
Human Hunter

This story is about an insane and overwhelmingly skilled murderer nicknamed - Human Hunter. Disgusted with the way mankind has polluted, damaged, and overtaken the earth, he makes it his mission to return the favor. One day hoping to eradicate the human race entirely, giving this planet back to who it truly belongs to. Nature. Throughout his journey, Human Hunter will encounter beings he didn't know existed, abilities he wasn't aware were possible, and odds that will require his entire arsenal to overcome. No matter what is thrown his way though, Human Hunter never strays from his ideals, and continues to hunt.. every.. last.. human.

UnformedStatue · Fantasía
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36 Chs


"There are many variables that need to be considered following this catastrophe of a day. Firstly, don't let the ghost figures slip your mind. While they were almost a non threat, they were directly responsible for the sapient's escape, which in turn was responsible for Nark's appearance. And second, Nark stated that he was a direct rival to Malent. We've known of the Sapients for decades now, including Malent. Why have we never detected rebels such as Nark? Furthermore, what possessed Nark to rebel in the first place?"

Vess rapidly typed on his computer, Speaking to the rest of the Corps in a secured room.

"I have my theories, but there's no concrete proof. One thing that does make me glad though, is that he claimed to be a rival. If that's the case, I would assume he could at least hold his own against Malent. We killed Nark without any casualties. When the day comes that we unleash our plan to fix this planet, Malent will almost certainly interfere. Our performance today gives me confidence that we may be able to defeat him. Though I'm inclined to believe that he'll bring an entire army of sapients stronger than those we fought today alongside him."

Belfume belched. "Basically, we've learned a hell of a lot. Hey, if that's the case, maybe getting infiltrated wasn't half bad!"

"Tch.. guess not." Sipping at an energy drink, Sonic sat nearby.

Rez leaned from behind Vess, and intently watched as he continued to type. "Do we know where the members who didn't get involved are?" she asked.

Vess's fingers continued to shuffle across the keyboard, his eyes shifting between a variety of screens. "Some are out on their own missions, others dealt with the situation and didn't feel the need to report back. All of them are fine though."

"That's.." Moving away, Rez paced around the room. "Unacceptable. I don't like it when members are distant."

A quiet chuckle came from Belfume. "Heheh. Those bundles of fun aren't going anywhere. No need to worry about em, believe me, I know."

"That's not what bothers me. An important part of any group is how close they are to one another. Not coming to our aid during an event such as this.. why.."

"They trusted us, that's why." Sonic crushed his energy drink and let it drop to the floor. "Yeah.. hangin out and comin to each other's rescue is nice and all, but it's when they don't come and save your ass that you know they've got faith. They knew we could handle it ourselves."

Rez's eyes tilted to Sonic. "Hm.. I suppose you're-.."

The entrance to the room burst open. An odd figure with a strange mask entered. It took very slow steps.

"Kor..?" Again, Rez's attention was altered. As was everyone else's.

"Ah." Kor began. "As expected, most of you, aside from Shult, are still in peak condition. Albeit Rez, you needed not to be so harsh on the Hunter of Humans."

"You were watching then?"

"Contrary to some of our other comrades, I prefer to take a more safe approach, and be certain that none of you risk death."

This brought a faint smile to Rez's face. "I-.. I see. That's nice to hear.. Kor."

He acknowledged her with a nod, and continued. "I'm hear to let you all know that-.."

"Celior has arrived." Vess finished for him.


Outside, Celior, Corps member Rank 1, gazed at the surrounding destruction. She wore detailed gold and red armor, with matching red eyes. She had a multitude of unidentifiable weapons that were partially covered by her hair, which was also a dark red.

"What the hell.." She said to herself, with a mild tone. "Hmph. Something above the strength of our defenses was here then. I haven't been notified of any deaths within the Corps.. so the battle itself must have gone smoothly at least."

She peered around further, examining the bodies of the escaped Sapients. "Based on the number of deceased Sapients, as well as the ruined state of the defenses, anyone could tell that our Sapients were released by whoever was here today. That means they were able to get that far into HQ. Of the countless organizations, groups, and species we've identified, not a single one of them is capable of such a feat."

Celior continued through the rubble, eventually approaching the front door of Assassin Corps HQ. While damaged, the massive building as a whole was still in tact. Iron Charge greeted her there.

"Miss Celior. Damage to the facility has been confirmed to be at 43%. Analysis was conducted by myself as well as Vess."

"It's fine. That isn't anything we can't manage. What I need to know is who exactly had the power to wipe out our previously believed to be impenetrable defenses."

"I have an adequate explanation for that question, however I believe Vess's would be more comprehensive."

"Very well. We'll speak with him then."

Both Celior and Iron Charge traveled to the back room where everyone was gathered. There, Celior was informed of everything. The ghost enemies, Nark, Human Hunter, and Proel. After hearing of the situation, Celior paused for a long while.

"This is..." She closed her eyes, breathing slowly. Keeping them closed for some time before opening them with rage and passion. "Unacceptable! I believe we've spent quite a while building up the reputation of the Assassin Corps, have we not?? We've built it up to a degree where anyone who even hears the name uttered feels a chill down their spine! To allow anyone, no matter what they are to fly under our radar for so long is absolutely disgraceful!"

The gaze of their leader quickly shifted between each member who was in the room.

"Whoever these ghostly enemies are, they're still very much present! You told me they mentioned a being they call mother. Our first course of action will be to find her, and eliminate as much of the race as we can! No.. all of it! That's what happens to anyone who has the audacity to aggressively confront us! Once they're taken care of, next will be Proel! How a grouping who isn't even able to touch one of us was allowed to leave here alive is something not even I am able to comprehend! Enough of it! We've had our eyes on eradicating them ever since Flowe's betrayal, it's time to take it seriously!"

Each present member of the Corps listened intently. Taking every word she spoke with the upmost importance.

"And finally..." Celior roughly extended an arm out with pride. "I fully intend on having us initiate an all out war between ourselves and the Sapient race once the other two have been dealt with! We've gotten plenty of research. After today's events, it's time to act! Decades of research on this planet clearly hasn't kept us invincible! So we will no longer wait around and observe!"

The Corps nodded in agreement.

"Up to this point, we've made our mark, but overall have been slower to act than we should have.. We've been over preparing and only taking my action when necessary. That's done and over with! These three groups have gone and angered me, enough to warrant immediate and drastic actions! It's time to start fixing this world like we've been planning to do for so long!"

Celior stood there for a moment. Once satisfied with the expressions and reactions of her squad, she turned to leave the room.

"Everyone, grab your gear and prepare to head out once we have located where these ghosts are hiding. We no longer have the time to make repairs. Ah, yes. I nearly forgot." She tilted her head back. "Inform the missing members that if they do not show up within thirty minutes, I will kill them myself."