
HP: The Demon King System

Traveling through the world of Harry Potter, Wayne awakens the Demon King System. This system rewards him for causing chaos and breaking school rules, leading to a period of unprecedented liveliness at Hogwarts. Dumbledore acknowledges, "Every student should break a few rules in their lifetime, but Wayne... please try to exercise some restraint." McGonagall adds, "I always thought the Weasley twins were daring, but I never expected Wayne to surpass them in bravery!" Snape exclaims, "Azkaban! He deserves to be sorted straight into Azkaban!" Voldemort proclaims, "Forget about the Children of Prophecy. My only desire is to kill Wayne Lawrence! Right away!" Wayne raises his hands in a helpless gesture and explains, "I'm just doing System missions!!" **************TRANSLATION************** Original Chinese Title:- 霍格沃茨:求求你快毕业吧 ****************************************** If you want to Support me then, Check Out~~ p@treon.com/FicReader OR buymeacoffee.com/ficreader Uploading Daily 1 Chapter Just a Translator and a Reader

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63. The Devil Rises And The Little Badgers Rebel!

Quirrell struggled to read the contents of the book.

The little wizards have become accustomed to his poor performance.

According to Quirrell himself, he was cursed by several dark creatures at the same time, so he had to spend a lot of energy fighting against the curse. Although everyone sympathizes with him, they still feel helpless.

Defense Against the Dark Arts was supposed to be the most exciting course, but now it has become like this. Many people have already begun to Sleep, read extracurricular books, or do homework in other subjects.

Regardless of Quirrell, the professor would keep reading the textbook until the bell rang, as long as no one interrupted him. Perhaps the only good thing is that he never checks his homework. Wayne's arm rested on the table, supporting his chin, somewhat worried. Maybe Quirrell no longer cares about being targeted, or maybe he has repeated a single behavior too many times. Recently, Wayne has been able to gain fewer and fewer points by deliberately making things difficult for Quirrell in class.

It's not even as much as going out for a night out. But with such a good score-boosting machine in front of him, Wayne felt uncomfortable if he didn't make good use of it. Seeing that no one was paying attention in class, Wayne breathed a sigh of relief and decided in his mind.

"Professor," Wayne said directly without raising his hand. This is very rude, but if you raise your hand, Quirrell will just treat it as invisible.

"Professor," Wayne shouted again, and Quirrell reluctantly stopped reading.

"Again, what's the problem, Mr. Lawrence?" All the students looked refreshed. It was fun to watch.

"Do you still remember our agreement?" Wayne asked politely, "As long as you teach me a powerful spell in this class, I will give you a vial of Phoenix Tears." The little wizards let out bursts of exclamations. Tears of the Phoenix! That's a good thing and can be sold for a lot of money.

"This...this..." Quirrell was a little moved; he still remembered Voldemort's request. "Don't agree to him, it will expose you, idiot!" Voldemort's snort sounded in Quirrell's mind. Once Wayne's temptation is successful, what will the other little wizards think? If you don't give good things, you won't teach magic spells? It would be strange if they didn't explode. Even if you want Phoenix's tears, you can't do it this way. After hearing the master's order, Quirrell also said, "You, you are still at the age where you are laying the foundation, there is no benefit in learning powerful spells too early." Wayne was reluctant, "But I heard from senior students that you didn't teach any magic in their classes."

The students burst into laughter, and both inside and outside the classroom, the atmosphere was filled with joy.

Wayne finally mocked, "Professor, did you buy this position? No wonder Cedric told me that the food at Hogwarts is much better this year."

Cedric, who was weeding the devil's ivy in the greenhouse, sneezed and suddenly woke up the devil's ivy. The vines entangled him from all directions, and it took him a long time to break free. He was puzzled and asked, "Weird, why do I suddenly want to sneeze?"

In the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom, Quirrell was angry for the first time and deducted five points from Hufflepuff.

Wayne achieved his goal and no longer struggled. After class, his roommate, Norman, found Wayne in the crowd with confusion and asked, "Why do you seem to be in a bad mood today?"

"It doesn't matter," Wayne shook his head. "I just think it's a waste of time to have such a professor. What do you think we can learn this year?"

Hearing Wayne's words, Norman also felt sad. So far, he has only learned a repelling spell through self-study, and what is taught in class is completely useless. Many young wizards around them also showed approval.

A girl from Ravenclaw comforted Wayne and said, "You don't have to worry too much. I heard that the Defense Against the Dark Arts position is cursed. No one has ever been able to work in it for a full year."

"One year..." Wayne said regretfully, "Hogwarts only lasts seven years, so one year will be wasted. We'll be fine, but the fifth and seventh-grade seniors must have suffered a great loss."

After saying that, Wayne left feeling lonely. His words quickly spread among several colleges. As he said, the fifth and seventh graders were miserable. The examiners of OWLs and NEWTs don't care about what your professor is like. They will only assess according to the requirements of the Ministry of Magic, so now the seniors are overwhelmed and can only rely on self-study and talent. But so what? They could only curse a few words behind their backs and continue studying hard.

