
HP: The Stealing Isn't That Bad! Is It?

Everybody learns things from their childhood, be it their good manners, bad manners, or something as small as speaking manners. And just like this They learn things in their childhood like playing, seeing some truths, some lie, stealing and many other things. All it comes downs to environment and how the child is getting raised most of the time. So, what forced Harry to learn stealing did it something happen when he was a child or something else entirely.

Player0273 · Derivados de obras
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73 Chs


If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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"That's not a Hogwarts Elf." George said. "Who are you?"

"I am Dobby sirs." The House elf said. "Dobby tried to look for the Great Harry Potter Sir but could not find him!"

"Why are you looking for me Dobby?" Harry dropped the brush inside the bucket and faced the elf.

"To warn you sir... There is an evil plot in Hogwarts sir... to harm Harry Potter!" Dobby squeaked. "Harry Potter must get away from Hogwarts!"

"Who is your master?" Fred asked.

"I am unable to betray my master's secrets!" Dobby said. "Dobby has to punish himself just for coming here!"

"Fred, that looks like the Malfoy's family crest." George pointed to the House elf's clothing. "He must be talking about a plot by Draco or his father."

Harry frowned when he realized how the evil diary ended up in Ginny Weasley's hands. "I'll talk to you later Dobby."

"Dobby cannot do so! Dobby has many chores to do!" The house elf said sadly. "Harry Potter must leave Hogwarts!"

"I was about to leave." Harry said as an idea came to his mind. "I'll be leaving Hogwarts tomorrow, but I might not be able to catch the train because Dumbledore ordered me not to leave until the Great Hall is clean."

"That is terrible news!" Dobby exclaimed. "Dobby will help Harry Potter!"

The house elf snapped his fingers, and from where his bare feet touched the stone, the floor became spotlessly clean.

"Blimey." Fred said. "Can I take you home to the burrow?"

After Harry gave the house elf assurances that he will definitely leave Hogwarts tomorrow the house elf vanished, leaving the three students looking at a snoring Filch.

"Do you think we should wake him up?" Harry asked, pointing to the sleeping caretaker.

"Nah, let's leave him alone." George said. As the three students left the great hall George turned to the young Ravenclaw. "Sit on our compartment tomorrow alright?"

"I'll drop by." Harry smiled. "By the way, the souvenir is in the hideout."

"What is it?" Fred asked eagerly. "You still haven't told us!"

"You'll see."

"So nothing is missing Headmaster?" Severus asked.

"My monitoring equipment is still functional, and nothing seems to be stolen." Albus said. "Except..."

"What is it?" McGonagall asked. She was worried since she has never seen the Headmaster that sad before in many years. It was disconcerting to see the usually calmed and collected leader of the light pouting and having a tantrum like a young boy.

"My... my lemon drops!" Albus said gravely. "It's gone. Someone stole my bowl of lemon drops."

"That's it?" Snape asked.

"That's it? Severus, I do not think you understand the gravity of the situation! My lemon drops are gone!" Albus said. "The bowl where it is placed is a unique magical artifact. It has a unique ability to replicate any object as long as it is not bigger than bowl.""It can replicate Galleons?" Severus asked.

"No, not metals, but simple things, like food, books... and candy." Albus said sadly. "Do you know how hard to get lemon drops these days?"

"I have no idea." McGonagall said. "Do you have a suspect headmaster?"

"It must be those pranksters." Severus suggested. "I know they are responsible for this."

"They are responsible for the prank at the feast, but I do not think they had anything to do with this most heinous crime." Albus said. "Two fourth years and a second year are not capable of entering my office, and the three of them stayed outside the great hall during the duration of the prank."

"Yes, we saw those three laughing just outside the door." Minerva said. "Who do you suspect headmaster?"

"A dark wizard." Albus said seriously. "One who is also fond of my lemon drops, and visited me minutes before the feast."

"You couldn't think..." Severus asked.

"I suspect it is Lucius Malfoy." Albus nodded. "He took a handful of my lemon drops right in front of me without asking for permission."

"Enough of this lemon drops business Albus." Minerva said. "Obviously Lucius knew of the bowl's magical properties and wanted it for himself."

"Severus, I want you to visit the Malfoy Manor this break." Dumbledore ordered his spy. "See if you can recover my lemon drops."

"Where is he?" Hermione yawned. "It's getting late, and if he doesn't get back soon, he won't be able to pack! The carriages will leave in a few hours!"

"I guess he is still cleaning the great hall." Padma said. "Why don't we pack for him?"

"That's a good idea." Hermione agreed. "I'm sure Michael won't mind."

The two girls headed Harry and Michael's dorm and looked around. They heard Michael's snores in the opposite bed and headed to the empty one near the window.

"Harry's very tidy." Padma commented. She noticed that most of Harry' clothes were still properly folded and tucked inside his trunk, and only a few books and toys littered his bed. "Does he even take a bath? His clothes are all properly folded and cleaned, it's like he doesn't even use them."

"Of course he takes a bath!" Hermione said. "Harry smells like strawberries. I know it's unusual for a boy, but I like it in him. "

"Looks like someone is still not over her crush." Padma smiled and nudged her friend's shoulder. "Be careful Hermione, I heard Veela can get nasty if they get angry."

"They're not the only ones who can get nasty." Hermione fought against the blush developing in her cheeks. "Why did Harry decide to pull that stunt with those twins? Everyone knows they're nothing but trouble!"

"What will you do when you get your hands on Harry?" Padma asked. "Kiss him?"

"Well, no." Hermione said."Or maybe give him a nice tight hug and get a good sniff of his strawberry scent?" Padma grinned.

"Stop it!" Hermione snapped back at her friend. "It's not funny!"

"It is Hermione." Padma laughed. "You should see your face. You're as red as a tomato... or even a strawberry."

Hermione did not bother to reply and continued packing Harry's books and toys in his trunk.


If you want to read ahead by 10 chapters from her you can visit my Patre-on.

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