

Huguel dealing every day with his loneliness is suicidal thoughts, Huguel is getting tired of society judging his mental problems, Huguel wants to change this, Huguel will change the favela forever

senhor_do_gamer1 · Ciudad
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35 Chs


Chapter 3

Huguel wakes up and gets out of bed, he checks on Elenice and realizes she was sleeping. Huguel takes the pants and puts them on.

Huguel says to himself

Huguel starts to think about his plans for the day, Huguel grabs Elenice's shoulder trying to wake Elenice up.

Elenice moans in her sleep, Huguel continues to shake her.

Huguel says in a demanding tone, Elenice opens her eyes, she is still in bed, Hugel smiles at her and she returns the gesture, the two prepare for the day.

Elenice and Hugo go down the stairs, Huguel sees everyone already having breakfast.

He sits down next to Lizzie, Huguel grabs some cereal and starts eating. Lizzie asked him what happened last night, Huguel didn't answer.

Huguel said as he chewed his cereal and didn't want to talk.

Huguel gets up from his chair and tells all the allies in the room and says that today our personal revolution begins, prepare to destroy the government and build a society without prejudice and without hatred and without sadness.

Everyone claps and hugs each other, except Elenice and Liz, who get confused and confused.

"What's going on?", Elenice asks, Elenice says after she finishes eating her breakfast, Huguel sighs and says

"We've already decided, today we're going to fight these bastards.",Huguel says taking a sip of coffee.

Elenice said to herself, Elenice got up from her chair and hugged him. Huguel hugged her back and kissed her temple, Huguel whispered that everything will be fine, Elenice smiled slightly but quickly hid

in the government of the president

President David says what you mean by a revolution

President David telling the generals

one of the generals says that Huguel the most wanted criminal in our country is going to make a revolution in our country with an army of the most wanted criminal allies in the world from other countries of the group.

President David says I cannot accept something like this, this is treason, I want you to arrest that criminal, this is not war. The president said.

President David saying we have no choice

President David said, this is how the military does its business, alliance with a terrorist group or not, we cannot change history and we cannot take the risk that something bad could happen here because of someone's decisions. Alliance with terrorists or not, this is not war.

The general says that President Huguel's army has over 20,000 wanted criminals around the world and he is a traitor, he must be arrested.

President David says if he doesn't come to the capital I will take action, he will be court-martialed for treason and then executed.

bang! an explosion is heard by president David, it's the generals' bombs, the president runs out of the room followed by the generals and other people running.

A bullet goes flying through the window, hits Elizabeth in the back of her head killing her instantly, her head was blown off as the bullets penetrated her brain.

Everyone is horrified and shocked


President David runs out of his mansion and finds an army of rebels surrounding the mansion, he walks towards them screaming for mercy and begging for his life, but none of them listen.

Huguel is Elenice goes in the direction of President David, Huguel says you only have to hand over the country to me if you hand it over no one else will die, Huguel says. Huguel continues to laugh as he points a gun at the president's face

no one speaks a word

President David asks what's wrong with you? He asks what do you think you are doing? You are attacking this country and it is against all laws.

Huguel says I told you

Huguel says I'm going to make a revolution without prejudice and without hate, you just have to say that if you surrender, no one dies anymore, understand now?

President David says what exactly are you suggesting? he says this is a war and the only way to win is to kill each other and that is what will happen. Huguel says yes, this is a war and this is what will happen, this is what will happen. happened unless you give us what we want.

before President David looks at his hostage daughter, he thinks he's lost, he looks at Huguel, that's when he's going to speak, he's going to hand over the country

a female voice says only about my dead body

Huguel looking up is Elenice is the rebels is the president David is watching Animaria is another 100,000 soldiers of war

Animaria says hello Huguel how long have you been waiting?

Huguel said

Animaria says that if you surrender and leave, you don't have to worry about getting shot.

Huguel laughs

animaria says this is what happens when you try to rebel

Huguel looks at Elenice and tells her what I told you, Elenice nods

Elenice says that if you surrender to my angel Huguel no one will have to die today, no one will need to cry because their family member is gone, no one needs to cry because their friend died and no one needs to lose their home, Huguel smiles when he sees Elenice's speech

Animaria says if you are so sure then why are you so calm.

Elenice says why Huguel saved me from a bandit who tried to rape me Elenice says Huguel is the only person I love he is my savior he is my guardian angel

Elenice says why Huguel saved me from a bandit who tried to rape me Elenice says Huguel is the only person I love he is my savior he is my guardian angel He is my protector He is my guardian angel She cries aloud crying in the Hugo's shirt. Huguel caresses her head softly as tears fall from her eyes and she continues to cry, Huguel says stop crying Elenice says please Huguel says stop crying Elenice says okay

say I love you

Huguel says I love you too Elenice says I love you too I love you

Elenice screams and hugs him even tighter as he wraps her in his arms.

