
HP: The Gray Sorcerer

Arthur finds himself reincarnated into the world of Harry Potter and awakens a powerful Gacha System. He begins his new life by acquiring a phoenix as his pet and spending time playing Quidditch with his girlfriend Cho Chang, reading books in the library with Hermione, or searching for the rare Crumple-Horned Snorkack with Luna. -------------------------------------------- patreon.com/Abyssuit You can find up to 35 advanced chapters at my patreon

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Chapter 131: Publishing Papers

Inside the laboratory in Arthur's suitcase mansion.

At this time, Arthur's hair was messy, and his eyes were bloodshot.

The table in front of him was filled with books, drafts, and a pile of empty potion bottles.

In the past few days, Arthur had spent all of his spare time working on the Doubling Charm and only slept for two or three hours a day.

If it weren't for his enhanced physical abilities from Avalon and the help of potions, he would have collapsed long ago.

Arthur took out a book titled "Standard Spells: Beginner Level" and placed it on the table.

He pointed his wand at the book, then at a piece of parchment beside it, and softly recited the incantation.


The papers immediately changed, displaying rows of text that looked exactly like those in the "Standard Spells: Beginner Level" book.

Arthur picked up the newly created book and flipped through it. The information was identical to the original version.

Finally, he couldn't hold back the joy in his heart and laughed loudly.

He had finally succeeded in improving the Doubling Charm. Now, all it took was a single spell to copy an entire book.

This was his first successful modification of a magical spell, but Arthur believed that with this experience, he would have a second and third success.

By that tixme, as long as future wizards learn a magic spell, they will have to mention their founder's name.

Arthur tried to hold back his excitement because he knew it was time to sleep. He went back to his room and fell asleep for a long time. He woke up the next evening.

Luckily, He would have missed a full day of classes if it hadn't been for the Easter break.

Feeling refreshed, Arthur got up and grabbed something to eat in the cafeteria before going straight to Professor Flitwick's office.

Professors naturally didn't leave the school during shorter breaks, so Arthur wasn't worried about not finding him.

He knocked on the door, and sure enough, he heard Professor Flitwick's voice from inside.

Arthur entered.

"Gaunt, is there something you need?"

Professor Flitwick looked at Arthur, happy but also a bit curious.

He knew this talented wizard from his own house, and Arthur wouldn't come to him under normal circumstances, which saved Professor Flitwick some worry.

So, Arthur's sudden visit surprised him.

"Professor, I have improved a spell and would like your help in turning it into a research paper. I want to publish it in 'Contemporary Spells'."

Afterward, Arthur explained the modified version of the Doubling Charm to Professor Flitwick and gave a demonstration.

"This is fantastic, Gaunt!" Holding two identical books, Professor Flitwick was so excited he almost fainted.

"I can guarantee that if you publish this paper, it will be the headline of that magazine."

Arthur humbly expressed that he still needed Professor Flitwick's help to write a strict thesis.

Throughout the rest of the break, Arthur and Professor Flitwick worked on the thesis.

On the day before the semester started, Arthur held the final draft and looked at Professor Flitwick. "Professor, should we use this edition?"

Professor Flitwick nodded in agreement.

However, Arthur's next action moved him deeply. Arthur gently added his name to the paper with his wand.

"Gant, you don't have to add my name. I just provided a little help with the format of your paper," Professor Flitwick said, touched by the gesture.

But Arthur shook his head and denied, "Professor, without your help, even if my spell succeeded, I wouldn't be able to write a qualified article. So, please don't refuse."

When Professor Flitwick heard what Arthur said, he stopped trying to convince him and called an owl to take the paper to the magazine publication office.

A week later, Arthur's article appeared in "Spellbound" and, as Professor Flitwick predicted, made the headline.

During dinner, Dumbledore happily announced the news and awarded Ravenclaw fifty points.

Dumbledore had been mysteriously missing all this semester, and no one knew where he had been, but coincidentally, he was at the school today.

Other young wizards didn't have a big reaction to it.

Firstly, Arthur had already caused many major events and even earned the Order of Merlin. Publishing a paper was just another thing.

It would probably only surprise them for a moment when Arthur graduated the next day.

Secondly, "Spellbound" was a somewhat unknown magazine.

A lot of young wizards didn't know it even existed. It was only read by a few older kids and adult wizards.

However, the professors' reactions were massive.

Professor Flitwick kept talking about what Arthur had achieved, which made the heads of the other three houses very jealous.

The day after their Transfiguration class, Professor McGonagall specifically kept Arthur behind.

"Mr. Gaunt, I believe your talent grows beyond spells. Your Transfiguration skills are the best among all the students I've taught,"

Professor McGonagall said.

With Professor McGonagall's praise, Arthur could only promise that he was already planning a paper on Transfiguration, specifically on the transformation between animals.

Professor McGonagall nodded her approval and informed Arthur he might come to her with any more questions.

Professor Snape, on the other hand, was blunt and cold.

He said, "I expect to see your article in the next issue of 'Practical Potioneer'" before turning around and leaving arrogantly.

Arthur didn't know what to say, so he was glad that Herbology didn't have its own magazine. If it did, he would have had to write another paper.

For the next month, Arthur spent his time writing articles and sometimes impressing the professors.

His papers were successfully published in two magazines, but Dumbledore didn't give him any more points.

After all, with Ravenclaw's current score, adding more wouldn't make much of a difference.

To celebrate Arthur's accomplishments, Cho and Hermione decided to throw a small party as a final peace before the end-of-term exams.

After hearing the news, Harry, Malfoy, Ron, and the Weasley twins, all said they wanted to go to the small party.



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