
Human Hunter

This story is about an insane and overwhelmingly skilled murderer nicknamed - Human Hunter. Disgusted with the way mankind has polluted, damaged, and overtaken the earth, he makes it his mission to return the favor. One day hoping to eradicate the human race entirely, giving this planet back to who it truly belongs to. Nature. Throughout his journey, Human Hunter will encounter beings he didn't know existed, abilities he wasn't aware were possible, and odds that will require his entire arsenal to overcome. No matter what is thrown his way though, Human Hunter never strays from his ideals, and continues to hunt.. every.. last.. human.

UnformedStatue · Fantasía
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36 Chs

An Important Discussion

Human Hunter's heavy footsteps echoed throughout the nearly pitch black room. He heard, off in the distance, the sound of two people arguing.

"Tigal.. I am utterly blown away by the stupidity you continue to display each and every day. If such a risk is truly present, then I will take it in order to finish my novel."

It was Lock, arguing with Tigal.

"Stupidity huh? Tch, you won't be saying that when the floor transforms into goo one these days. It's a real possibility that I take precautions for frequently. It's you that's dumb for not considering it." Tigal was extremely disappointed in Lock's lack of concern.

"What are you even saying! The idea of such an occurrence is far gone from reality! Besides, I was talking about the absurd dragon theory you came up with not.. goo!"

"I'm just trying to keep everyone safe, okay? And with scum like the new guy coming in here, I don't have time to worry about your dangerous book."

Lock clenched his fist.

"Waddup guys!" Alant yelled from behind Human Hunter. "Where'd the boss head off to?"

"He's been absent for thirteen minutes now." Lock claimed. "Apparently he's found a way to solve our little dilemma."

"Whenever he's back," Human Hunter began, "I'll be prepared to go through whatever his tests happen to be. If it's the only way I can prove myself, then so be it."

"Wellll it's mostly to figure out whether or not you're the typa guy to betray us." Alant informed Human Hunter. "Mental tests. Though I'm sure he'll test your physical abilities for fun anyway. Haha!"

"I'm not exactly in the greatest of shape right now, but I'll try my best. As for the mental tests, I'll be fine. If they're really meant to determine whether or not I'll turn against everyone here, assuming they work, my non lethal intentions will be proven."

"Pft." Tigal scoffed. "Sorry, but you can't fool me. Passing the tests will only confirm that you've taken control of Setianal's mind."

All of a sudden, a loud thud was heard.

"Really..?" A calming, but serious voice said. "Do you truly believe that anyone would be able to overtake.. my mind?"

An ominous aura filled the air, one that even effected Human Hunter. Halt whimpered.. and hid behind his master. Human Hunter stood there, taken a back.

The stomps heard now made Human Hunter's footsteps sound like they came from mice. Appearing from the darkness, Setianal stood there. He was eight feet tall, and wore dark black armor all around his body. His face was covered with a black horned mask. From inside, all that could be seen were his eyes that glowed red. He walked over to his throne which sat at the far end of the room, and sat upon it.

Tigal gulped. "N-No sir, that's not what I meant it's just-.. I'm a little paranoid about things that's all!"

"Finally admitting it I see." Lock said, pushing his glasses against his face. "Very well, our business here seems to be completed then. If you would kindly hand over my book now." He reached a hand out, awaiting the book to be placed into it.

"Woah now hold on a second! I never said we could-.."

A booming interruption came from Setianal's lips. "Listen! I've come up with a solution that will benefit you both. Firstly, Tigal, if a dragon were to appear within our base, I could swiftly defeat it, eliminating the need for worry. And Lock, you must learn to respect the concerns of all your fellow comrades, no matter how absurd or arbitrary. Do you both understand?"

Tigal and Lock both said yes.

"Good. Now then, please leave. I have some business to attend to with whoever it is that entered our base uninvited."

A bit of sweat slid down Human Hunters forehead from inside his mask/helmet.

"Yeah uhh, heh heh, sorry about that Setianal.." Alant scratched his hair again awkwardly. "I kinda let him in without asking. But get this, he's another Human Hunter! Just like us!"

Setianal tapped his knee with a finger. "I see.. does someone claiming they are a Human Hunter automatically give you permission to allow them into our hideout?"

"Oh, well I actually didn't even know that at the time. I only found out after talking with Silva, probably shoulda checked."

"Yes.. that would have been wise. Either way, it won't matter if he ends up being worth the effort. Just try not to make a mistake like this again in the future, alright Alent?"

"Of course sir, youu got it!"

"Fine then. Now, I ask you to leave us be. I'll need to speak with this.. Human Hunter in private, as you should already know by now from when I bring in my own recruits."

Nodding, Alant left along with Lock and Tigal.

Human Hunter and Setianal were alone. Other than Halt of course.

"So.." Setianal began. "Do you have a name by chance? Or am I supposed to just call you a Human Hunter?"

Looking up at Setianal, who's throne was elevated, Human Hunter answered. "It's Human Hunter, there are reasons why nobody calls me by my actual name."

"Is there? Hm. Fair enough, I'll call you Human Hunter then, as you requested." Both men were silent for a while. "Why are you here?"

Silence again.

"I need to become stronger, that's why. I've recently come into contact with a race called the Sapients. They're apparently responsible for the human race taking complete control of this planet. Explaining it would be a hassle, so I'll get to the point. They captured people who share our ideals, people who could take over as the next generation of Human Hunters, but most importantly, people I care about. I need to get them back. In order to do that, I'll have to become strong enough to face off against these things alone. Not to mention I'll have to take out their leader, Malent, who's the only perso-.. thing to ever defeat me. It was sort of.. a wake up call. A reminder that I'm not unbeatable. Coming here has only hammered that in even more."

Setianal yet again, waited for a while before responding. "Assuming you're the one above all is never a good mindset to have. Thankfully for you, you realized that before it resulted in your death. As for the assistance you've requested, I've never heard of these Sapient beings. For all I know they could be fictional. Furthermore, even if they do happen to be real, what reason do I have to give you any of my help?"

Human Hunter pondered on this for a while, but Setianal continued before he could come up with an answer.

"I'll tell you what. If you can survive three entire missions along with the rest of Proel, I'll give you multiple years of training. I'm certain that an increase in power like that will give you plenty of strength to save your allies. However, before these missions begin, I'd like as much information on the Sapients as you can reveal. If you haven't noticed, we're both in the same line of work. If these creatures are in fact real, I'd like to be aware of as much about them as possible. Does that.. sound like a deal?"

Though he tried to keep a straight face, Human Hunter smirked a bit under his mask. "It gets me the training I need, as well as some more enemies for the Sapients to deal with. Yeah, I like it."

"Perfect. It's decided then." Setianal stared at Human Hunter in an intense fashion. "After giving me the information we agreed upon, you will accompany my apprentices on three important quests, and if you return, the power you desire will be engraved into your very soul."

This time it was Setianal who smirked under his face concealing attire.

"Time to see if you're the real deal.. Human Hunter."