
Chapter 338

"Lysa…" the old man wheezed. His breaths shallow and his lungs making a strange rattling sound every time he tried to breath "Lysa… forgive me… Lysa…"

"As you can see." Ser Edmure said "My father is not really in a good health."

The Blackfish looked at his brother with a grim expression.

He wanted to tell them that giving the man some milk of the puppy and cutting his life short would be a blessing but people don't really take such advice in the spirit it was given.

Plus, he was a guest. It was really not his place.

"Can you do something for father?" Ser Edmure asked him.

He gave the man a strange look.

"I am not a maester Ser Edmure." He said. And he frankly was not sure if he could do anything for the old man.

He probably could but he really had no reason to do so.

The man was at his last legs. Allowing him to die peacefully was the best they could do for him aside from putting him out of his misery.

Ser Edmure flushed at his words. ��I… I just thought you were the…" he then sighed and his shoulders slumped. "Forgive me. It was wrong of me to ask such a thing of you."

A simple legilimency probe to him that that after seeing his army slaughter the Lannisters with such casual ease, Edmure was starting to believe that he was chosen by the old gods.

Merlin! These people could be so superstitious.

And even if he could help the old man, he wouldn't.

Why would he help someone who poisoned his own daughter so that she wouldn't give birth to a bastard boy and then later sold her to a man old enough to be her grandfather for political gain.

And now the old man was taking Lysa's name again and again in his death bed, asking for forgiveness.

As if a woman would ever forgive such a thing.

"Forgive me. But we need to plan for the upcoming battles." He said "Tywin Lannister is not going to defeat himself."

The uncle nephew pair nodded and they left the room which stank of piss, shit and lot of medicine.


The war council meeting that he held in Riverrun held only a few people. Namely him, Bronn, his two sworn shields, Ygritte, Ser Edmure, Blackfish and Lord Tytos Blackwood.

The reason there were so few people in the meeting was because he was really not in the mood to deal with lords with few men and large egos.

He would leave that to the Tullys.

"So here is the situation." He said as he pointed at the large map on the table. "Tywin Lannister has placed his army in the forts across the Trident to stop any army from crossing the River."

He then pointed at the other side of the river at the wolf tablet "The Northern host equals the Lannnister army in size so trying to cross the river would be foolish." He then pointed at the Hawk tablet near the Bloody gate "But once the army of the Vale arrives here. Tywin would have to choice. To either hold against the Northern and Vale armies. Or to retreat into either Harrenhal or go back to Kings Landing."

"You can ambush Tywin's forces right?" Edmure asked "We can take them by surprise. Take over a fort or two and allow the Northern host to cross the Trident."

"No. I'm sure that the spies must have already reported the defeat of the Lannister army to Tywin and he must have set up some defenses against us." He said even though he was confident that he could defeat the Lannister army on his own. "Plus, I'm not going to attack Tywin Lannister."

"But you said that you'll leave Riverrun in two days." Edmure said with a frown.

"I will." He replied and pointed at another Lion piece beside Casterly Rock "My spies told me that the Lannisters are gathering yet another army outside Casterly Rock. I'll go there and break that army before it could become large enough to pose a danger."

"And how do you plan to cross the Golden Tooth?" Blackfish asked.

"You can leave that to me." He replied "Your task on the other hand will be to gather the lords of Riverrun and create another army and take Harrenhal from the skeletal garrison that Tywin left behind."

"Can't you just use those Wyverns and throw some more wildfire at Tywin?" Edmure asked. "Harrenhal was burned by the Dragons. Can't your Wyverns and wildfire do the same?"

"No." He shook his head "The caches of wildfire I have is very limited. I cannot afford to be wasteful with them."

He noticed Blackfish relax a little at that piece of news. Which was fake of course.

The Alchemists had been working for him for the past few years and by now that had created enough wildfire for him to burn Harrenhal ten times over. But there was really no point in telling that to these people and making them fear him.

The war council lasted for a bit longer before it was finally decided that Edmure Tully would continue to raise and train more men while Blackfish would lead his own men to destroy the Lannister supply lines and sow some chaos in Tywin's army while he would take his army and leave for Casterly Rock.