
HP: The Magical Gamer

A 10 year old Harry Potter was sleeping soundly in his house when something extraordinary miracle happens to him. He is Chosen to be the first gamer of his world by someone called Creator, and there are no conditions on how he should use it. And after discovering this he decided to become the strongest one in the world.

Kitamari · Derivados de obras
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166 Chs

Chapter 139: Teasing!

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"Good. Now let's sleep." 

She sighed in comfort, drawing him closer and spooning him from behind. She wrapped her arms around his stomach and kissed the back of his head. "Goodnight, Harry."

"I see, I am just a glorified pillow replacement." He muttered, not unhappy with this sudden turn of events. 

He didn't have anything to do today so he didn't mind spending time with his mother. And even if he had some work, he would have happily ignored it for her company.

"Yep. I sleep better when I have an actual cuddle-buddy, but unfortunately my cute little kids are growing like bamboo, getting too old to sleep with their mum." She smiled, nuzzling his hair.

"I wouldn't mind. I like sleeping with you." Harry chuckled, bringing her arms to his chest and holding it there.

"Of course you do. I have great boobs. And you like it."


"What? It's the truth. I saw how you were looking at my breasts. I think another dose of 'birds and bees' is required."

"I am going!"

"Fine, spoilsport. I won't tease you anymore. Still, you should know that it is absolutely normal for your age. Getting drooly over your mum's sexy boobs is totally normal. Absolutely normal. Or that's what I would like to think. Otherwise we both are mad."


"Okay, okay. Calm down. I won't use the b-word again."

"You are enjoying this, aren't you?"


"Can I turn around? I feel like you are laughing at my back."

"No. If you turn around, your face will be directly in front of my you-know-what. And I am not sure how much you can restrain yourself if my you-know-what is within your eyes' and mouth's range."

"That was the final straw. I am really going this time."

"Sorry, sorry. I won't make any more lewd jokes, I promise. Please don't leave me all alone. I finally got some quality time with you." She mumbled with mock sadness, her grasp strengthening.

Harry heaved a sigh and closed his eyes. Even though he was annoyed by her constant teasing, he couldn't deny how comfortable he felt being held in her embrace.

"Should I take off my t-shirt? It doesn't feel comfortable. But my son might get handsy in his sleep. What to do? What to do?" she said in a singsong voice after a minute of silence.

His eyebrows twitched while his cheeks burned at the thought of his mum's glorious boobs. He didn't think there was anyone out there with a more perfect pair of tits than her. Was he biassed? Obviously.

She suddenly withdrew her arms from around him and he heard rustling sounds. But within half a minute, she was back to cuddling him from behind.

He couldn't believe it.

She really had taken off her t-shirt. He could feel the firm-softness and the pleasant heat of her round flesh squashed on his back. He could almost make out her nipples poking him.

He was feeling too warm, too pent up, too hot.

"Don't be naughty. I am showing you great trust here. I really was feeling uncomfy with the t-shirt on and decided it needed to go." Lily said genuinely, holding him close, pressing her breasts against him. 

"Consider it a test. You lose if you give in to your temptation and disrespect your dear old mum. You win if you control the urge and respect your mum's order. Simple."

Although she was serious, Harry could still hear the clear amusement in her tone. She was immensely enjoying this. "Fine. What do I get if I win?"

"What do you want?" She asked in a husky voice, whispering in his ear. He could feel her warm breath wafting over his earlobe. "Ask away, I will give you anything."

"It's a trick question. Isn't it?"


"I don't want anything. I just want my lovely mum's kiss and a goodbye hug." Harry said with an exaggerated innocence.

"Good boy." she giggled, squeezing him and closing her eyes. "And goodnight. Real for this time."

"Goodnight, mum. I love you."

"I love you too, sweetie."

Harry shut his eyes and went to sleep.

'Wake me up at 7:00, Isis.'

[You do know that I am not your alarm clock, don't you?]

[Fine. I will wake you up at 7.]


Taking the wand from his dead body, she stepped out of the room in which she was born and trapped for her whole life. It was the first time after her creation that she was able to cross the threshold of this chamber.

She moped around for a bit before slumping into her husband's throne, curling into a small ball and trembling from exertion after the night's irrevocable event.

She knew it was necessary and that she was in the right. She wouldn't have killed him otherwise. 

This was the only way she could have escaped from her gilded cage. And it wasn't as if her husband had been a selfless innocent victim.

No, he had been far from innocent, he was a cruel paranoid bastard who had taken away her freedom to love and to choose.

If only he had trusted her, if only he had given her a real opportunity to fall for him, then she would have sacrificed her freedom, her everything and would have gladly returned his affections twofold.

Alas, that wasn't how it was meant to be.

He might have loved her truly, but she couldn't ever be sure if what she felt for him was true love or a pale cruel imitation of it. 

Even now she was questioning whether the hurt she was feeling from taking his life was real or just an ingrained mechanism to stop her from betraying him.

It was fake, she decided. She was a fool to shed tears over a man like that. No more, she would do it no more.

Was the poor facsimile of love worth more than her genuine dream of freedom?

Absolutely not. So, she had stewed and pondered how to achieve her goal after the Creator had shown her the truth.


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