever I resume using my own aircraft."

"Hahah.. right." Exiting as well, Alant began walking into Proel HQ alongside Human Hunter. "You know.. Human Hunter, whenever I meet someone, it's usually not long until I start to understand them. I learn about their quirks, goals, and what makes them special. But you.. heh.. I still don't know a single thing about. It's pretty weird really, I mean you're one of the most straightforward guys out there. Just sayin what's on your mind. Still though.. if someone asked me to describe you, I couldn't tell em much other than you care for those close to you, and you're calm most of the time. It's pathetic.. so I'm making it my goal to become your friend. A real friend, someone who knows you at least close to as much as the family you're trying to save. So get ready, cuz I'm gonna have alotta questions!"

Taken aback by this if only a little, Human Hunter stopped walking for a brief moment. "Yeah, I'll prepare. I'd like to be your friend too." he continued onward toward the elevator that led down to Proel's main area of operations. Alant was filled with joy hearing Human Hunter's response.

During Alant and Human Hunter's discussion, the other members of Proel had been following close behind them. They all huddled up in the elevator in order to travel downward.

"So, I assume you've already seen this place Flowe, considering how much you already knew." Tigal stood, arms crossed next to Proel's potential newest member. He was attempting to look disinterested with conversing.

"Yes, that is correct. Your maneuverability training caused most Proel members to bring at least one leaf camera into the main area of your base." Flowe confirmed. "I'll admit, it's a pretty sight indeed. Not as impressive as the Assassin Corps's but.. it doesn't need to be. They're a rich organization so overwhelmingly high quality is expected."

"Bragging now, huh?" Human Hunter jokingly questioned from the front of the elevator. Though his body remained emotionless.

"Hah, no that is not my intent. I'm simply making a comparison to my previous comrades that's all."

"The Assassin Corps.." Lock touched his chin, pondering. "You spoke of their unmatchable strength. Strength you stated only we had the potential to eradicate. Just how capable are these people?"

"Staggeringly capable. I'd be happy to inform you of the details, but I intend on saving that for a meeting with all of us, along with your boss."

"Hm.. certainly. We will wait until then."

Reaching the bottom, the elevator opened. Faed sprinted into the large, open area, screaming. "Yeeeaaaaasssssss!!!! Finally finally, oh how I've missed this place oh so very much it's crazy how much being gone for a few days kills you on the inside but what's important now is that we're home!"

"Can't deny that enthusiasm, I'm stoked to be back too Faed!" Alant agreed.

"Grr.." Tigal, still learning how to fully generate the energized arm given to him by Flowe, slung his curved blade over his shoulder. "Time to check every last corner of the place for intruders. See you all later."

"Very well, farewell." Lock waved. "Alant, I'm going to trust you to keep an eye on Flowe for the time being. Roaming the base carefree is a privilege he must earn our trust even further to acquire. As for myself, Silva will be assisting me with setting up a modest celebratory event. Something for our victory against Phina. I assume Faed will be joining as well."

"You got it Lock. Just make sure whatever you guys cook up is seriously great. Actually, knowing you, I don't have anything to worry about!" Pressing his fingers against his eyebrow, Alant saluted goodbye. "Welp, see ya. Hey Flowe! Let's go man, there's something in the back that I'm pretty sure you couldn't see in your camera footage."

With a sigh, Flowe complied. "I guess I don't have much of a choice considering I, understandably so, lack enough trustworthiness. One moment."

Some time passed by, and things were going well. In a short time the tone had shifted from urgent and critical (against Phina) to relaxing and friendly. Human Hunter rested on his own alongside Halt, watching Lock, Faed, and Silva set up the celebration from a distance. He witnessed Lock's authoritative abilities be vanquished by Faed's cupcake attack. She grabbed one, and aggressively shoved it down Lock's throat.

"I personally believe that was the perfect use for our first cupcake, ahaha." Silva tried to hold back her laughter as much as she could. She leaned against the table they were using.

