

"How about I play the game with you every once in a while?"

"You will!!??" Myrtle pushed through the door she was leaning and moved up close to Loki coming to a stop just inches away from his face.

"I promise.", Loki said with a smile not bothering to step back since he felt that wouldn't do anything because the excited ghost would just follow him.

"Very well then! Fire away!" Myrtle said while twirling around and stopping in front of Loki.

"I see, then could you tell me about the Chamber of Secrets?"

"*gasp* I'm sorry but Professor Dumbledore asked me not to-"

"-inform about it to any of the students right? Don't worry, you can trust me. I talked to Friar and we decided that it was the duty of the ghosts of Hogwarts to keep the students safe. Wouldn't they be safer if they knew the truth about the situation?"

Loki tried the same trick with Myrtle by planting a suggestive feeling of trust onto her Body of Heart and Mind. Loki saw the unwilling expression on Myrtle's face, but eventually, she shook her head saying, "No, I'm sorry, I can't help you out."

"Please, Myrtle? For a friend? After all didn't I promise to play with you all the time?" Loki tried convincing her once more before giving up.

Myrtle with a little reluctance said, "You want to know about how I died!? Fine. But I'm only doing this so that I can play with you and because you are cute."

"Yes. Apologies though, I've already learnt from Friar that you died because of the Chamber of Secrets." Loki said with an exaggerated bow.

"Oh! No one has ever apologised to me. Apology accepted. You are truly a gentleman." Myrtle said with a soft smile making Loki feel a little uncomfortable because she seemed to be on a different wavelength than him but she continued nevertheless.

"The Chamber of Secrets had opened during my time at school, and all the students that were attacked before me were petrified, I was the only one that died and the attacks stopped after that.", Myrtle said with a frown.

"Do you remember how you died?"

"Yes. I remember coming to the lavatory because Oliver Hornby was teasing me about my glasses, and while I was hidden, I heard someone walk into the lavatory and speak in a strange hissing way."

'Tom? The shameless fellow walked into the girl's lavatory? And-'

"Hissing way? Like a snake?"

"Exactly! And when I stepped out of my stall to tell him to go to his own toilet- I died!"

"You died? Just like that?"

"Yes. All I remember seeing as soon as I stepped out of the stall were a gigantic pair of beautiful yellow eyes, they turned a little deeper and were about to change colours when then I died."

"Huh…" Loki stood there puzzled wondering what the eyes could have been, 'Was it the eyes of the Hidden Sage? The Hermit Pathway?'

'Or perhaps some creature?'

'But how could a creature with an enormous body move through Hogwarts?'

'But if it was the Hidden Sage why did it chase after Myrtle? Surely she is not a beyonder of the Hermit Pathway? Is she?'

"Do the words Hermit Sage ring any bells with you Myrtle?"

"Huh? No. I'm afraid not." Myrtle shook her head.

"I see. Thank you for telling me about all of this. Pop into room 2-21 whenever you feel like it and I'll try and entertain you as long as I'm there." Loki said with a gradual bow and stood up with grace.

"Will you really play with me!? You won't toss things at me like the rest of them will you?"

"Worry not, you will see I am just as gentlemanly in holding up my promises.", Loki said with a soft smile.

"We shall see."

With all his notes written Loki spoke to Myrtle for a little longer before he left for classroom 2-21.

"Minoe, Daphne? You were done so soon?" Loki asked as he entered the classroom.

"Yes! Why did it take you so long!? The ghosts said they couldn't tell us anything because Headmaster Dumbledore issued them a notice that they couldn't tell anyone anything!" Hermione said with her hands on her hips.

'What's up with people using his name so casually!?'

'If they don't use you-know-who's name why use his mortal enemy's?'

"I got a lead though." Loki said with a soft smile.

"How did you- The house ghost told you about it!? But how!?" Hermione immediately reasoned.

"Yes, and that is why it took me a little time to come back here."

"Tell us what did they say!?" Hermione asked while Daphne turned to pay attention too.

"Friar said that the chambers opened last time when You-Know-Who was in Hogwarts." Hermione and Daphne's eyes widened at the information.

"Then he told me that You-Know-Who told the staff that Hagrid was the one that opened the chamber of secrets and got him expelled, he was even given an award for the services to the school."

"But it can't be Hagrid!" Hermione exclaimed.

"Yes, I thought so too and apparently so did the Headmaster, since he helped Hagrid come out of Azkaban and hired him."

"I see." Hermione nodded but Daphne asked a question, "Is that all?"

"No." Loki shook his head and spoke, "I also learnt that a student died during the last time the chambers opened."

"A student died!?" Hermione asked with her eyes wide.

"Yes." Loki nodded, "You probably know her too. Her name's Myrtle. You probably know her as-"

"Moaning Myrtle." Hermione completed causing Loki to nod and continue.

"I spoke to her."

"What did she say?"

"She said she was crying in her stall after someone bullied her for her glasses and when she heard a hissing sound like a snake outside her stall she got up and went outside but all she remembers seeing were a pair of gigantic yellow eyes after which she died."

"That's all?" Hermione asked a little downtrodden.

"Yes. Unless you know something more I don't think there's anything else for us to figure out right now."

Hermione was a little disappointed that they still didn't know much about the monster of the chamber of secrets but then suddenly her eyes widened for a second before she blurted out, "Harry's a parsletongue!"

"Huh?" Loki sent a confused glance her way along with Daphne who was looking at her with confusion.

"Remember the day we were found in front of the writing on the wall?" Hermione asked.


"That day! I remember while we were walking back from Sir Nick's Deathday Party Harry said he could hear voices! Though we didn't hear anything!! Perhaps it was only him who understood the faint whispering of the snake which was why neither me nor Ron could hear or understand it!"

"Huh….I see." Loki nodded before asking a new question, "Harry's a descendant of Salazar Slytherin?" with some confusion.

Hermione scrunched up her lips as she wondered about what Loki had asked while Daphne immediately shook her head, "No. The Potter's family tree is well documented, they aren't Salazar Slytherin's descendants. The entire pure blood faction would do well to remember them if they were so."


Daphne's words left Loki and Hermione confused as they both came to the same conclusion, "So he just developed the ability for no reason? Wonky genes or something?"

Daphne didn't understand what Loki had said but Hermione did and they agreed.

Loki thought for a few seconds before speaking again, "I have an announcement to make." with a serious face.


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