Elenice thanks Huguel

Huguel smiles

Elenice says I love you so much.

only one bullet passes through Huguel's eye and he falls to the ground in a faint

Elenice screaming in despair seeing Huguel fall to the ground is trying to revive Huguel.

Elenice screaming in despair seeing Huguel fall to the ground in a faint is trying to resuscitate him, she lifts his head but to her dismay his head is empty. Elenice screams loudly and cries

Elenice starts with hate in her eyes, Elenice thinks about how she can shoot my Little Angel Huguel

Elenice screams shoot rebels kill them all for shooting my Angel Huguel

the rebels nod their heads and start shooting at Animaria and the war soldiers

Animaria nods his head and tells the war soldiers to start shooting the rebels

War soldier tells Animaria

She says to kill all the rebels that get in our way, she orders the soldiers to start shooting the rebels

War soldier fires his gun against the rebels. The rebels fire theirs. The fight continues, every rebel is being killed by enemy soldiers. The rebels start to fight using what they have.

Animaria starts shooting at the rebels when Elenice attacks Animaria and starts punching her in the face.

but Animaria throws Elenice to the ground and starts punching Elenice in the face

. Elenice fights as hard as she can, but Animaria pushes her down. Elenice tries to push her away and Animaria pulls her sword from the sheath attached to her side and stabs Elenice in the stomach.

Screaming Elenice is kicking Animaria in the belly, throwing Animaria on the floor

Elenice screams is hitting Animaria in the chest with her fists. Animaria grabs Elenice's neck and forces her to sit down, Elenice kicks Animalia'

Animaria vs Elenice starts fighting. Animalia continues punching Elenice in the stomach and kicks Elenice in the stomach again as soon as she can.

Elenice is holding back a scream and she's gasping for air, she doesn't know what she's going to do, she can't see or breathe, she's starting to pass out.

when someone punches Animaria in the face it is Animaria falling to the ground feeling unbearable pain and pain in her abdomen.

Elenice to look at the person who saved him is to see Huguel with his mutilated eye oozing blood is with a look of hate

It would be heartening to look at Huguel in shock and say how alive you are.

Huguel doesn't say anything Huguel grabs Animaria by the neck with surreal force

and throws it aside

Animaria crashes into a building and stops moving, Elenice watches in horror at the terrifying sight as Animaria stands up and looks at the crowd of rebel soldiers.

The rebel soldiers look at her in fear.

animalia says i will kill them all

Animaria looking at Huguel is taking his gun and starts shooting at Huguel, but when Huguel takes tiris all over his body Huguel has no reaction of pain and continues walking towards Animaria

I would encourage you to continue shooting and hitting Huguel all over his body, but Huguel didn't fall to the ground and didn't die after all, it's not possible for a human body to resist bullets.

Animaria's bullets run out as she tries to attack Huguel standing before her, Huguel grabs Animaria's neck and proceeds to rip Animaria's neck from her body with surreal force. The rebels take turns shooting them. They try to attack Huguel, but they can't hit him, everyone turns to leave, looks back once more.

They saw that he doesn't bleed, they couldn't understand why he didn't bleed and why he wasn't affected by bullets and knives. The rebels were confused

Huguel ripping Animaria's head from its neck

Animaria's head flies across the room and hits the wall. Her eyes stare lifelessly into space.

Animaria is dead.

The rebels scream and run away.

Some rebels try to flee, but the rebels are caught by soldiers as they flee.

Huguel looks at the soldiers and rebels with a bloodthirsty gaze, Huguel punches the air and then the soldiers and rebels begin to be thrown to the ground like rag dolls.

The soldiers, rebels and rebels are lying on the ground motionless.

The rebels and rebels are lying on the floor motionless, blood is spreading everywhere and on their clothes

Men start screaming and screaming

men say

and the women scream

children cry

men start to scream more

Huguel punches the ground and the ground opens

.The rebels start climbing the land and start running as fast as they can.

All around, the ground is opening up and showing different places where people can jump.

the rebels scream

men scream

the woman screams and screams and screams

Huguel punches the air and the soldiers and rebels begin to be thrown to the ground.

Huguel punches once more the air begins to collapse.

The sky was getting darker by the second it looked like it was going to rain. Thunder rumbled and lightning began to appear in the sky.

the sun was going down the sun was going down, sunset was going to be soon.

The ground was cracking as people fled.

People were screaming and people started screaming.

an angel comes out of the sky is jumping on the ground making a bang

sound when she lands.

She was wearing a white dress, she had dark hair tied at the back of her neck with a blue ribbon that was tied around her wrist.

her wings are like white stars in the sky and her eyes were like two pools full of darkness

Her skin was a beautiful shade of pink

the angel says to stop destroying the world Huguel

Huguel turns to Angel and says it's you

The Angel says I'm the Angel Andrés I'm here to stop you from destroying the earth

Huguel says that's what we'll see

Huguel x Anjo Andrés be prepared to fight, continue