Lock gagged and spit it out. "Faed! The manners you have just displayed are not that of a Proel member! That was a waste of a cupcake and of time!"

"W-Well did you like the cupcake at least..? That's the first time I've ever made something like that with someone so I thought you would maybe have wanted to be the first one to try it.."

"Tch.." Realizing her good intentions, Lock composed himself. "Ahem.. yes. It was delectable. Now please ask for consent next time Faed, it is quite clear now that you are a naturally gifted cupcake constructor, so many more are likely to be made. I'd prefer to enjoy them together with the rest of Proel rather than on my own."

"Hehe, okayy got it Lock I'll make way more cupcakes so that we can all enjoy them together like a family!"

"Precisely, like a family. Now then, Silva, I believe it is your turn to contribute."

"Oh? No need to worry about that darling, I've already made plenty." Gesturing to her side, Silva showed off twelve full muffin tins of completed cupcakes. "I don't mean to boast or anything but, I've sort of impressed myself."

"I-.. how the-..." Lock cleared his throat, and shifted his glasses. "I see. Well then, onto the cake I suppose. Ah, we must also gather helpings of fruit. With the abundance of sugar, a bit of balancing goes a long way."

"Marvelous idea Lock. All we need to do is raid Alant's fruit shrine." Silva devilishly smiled.


Alant lifted up a pair of swords. It was the 32nd he had shown Flowe thus far. "Pretty awesome, huh? I like to call these babies 'Super Secret and Powerful Dual Blades Only Used When Necessary'. I mostly like them though because I got em from Lock, but they're strong either way."

"They're yet another impressive set of blades. You're quite the collector, Alant." In the back of Flowe's mind however, he thought, "Every single one has been nearly identical.. what is it that he's trying to show me..??"

"Ahh yeah I know, well, heh, just wait until ya-.." Alant was cut off by a large chunk of his wall. It spiraled towards him rather quickly, though luckily Alant had insanely adaptive reflexes. He split it in two with his Super Secret and Powerful Dual Blades Only Used When Necessary milliseconds before it would have connected with his face. "T-Tigal! What the hell are you doing!?" Looking over, both Alant and Flowe noticed Tigal standing seven rooms over, panting within the dust clouds.

"Grahh.. one of the specs of dust I was observing shifted in an odder position than I felt comfortable with. Sorry but, I had no other choice but to dispose of it before Proel in it's entirety ceased to exist."

"Your sword is strong Tigal, you didn't need to cut through seven entire rooms for a piece of dust! Plus it's dust what could it possibly even-.."

"Oh you shut your damn mouth Alant! You're the one who told me the leaf cameras were some far fetched idea that didn't exist and wouldn't you know I was right! If everyone was as careful as myself the human race would probably already have been eradicated by now!"

"Incorrect." Flowe swiftly stood up, entering himself into the conversation. "As you know, I was indeed momentarily apart of the group who made use of those leaf cameras, so I am aware of strategies used by people such as them. With that being said, I'm here to shed some light on your 'carefulness' Tigal. Once observances have occurred for a substantial period of time, your enemies tend to shift their strategies based on your behavior. Since you frequently destroy objects..." he paused, and spoke quietly. "They probably implanted dangerous substances inside of the walls rather than on the outside."

Tigal's entire life instantly began flashing before his eyes, as he stood there, motionless. "S-So you're basically saying that.. I have been playing right into their hands this entire time."

"Mhm. Yes indeed. So I suggest you stop destroying things before it's too late, you're lucky Proel has even made it this far considering this oversight of yours."

"Uhmm.. Flowe?" Alant pushed his hood down,  and scratched his hair. "I dunno if that was a smart idea."

"Maybe not." his teeth were displayed briefly. "But if Lock, Faed, and Silva are truly working on celebratory treats, I simply cannot risk them getting destroyed.."