"Welcome students" Niàn zhēn, the history teacher called out to a filled classroom with slanting long university-style seating for students "I am not only your history one teacher but your first-period teacher meaning each week or when it is demanded I will be the one to tell you of important events and the such".
Niàn zhēn was a younger man with lesser magical skill while his experience with not only the magical history of china but the non-magical version was unmatched hence the position of history teacher being his, Of course, with the large number of people taking the class due to its required status it would be completely impossible for one person to teach the class at all of its levels. Niàn was not only a year one history teacher but a year two, year three, and year six teacher. Wearing a long sleeve bundled up to his elbow and a tan pair of pants he looked more American than Chinese this was a detail that everyone noticed but very few cared, most specifically the few nobles scattered through the classroom.
In the back of the classroom was where Zhāng had claimed his seat, with almost nobody sitting next to him. Zhāng honestly didn't understand why he was being avoided like the plague but he assumed that it was something to do with the fact that he saw only one other person with the signature dragon image on their back, however, the woman with the robes with the dragon only had eight aiguillettes, not 12 as he did. What Zhāng did think about was his crazy heritage, being in an Imperial now turned Noble Chinese house and in an actual Imperial house.
"Today is the first day that you year ones will take classes, so we shall get the beginning rules and expectations for this class out of the way– as most of you should have taken regular schooling I imagine that you have encountered homework, as an important and very in-depth subject that history is you will find that there will be no other class that comes close to amount of homework in this one".
"However homework is worthless in this class and only tests will count for your grade– whether this makes the class easier for you or harder I don't care, if one is consistent in their completion and in correctness then extra credit may be awarded… but don't expect it to be large or plentiful in amount".
"As new students to the magical world, I understand the natural curiosity and drive for it, however any student that, without permission, performs or attempts to perform magic in this class will be told to stop on the first offense… on the second they will lose their wand for 24 hours, and if they find it funny to continue to break the rules then they could be kicked out of the class, be removed from the class for the year, meaning they might take it next year– or they will be permanently prevented from taking the class completely ending their time at Fenghuang".
"The last thing that I will discuss is some advice, you all will quickly find that Fenghuang has its own currency called The Huang" Niàn said before waving his own wand making a bag appear in front of every student "you will also find that second years will try and challenge you for said currency… there are a few ways to gain it, wait till the beginning of the month for it to be given, challenge another student for it, or bet on the winner during a challenge, among very few other genius ways a few students found to make a little Huang– but there are more ways to lose it, lose a challenge is the obvious one, but it is also what pays for your lunch/dinner if you go to the mess hall or if you buy ingredients from the city around Fenghuang, it's what pays for any replacement wands or supplies".
"Now you may ask if students from higher grades can challenge you then what am I supposed to do? Well exchanges in any way from one currency to another are not allowed, but you can only be challenged after you accept your second payment from the school so if you are not confident in your magical prowess then you could simply not accept your second payment".
"This is where my advice comes in. exchange from currency to currency is not allowed, but it's not like every alley is being watched so if you find a student rich in Huang yet poor in gold you yet may not have to starve. However, for those students who are poor in both Huang and Gold like other students, you may sell your services or an item that you create– There are no limits on what those could be… Literally anything but if you are caught doing something less civil than standard you will be beaten not for the act but because you were caught".
"Now I say anything is allowed and you will only be punished if you are caught, assassination is the only exception to that, with beating being impossible and like the victim, you will also be killed if found guilty".
"Now that is over any other rules will be found in 'The Encyclopedia of Fenghuang' with new updates automatically changing the book and lighting a bright green glow, so keep them in plain sight" Niàn laughed before actually beginning the class "now turn take out Year one Chinese History by Me and turn to page one after the index and prologue".