
Chapter 68

Dear Diary,

Today, the alchemists I had hired in Kings Landing finally arrived by ship to Dreadfort after two whole moon's worth of time.

If I had not used portkey to travel back from Kings Landing after the end of the tournament and I would similarly have wasted two months on a ship. The thought gives me shudders.

I was never a fan of conventional muggle vehicles. Especially the ones that travel on water. And the fact that these medieval ships rocked a lot even in a rather calm ocean made it so that the only time he travelled in these ships was when he had to put up a show so that people won't suspect him using his teleportation powers.

After meeting with the Wisdoms, I led them to their new workshop which was larger and cleaner than the one in Kings Landing and gave them their first task.

Create cement. And concrete after that.

The thing was that despite being medieval world, these people already had some kind of mortar made up of Volcanic ash that acts as a decent substitute for Cement and is used in the construction of their castle, buildings and walls.

The problem was that the concrete made from this mortar did not hold up to the elements. Which meant that making roads from it would be foolish and far more expensive than it had any right to be.

So he had found a quarry of limestone in Skagos and had imported it here along with the few other core materials required to make cement and gave all this material to the Alchemists along with a decent explanation of how cement was made.

If they succeed in this then I'll have access to concrete and would finally be able to build roads in my domain.

Decent concrete roads and not the dirt path that everyone else seem to accept as proper roads in this world.

Merlin knows that a proper cement factory along with the brick factory would work wonders to improve the infrastructure of this world.

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Fortunate_Soulcreators' thoughts