
HP: The Gray Sorcerer

Arthur finds himself reincarnated into the world of Harry Potter and awakens a powerful Gacha System. He begins his new life by acquiring a phoenix as his pet and spending time playing Quidditch with his girlfriend Cho Chang, reading books in the library with Hermione, or searching for the rare Crumple-Horned Snorkack with Luna. -------------------------------------------- patreon.com/Abyssuit You can find up to 35 advanced chapters at my patreon

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237 Chs

Chapter 128: The Valentine's Day

Arthur looked at the chaotic crowd and frowned.

He quickly brewed several bottles of potions using the available materials and distributed them to the injured wizards and witches.

Luckily, the burns on these wizards were not too serious.

After applying the ointment, the pain quickly disappeared, and the burns slowly healed.

Lavender Brown from Ravenclaw was the only one with more serious injuries, but Hermione had already taken her to the Hospital Wing at Arthur's instruction.

After dealing with these people's injuries, Arthur remembered the unconscious Professor Snape on the ground and walked over to check his condition.

The other young wizards also gather around.

At this time, Professor Snape was still unconscious, with a swollen red mark on his forehead from the burns and impact of the cauldron earlier.


Arthur gasped. Professor Snape's appearance was out of shape.

"Arthur, how is he? Professor Snape isn't going to die, right?"

One of the wizards asked anxiously, but the excitement hidden in his tone made Arthur roll his eyes.

"Don't worry, The professor just passed out, he won't die!"

Arthur replied irritably and applied some of the remaining potions to Snape.

The surrounding wizards let out sighs of relief, though they seemed sad about not having a new professor for Potions class.

After Arthur finished the potion, He keenly noticed a slight movement of Professor Snape's fingers, thinking that he would wake up soon.

But after five minutes passed, there was still no sign of Professor Snape waking up.

Arthur glanced at the wizards around him and suddenly realized something.

Standing up, Arthur said to the crowd, "Alright, standing here is making the air circulate. This class is now over. You can leave, and I'll stay with Professor Snape."

When hearing Arthur's words, everyone obediently left the classroom.

The large room was now empty, with only Arthur and Professor Snape on the floor.

Glancing at Professor Snape, Arthur also left the room.

After Arthur left the classroom, Professor Snape immediately opened his eyes.

Holding his still painful forehead, he stood up and uttered each word with resentment, "Neville Longbottom, Seamus Finnigan."

There is deep resentment in his tone, like a ghost in hell.


Soon, the incident of Professor Snape being 'attacked' during the Potions class spread throughout the entire school campus.

But at the time, not many people were paying attention to the details, and the news that was going around was vague.

When Fred and George Weasley heard about it, they went looking for Arthur and asked him to tell them the whole scene in the Room of Requirement.

Arthur didn't want to let the twins discover it, but they kept asking.

After Arthur told the whole story, the twins couldn't stop laughing and rolled around on the floor, which made Arthur very angry.

The twins couldn't keep a secret. With their publicity, the same story of that day quickly spread inside Hogwarts.

The Gryffindors regarded Neville and Seamus as heroes, and people would salute them when they walked by.

However, Neville and Seamus also paid a price for their actions.

Over the next two weeks, Gryffindor's points dropped rapidly, reaching an unbelievable decrease of nearly 100 points in one day.

Professor McGonagall finally intervened after witnessing this and had a conversation with Professor Snape, putting an end to the punishment.

However, Gryffindor's points were already very close to zero.

But the Gryffindor students didn't care one bit.

They were brave Gryffindors. In the past, it wasn't unusual for them to lose all of their points.

Harry and Ron even lost points right at the beginning of the school year.

They said that as long as Professor Snape was happy, they didn't mind losing points.

In the middle of this joyful atmosphere, Valentine's Day arrived.

Arthur was having breakfast in the Great Hall when countless owls flew in and bombarded him with packages and letters, nearly drowning him.

The Ravenclaw students watched Arthur curiously, and it took him a lot of effort to organize the packages.

The packages and letters were all covered in pink and clearly stated that they were Valentine's Day gifts, without exception.

Cho stared at Arthur with a sad expression.

Arthur awkwardly smiled and placed the packages behind him, keeping the letters in his pocket.

"Are you planning to reply to each of them?"

Cho asked, feeling a bit jealous.

Arthur quickly retorted, "These are efforts from others. If I were to throw away these letters now, it would hurt their feelings. Besides, someone might be secretly observing my actions."

When Cho heard Arthur's response, she sat up straight and looked around.

Indeed, several female wizards were secretly watching Arthur.

There was a good chance that one of the love letters belonged to them.

Cho glared at them angrily and moved closer to Arthur, holding his right hand tightly as if claiming her item.

Back in the dormitory, Arthur stored the letters in a cabinet without opening a single one.

However, he opened all the packages, finding different candies and sweets.

He carefully inspected them to ensure there were no love potions or similar magical substances.

There is much history in the wizarding world. Even Voldemort's mother got Voldemort only by the love potion, and Arthur's had to guard against it.

Luckily, the girls who sent the gifts were quite rational, and everything was normal.

There were just too many of them. Arthur went to the common room and shared some of the treats with other students.

Hermione witnessed the scene in the morning, feeling jealous.

However, her mood changed when Arthur gave her a beautiful piece of jewelry.

She smiled with joy.

During the Charms class, Professor Flitwick taught a spell that perfectly matched the Valentine's Day atmosphere—the Bubble Charm.

It created bubbles of different colors that reflected a rainbow of light in the candlelight.

Arthur used pink bubbles to spell out Hermione's name, adding a heart at the end.

Hermione blushed, and the other female students looked at them enviously.

"Romantic spell, Arthur,"

Professor Flitwick commented with a smile, and added Arthur five points.



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