
Chapter: Initiate The Finale

Zane looked down from atop a skyscraper onto the army of Apocrypha that surrounded the building. Each Apocrypha present was shouting the words 'Zane Civilization' to show their support for Zane.

Hades, Shemarie, Keanu, and Serenity all stood by Zane's side observing their new army. Zane then slowly stepped forward with his hand raised as if to get the army's attention. A few seconds later, the entire army went silent as they awaited their new king to speak. 

"Have you all come here to serve me?" Asked Zane calmly.

The army then responded with a massive shout, screaming 'Yes my lord'.

Zane smiled down at them. He was quite satisfied that there were this many Apocrypha willing to serve him. However, he was uncertain if they would stick around once they heard about his plans.