
HP: The Gray Sorcerer

Arthur finds himself reincarnated into the world of Harry Potter and awakens a powerful Gacha System. He begins his new life by acquiring a phoenix as his pet and spending time playing Quidditch with his girlfriend Cho Chang, reading books in the library with Hermione, or searching for the rare Crumple-Horned Snorkack with Luna. -------------------------------------------- patreon.com/Abyssuit You can find up to 35 advanced chapters at my patreon

Abyssuit · Cómic
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237 Chs

Chapter 105: Salazar's Trial

After Salazar finished speaking, he waved his hand, and all the bookshelves moved on their own, sliding towards the walls.

Pillars raised from the ground, making an area around Arthur and them that looked like an arena.

Arthur had a feeling that he was about to fight Salazar.

Salazar's mouth twitched a little as he watched Arthur, who was ready to cast a spell and bring him down at any time.

This young wizard was so hot-tempered, not at all like his own descendant but more like Godric Gryffindor.

"Kid, put down your wand. You won't need it for the first task,"

Salasazar said, unable to resist asking,

"Which House are you from?"

Arthur smiled shyly and kept his wand in his robe before introducing himself,

"Arthur Gaunt, a second-year student from Ravenclaw."

Salazar nodded, not caring if Arthur was a Slytherin student or not. As long as he wasn't in Gryffindor, everything would be fine.

Without a wand, Salazar could only wave his hands and summon a set of desks and chairs, along with a roll of paper.

"If you want to take over my inheritance, you need to know a lot about magical books. This first test will see how much you know about magic," Salazar explained.

Arthur didn't expect Salazar to set a written test as the first task. Approaching the table, Arthur glanced at the topics on the paper.

Hmm, it seemed pretty simple.

So, he began quickly to answer the questions. In just fifteen minutes, Arthur gave Salazar the finished paper.

"So fast?"

Salazar glanced at Arthur and then looked at the paper. After a while, he nodded in satisfaction.

This young wizard was good. He answered all the questions correctly.

They could proceed to the second task.

"Most of my legacy has to do with trying out magic experimentation, so you must have very good real talents," said Salazar.

"For this second task, you can choose to make a potion or an alchemical creation, and I will decide whether you passed on your work."

When Arthur heard Salazar's explanation, he nodded and felt confident. This was perfect for him.

"Do you have the materials?" Arthur asked Salazar.

Now it was Salazar's turn to feel embarrassed.

After nearly a thousand years, the potions Salazar had left for testing purposes would be useless even with special maintenance methods.

After all, time is the most powerful weapon.

Arthur sensed Salazar's trouble and raised the suitcase in his hand.

"I have some of my own creations. Would you like to take a look?"

Salazar breathed a sigh of relief and said,

"Alright, show me."

Arthur opened the suitcase, but instead of entering it, he took out a bag and tossed it to Salazar.

"Here are some of the magical creations I've created. Take a look."

Salazar took the bag and casually pulled out some items—pendants, bracelets, earrings.

With his keen eye, he could tell that these were well-crafted, even though he didn't recognize some of the runes involved.

After all, a lot of these runes didn't exist when he was in his era.

But could a second-year wizard really achieve such precise carving and intricate runes?

Salazar had some doubts as he looked at Arthur.

"Did you really make these yourself?"

Arthur just shrugged his shoulders and didn't say anything.

Instead, he stepped forward, picked up a bracelet, and began explaining the process of the bracelet and the reasoning behind his choice of runes.

After listening to Arthur's explanation, Salazar had to admit that this young wizard's proficiency in alchemy was higher than his other wizards during his own time.

Little did he know that these were just ordinary products Arthur had created a long time ago.

He rarely made magical items now because he had more important research to focus on.

Salazar and Arthur, excitedly discussing some unfamiliar runes they had never seen before, suddenly realized that the task was not yet over.

Salazar quickly stopped their conversation and got to the point.

"Alright, let's proceed to the final test."

"For wizards, it all comes down to their wands, so the final task will be a duel!"

Salazar clapped his hands, and a guard armored by the door walked quickly to the arena and stood behind Salazar.

"This armored warrior will be your opponent. I carefully created it myself, so feel free to cast spells all out."

"Are you sure, all out?"

Arthur looked at Salazar with a strange expression, seeking confirmation.

Salazar smiled faintly, realizing that this young one didn't entirely trust his craftsmanship.

He reassured,

"Don't worry, this armor is powerful."

Seeing that Arthur still hesitated, Salazar added,

"Don't worry, even if you break it, it's fine."

When hearing Salazar's words, Arthur finally felt at ease. He nodded and took out his wand.

Salazar stepped aside, positioning the armor and Arthur opposite each other.

He clapped his hands again, and the armor came to life.

Runes on the sword shimmered, and a red light shot from the tip of the sword.

Rather than trying to withstand the armor's curse head-on, Arthur shifted slightly to the side, successfully dodging the spell.


Arthur quickly cast a Stunning Spell, a beam as thick as a water cup, directly hitting the armor.


The entire armor instantly fell apart, with countless shattered pieces of armor spreading onto the floor.

Salazar stood beside him, dumbfounded by what he saw.

"You call that a Stunning Spell? That water cup-sized spell is unbelievable!"

"Are young wizards nowadays really this great?"

However, he quickly realized that his armored warrior was already beyond repair.

"My armor!"

Salazar cried and hurriedly threw himself next to the armor, his movements so fast that even Arthur almost missed seeing it clearly.

At this moment, Salazar was also filled with sadness.

This armored warrior was not just an alchemical creation; it was his masterpiece, more like a work of art.

Arthur also felt a bit embarrassed at this point.

He had only used half of his power to be careful, but he didn't expect the armor to be so weak.

"You said to go all out, didn't you, old man?"

Arthur muttered to himself, loud enough for Salazar to hear, which almost made him black out and collapse.



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