
The New Kid

It was a normal day for Joshua he woke up in his house and got ready for school. Made his breakfast, ate, and then left. He waited at the bus stop just like normal....Until he realized he was at the wrong one. He thought to himself "Why are you like this?" and just like that he started to run. He made his way down the street and after taking a few break he finally got to his new school. He looked up out of breath and saw the sign "Junior Tennis High school." He looked down at his watch which he wore on the underside of his wrist just as his father had done many times and saw he was late. "Damn it I ran so fast though" he thought to himself. "I guess I'll just go get my schedule." He went to the office building and picked up his schedule from the nice lady at the front desk and wished her a good day. As Joshua made his way down the hall he saw a lot of people, he walked nervously to his locker being blocked by a group of girls that looked mean. He doms isn't not want to make a bad impression so he walked up and asked "h...hi um is this locker 415?" One of the girls looked him up and down making Joshua feel very uncomfortable and said "So your the new loser from that shit school, we heard all about you and what a loser you are." In the crowd there stood a girl that really stood out to Joshua because she was very pretty and beautiful. She had long hair and was wearing glasses uncomfortably she dressed modern in jeans and a t-shirt and carried books with her. She had a book bag that was empty which made Joshua wonder. She looked at Josh like he was an injured puppy and spoke up in her group "Hey knock it off guys he's starting over all over again and we need to be nice to him." The group didn't like what she said apparently because they left right after that. The girl was now the only thing blocking the locker and Joshua decided to be weird and just pout to his locker. "Oh I'm so sorry here" she moved out of the way. "Thank you for that I'm Joshua what's your name?" He said "oh I'm Lexi it's good to meet you Joshua" she said with a beauty in her voice. "Good to meet you too Lexi, hey do you know where room 201 is I have history?." She thought for a second and said "oh cool me too you can walk with me and I'll help you out." Joshua was happy to have someone walk in with him, as they walked he could smell her like a breakfast cooking in the morning. She smelled very nice like peaches and strawberries, Joshua favorite. In all of the chaos Joshua was glad he met Lexi and continued to walk to history class.