
HP: The Gray Sorcerer

Arthur finds himself reincarnated into the world of Harry Potter and awakens a powerful Gacha System. He begins his new life by acquiring a phoenix as his pet and spending time playing Quidditch with his girlfriend Cho Chang, reading books in the library with Hermione, or searching for the rare Crumple-Horned Snorkack with Luna. -------------------------------------------- patreon.com/Abyssuit You can find up to 35 advanced chapters at my patreon

Abyssuit · Cómic
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237 Chs

Chapter 10: Class

On the second day, early in the morning, Arthur got up.

Due to the trash system that didn't have a map, he had to take advantage of the time without classes to get to know the place and not be late for class in the future.

There were many stairs and passages all over Hogwarts. There were also many stairs that could be moved, and some young wizards would often get lost on them.

After a morning of walking, Arthur finally figured out the stairs to get to the Spell class in the afternoon and the way to the Great Hall. When he arrived at the Great Hall to have breakfast, many people were already inside.

Arthur casually found an empty seat and enjoyed his breakfast.

The beef pie and carrot vegetable soup were not very great, but it was enough to fill the stomachs of young wizards.

If he remembered correctly, the Hogwarts kitchen was located next to the Hufflepuff common room. He would go there another day to find the house elves and teach them some Chinese breakfast dishes.

After all these years, since he had traveled back in time, Arthur still missed Chinese breakfast, such as fried dough sticks, soy milk, and salty tofu pudding.

He believed that they would learn quickly with the capable abilities of the house elves because of how they were raised.

Arthur felt like he was living a life of luxury at Hogwarts. As a newly enrolled young wizard, he didn't have many classes to attend, and he even had Thursdays off.

He also had a house-elf to clean up his room, making it even more comfortable than home.

As Arthur was lost in thought, he suddenly felt a tap on his shoulder. Looking up, he saw Cho and Marietta standing beside her.

"Why didn't you wait for me? You're new here, and it's easy to get lost," Cho scolded him slightly.

Arthur smiled and motioned for them to sit down.

"I woke up early and had nothing to do, so I came out to know about and get familiar with the place."

"What classes do you have today?" Cho asked.

Arthur replied, "Professor Flitwick's Charms class, and then I have to go to the Astronomy class on the top floor tonight."

Then Cho pulled out her wand, and breakfast appeared in front of her.

"Professor Flitwick is a great master of charms, and he's very kind to students," Cho said to Arthur.

Marietta added, "It's said that Professor Flitwick has some goblin blood in him, and he was also the champion of the dueling competition back in the day."

Talking about gossip, Marietta seemed quite excited, always sharing small rumors she didn't know where she got from.

Arthur was also quite interested in this. In his past life, he hadn't read the original book, and he had just watched the movies many years ago.

He only remembered some main storylines and knew the tournament each year.

He never expected that someone like Professor Flitwick could be so powerful. He didn't have so much screen time in the movies.

After breakfast, Arthur invited Cho to go for a walk. They walked through the grassy field and the wooded path and slowly made their way to the edge of the Black Lake.

Arthur turned his head slightly and looked at the girl beside him. The breeze blew her dark hair, revealing her clear side profile. Her straight nose and rosy lips made Arthur feel a little flustered.

Cho noticed his gaze and blushed.

Arthur gently took her hand and walked to a nearby bench. They sat down and enjoyed the peaceful view of the Black Lake and the Forbidden Forest in the distance, as well as the lovely smell of the girl beside him.

Cho also greatly enjoyed this peaceful feeling and slowly leaned her head on Arthur's shoulder.

Arthur felt the touch on his shoulder and gently hugged the girl.

As for going further, that was out of the question.

After a while, Cho had to go to class, so they both returned to the castle.

Cho went to class, and Arthur had nothing to do, so he went back to the room to take a nap.


In the afternoon, Arthur arrived at the Charms classroom. This year's Charms class was taught together with the Hufflepuffs, so he didn't see the trio from the two different houses.

Someone had already taken the front-row seats, so Arthur went to the back and sat next to a boy.

"Good afternoon, Anthony," he greeted.

"Good afternoon, Arthur," Anthony replied.

The boy next to him, Anthony Goldstein, was a pure-blood wizard. His parents both worked in the Ministry of Magic's Department of Magical Transportation.

The two of them had a nice chat on their way to the common room yesterday.

After saying hello, the bell for the class went off.

Professor Flitwick entered the room with quick footsteps. Due to his short height, he had to stand on a pile of books in order to teach properly.

He took out a roll call book and started calling out names, which gave Arthur the feeling of being back in college, with the teacher taking attendance.

Roll call was completed without any latecomers. Then Professor Flitwick put away the book.

"Ladies and gentlemen, Charm is the most basic part of modern magic. Wizards use them to achieve their goals. Although the school has divided Defecse Against the Dark Arts and Transfiguration into separate courses, they are also part of Charm. Our main focus in this Charm class, of course, is to teach useful spells that are used in daily life. For example, the Levitation Charm."

After speaking, Professor Flitwick waved his hand, and the desk in front of him began to levitate. As he moved his wand, it moved smoothly in the air.

"Another example is the Vanishing Spell" Professor Flitwick pointed his wand at the desk that was still dancing in mid-air. The desk vanished into thin air.

The young wizards in the audience were all very excited and eager to start learning. Seeing that his performance had successfully piqued their interest, Professor Flitwick nodded with satisfaction.

He gently tapped his wand, and the disappeared desk reappeared in front of them, now quiet and still.

"Now, we will begin our first lesson: The Wand-Lighting Charm."

"The incantation for The Wand-Lighting Charm is 'Lumos.'" Flitwick explained the rhythm and hand gestures needed for casting the spell. Then, he let the young students begin their practice.

The students excitedly began practicing, filling the classroom with the sound of spellcasting.

However, many of the students' wands remained inactive, and only a few who were more advanced could produce glowing light around their wands. But even those soon disappeared.

Arthur also pulled out his wand and whispered, "Lumos."

Instantly, a bright white light appeared at the tip of his wand, and with a single thought, the light transformed and constantly changed its color.

"Excellent, Mr. Gaunt," Professor Flitwick said excitedly as he quickly approached Arthur.

"Mr. Grant, I didn't expect you to succeed on your first try and even learn a variation of The Wand-Lighting Charm," As he spoke, Professor Flitwick wiped his eyes, where some tears seemed to have appeared.

"You flatter me, Professor. I merely studied the book in advance and practiced a few times," Arthur replied

Arthur was very speechless. One Lighting Charm had caused a professor to be so excited that tears appeared in his eyes, and he wondered what kind of students Flitwick had taught in the past.



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