
HP: The Gray Sorcerer

Arthur finds himself reincarnated into the world of Harry Potter and awakens a powerful Gacha System. He begins his new life by acquiring a phoenix as his pet and spending time playing Quidditch with his girlfriend Cho Chang, reading books in the library with Hermione, or searching for the rare Crumple-Horned Snorkack with Luna. -------------------------------------------- patreon.com/Abyssuit You can find up to 35 advanced chapters at my patreon

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237 Chs

Chapter 172: Patronus of Twins

Inside the Room of Requirement on a Sunday, Hermione, and Cho were already waiting.

"Why hasn't Arthur arrived yet? Hermione, do you know where he went?"

Harry asked, growing impatient. He would ask about Arthur's location from Hermione every so often.

Hermione was getting annoyed by Harry's constant questioning.

"Harry, I've already told you several times, he went to look for Luna and Astoria."

Malfoy couldn't resist the opportunity to mock Harry. His sarcastic tone made Harry want to punch him.

"Potter, I know why you're so worried. Don't worry, Dementors won't enter Hogwarts. You still have another semester," Malfoy said.

Harry's fainting incident was widely known, so even though Malfoy's words made Harry's face flush in anger, he couldn't deny it.

This indeed was the reason for Harry's worry.

Last time on the train, he was the only one who fainted, while Luna only showed signs of extreme pain but didn't lose consciousness.

As someone with a strong sense of pride, Harry found it hard to accept this, which is why he was so eager to learn the Patronus Charm.

Just then, the door to the Room of Requirement opened.

Arthur entered, holding the hand of a blonde little girl each hand.

It was Astoria and Luna.

Astoria looked confused, with her face still sleepy and her eyes barely open.

On the other hand, Luna looked much more awake. As soon as she entered, she greeted Hermione and Cho.

"Alright, now that everyone is here, let's get started,"

Arthur said helplessly. He had been delayed for so long because Astoria had overslept.

He didn't have any female Slytherin friends, so if it weren't for bumping into Astoria's sister Daphne on the way out, he might have had to wait even longer.

After Arthur spoke, everyone became awake.

He summoned a blackboard, and with a wave of his wand, the instructions and techniques for casting the Patronus Charm appeared on it.

Using his wand as a pointer, Arthur began his explanation.

"The Patronus Charm is a very powerful spell, which, naturally, also makes it a challenging one," Arthur started.

"Usually, only powerful wizards can cast a corporeal Patronus, while the average person can only emit some white mist."

"Normally, the Patronus Charm is used to repel Dementors and Lethifold, but powerful wizards can do so much more with it."

As Arthur spoke, he waved his wand and softly chanted the incantation.

"Expecto Patronum."

A silver-white unicorn ran out from the tip of his wand.

This was the first time everyone had observed a corporeal Patronus up close.

Although they had seen a Unicorn Patronus on the train, it was too massive to see clearly.

This time, Arthur intentionally controlled the size of the Patronus, keeping it the same size as Celestia. If it weren't for the different colors, they would have mistaken it for a real unicorn.

Arthur continued his explanation as the unicorn Patronus circled around everyone, he said, "For example, I can use the Patronus Charm to deliver messages."

To everyone's surprise, the unicorn's mouth delivered the same words as Arthur was speaking.

"And when the Patronus is even stronger, it can be used to shield you from spells or even attack enemies,"

Arthur said, raising his wand.

The Patronus charged towards a target and shattered it with a powerful ram.

"Alright, next I'll explain the spelling technique. The Patronus Charm is a spell where the power of emotions is greater than magical power."

"When casting the Patronus, you must think of the happiest moment you've experienced in your mind."

"This is the difficulty of the Patronus charm, as a wizard's will determines the limit of this spell."


Arthur finished explaining all the important in one breath and then stopped talking.

After finishing his explanation, Arthur allowed everyone to start practicing.

He didn't immediately bring out Reggie and Ronnie, as it wouldn't make much sense.

It would be better for everyone to be able to cast a corporeal Patronus first before they stepped in.

For the next two hours, everyone kept trying to learn the Patronus Charm.

However, progress was slow for everyone except for George and Fred, who were the first to summon a wispy silver mist.

The best among the others was Hermione, who occasionally had a silver thread emerge from her wand.

Malfoy and Ron, the two fools, had hoarse voices from shouting, but their wands still had no response.

Seeing this situation, Arthur furrowed his brow.

By clapping his hands, he called a stop to everyone's practice and took out his secret weapon.

The Elixir to Induce Euphoria.

It was a potion that could make someone feel happy and maintain a state of excitement, which greatly helped practice the Patronus Charm.

Sure enough, after everyone took the Elixir to Induce Euphoria, their progress improved a lot.

Finally, not long after, the twins successfully summoned a corporeal Patronus.

Although the form wasn't very solid, it was already very rare.

Everyone looked curiously at twins Patronus, but they didn't know what creature it was.

"It's a Magpie,"

Arthur said with confidence.

He didn't expect that the twins' Patronus would be a magpie, such a joyful creature.

He thought that with their personalities, it would be a monkey or something similar.

"It's beautiful,"

Hermione said enviously, and the other girls nodded in agreement.

Fred and George happily high-fived each other.

"Well done, Fred."

"You're not too bad yourself, George."

Arthur also let the two share their experience of success, but what they said made everyone laugh and cry.

"When I cast the spell, I was thinking about the time when I got caught by Filch, and I said I was George," said Fred.

This was Fred's words.

George looked at Fred and said happily, "What a coincidence, I was thinking about the time when Professor McGonagall deducted points from me, and I used Fred's name."

After the two finished speaking, they burst into laughter at the same time.



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