

Huguel dealing every day with his loneliness is suicidal thoughts, Huguel is getting tired of society judging his mental problems, Huguel wants to change this, Huguel will change the favela forever

senhor_do_gamer1 · Ciudad
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35 Chs


Chapter 3

" Ohhh...that reminds me..." Doyoung started after giving Hugo a quick peck on the cheek.

"You mean the one who has been buying those little cakes with her grandson? Don't worry about it, I told you I'd cover it." Doyoung placed his hand gently on the back of Hugo's neck, stroking it soothingly before leaning in closer to his boyfriend " You remember when I told you not to worry about paying for our dinner tonight?"

"Yeah..." Hugo sighed, looking down at the ground " It wasn't that important anyway, I already covered it when I told my mother."

" I think it was important, baby. What else was I supposed to do after you asked me if I wanted to come? If I hadn't agreed she might've never forgiven me. Do you really think I want to deal with a bitchy woman?" Hugo could only imagine what Doyoung felt like back when his mother was mad at him, knowing how protective he was of her. The elder leaned back up slightly and planted a small kiss on his forehead, Hugo looked up at him and smiled.

" Thanks Doyoung, I love you."

" Always, babe," Doyoung whispered, leaning down to leave yet another sweet kiss on his lips " Come on baby, let' s get inside. Johnny's probably wondering where we are."

" Yeah. Let's go." Hugo said, moving to unlock the door and opening it.

Hugo followed Doyoung into the apartment where they found Johnny sat comfortably on a couch watching a movie.

" Where were you guys?" The blonde said as he turned to look at the two males.

"Work. We have a job now so we'll be working a lot more often." Doyoung explained as he took a seat on the couch beside Johnny.

" That's great, we didn't know if you'd finally make it into the workforce. How was the job anyways?" Johnny said as he looked back at Hugo expectantly, waiting for him to answer, the shorter man shifted uncomfortably under the gaze before speaking.

" It was okay...I mean, not as bad as the last few jobs, but I guess you could say that it was stressful..." Johnny raised an eyebrow before smiling and nodding.

"Well, I'm glad you guys got the job. But don't be so hard on yourselves okay? You worked hard so don't feel guilty for having a hard time, just try not to push yourself too much while you're working here." The other two nodded in agreement "Now, do you two want any drinks?"

"Water please," Hugo replied, sitting on the empty coffee table in front of the couch and crossing his legs in front of him. " Also, could you pass me a pack of cigarettes? I'll smoke later, I wanna save the cigs for later." Johnny nodded and retrieved a pack of cigarettes from his bag, handing it to the youngest.

"Alright. I'm gonna be in the bathroom if either of you need anything before I'm back, okay?"

"Okay!" Both men exclaimed as the older man got up and exited the room, leaving the two boys alone.

For a few minutes Johnny remained completely quiet, focusing on the tv in front of him in order to hide the nervous expression etched on his face. This silence between the two continued until Hugo couldn't help but crack a small smile and look up at Johnny with a slight smirk.

"What is it, love? Did your parents tell you I was cheating on you or something?" Hugo teased, chuckling lightly before placing the cigarette between his lips and taking a drag.

" No! Nothing like that!" The younger exclaimed, shaking his head frantically. " Just...just...did you get that job because of us?" He asked hesitantly, his voice becoming quieter the further he spoke.

"Of course I did," Hugo responded as he placed the cigarette back onto its holder " We'