Night falls, and tomorrow is the weekend, so Hufflepuff's common room is particularly busy. Wayne held his wand to his throat and cast an amplifying spell, gaining the attention of everyone in the lounge.

"What's wrong with you, Wayne?" Cedric asked strangely, not knowing why he was acting so crazy.

"Don't interrupt," Wayne glared at him and took out a piece of parchment from his pocket.

"You know how much it costs to buy a loaf of bread... I'm sorry, I got the wrong paper."Thunderous laughter erupted in the lounge, causing his two roommates to laugh uncontrollably.

This sudden outburst piqued the curiosity of those around, who wondered what Wayne had in mind.

As Wayne took out the second piece of parchment, a hush fell over the room, filling it with complete silence.

Everyone's eyes are on him.

"Dear Hufflepuff classmates and seniors."

"I assume everyone understands the significance of Defense Against the Dark Arts."

"We have the greatest principal in the world, the most powerful wizard of this century."

"We have the most challenging yet highly skilled Transfiguration professors."

"We have the kindest and gentlest herbalist serving as our professor of herbal medicine."

"We also have a patient Professor of Charmss, who has won several duels consecutively."

"Of course, we also have a Potions professor who, despite having a sharp tongue and overlooking personal hygiene, is undeniably talented."

"However, we are lacking a competent Defense Against the Dark Arts professor who is willing to teach us real magic."

The smiles slowly vanished from the faces of the Hufflepuff students. Cedric's eyes widened, and he attempted to stop Wayne from speaking further, but Wayne, with a determined look, pushed him back into his seat.

Wayne continued his passionate speech:

"Now, we are living in the darkest period in Hogwarts' history, and we are about to waste a year."

"During this year, we won't learn anything useful in Defense Against the Dark Arts class, and it won't aid us effectively in passing the graduation exam."

"I understand that we should respect our professors."

"But our needs should also be taken into consideration!"

"We've been in school for a month now, and I can only imagine how much magic everyone will have learned after our first year."

"But I know our enemy has arrived."

"He will tarnish Hogwarts' reputation in everyone's hearts, and he will ruin the peaceful campus that Headmaster Dumbledore created."

"I...must do something!"

Wayne displayed a heroic expression. "The reason I'm taking up your time today is simply to let you know that if the principal fires me, I will miss all of you."

Upon hearing the possibility of Wayne being expelled, Hannah couldn't help but stand up.

"Wayne, what are you planning to do?"

"I am going to write a formal report to the principal about Professor Quirrell's inaction. Even if I fail, Quirrell will face consequences."

Wayne wore a bitter smile. "By then, perhaps we'll have a new and competent professor."

"Wayne, don't do it." The Hufflepuff students were moved by Wayne's determination.

"We can also study on our own. It might be a bit slower, but we can still learn something."

The young man displayed a disgusted expression.

"How many self-taught students are there in Hufflepuff?"

Everyone was taken aback.

The Hufflepuff students usually paid attention during class, but after class...only a few would study.

Mostly, it was random."Don't worry about me!" Wayne blew his nose. "Tomorrow morning, I will send a report letter to the principal's office!"

After saying that, he turned around walked into the men's dormitory passage, and went back to the house.

A bunch of little badgers were left looking at each other. No one wanted Wayne to be fired, but they couldn't persuade him.

Cedric gritted his teeth and said, "I'll write a report letter too!"

"With Wayne alone, the principal will be very angry, so I have to help him share some of the burden. The tradition of Hufflepuff is unity." After hearing Cedric's method, everyone nodded.

Susan Burns said loudly: "Count me in too! My aunt works at the Ministry of Magic, I can talk to her too."

"Count me in too!"

"And I!"

Almost everyone started to respond, took out parchment and quills, and wrote a report letter.

Wayne, who was lying on the door and eavesdropping on the goings-on, showed a knowing smile.

Early the next morning, all the little badgers were waiting for Wayne to appear in the lounge. Surrounded by his two roommates, Wayne finally walked out of the dormitory. Everyone held new envelopes in their hands. Shocking cheers erupted in the lounge, and then everyone rushed out of the common room.

They did not go to their favorite dining hall but walked directly upstairs. Hundreds of little wizards formed a small torrent. The other college students who saw them were stunned and didn't understand what was happening.

Harry, who had just come downstairs, also met Wayne and others. Ronald shivered.

"Why do I feel cold?"

Harry ignored Ronald's complaints and asked in confusion: "What are you going to do?"

"Look at this direction...is it going to the eighth floor?"

"What's on the eighth floor?" Ronald asked.

Harry thought for a long time and finally took out the map and said with certainty: "The principal's room!"

"Wayne, is this the way?"

"How do we get the letter to the principal?"

When they arrived on the eighth floor, everyone suddenly became nervous, and their original aggressiveness turned into caution.

They walked very quietly, just like walking at night.

Wayne shook his head.

"No, the principal's office has its mailbox. We can just put the letter in the mailbox."

The little badgers breathed a sigh of relief when they heard what he said.

As they arrived at the door of the principal's office, they noticed the familiar gargoyle.

Perhaps it was because Wayne's arrival was sensed that the gargoyle suddenly woke up from its closed-eye sleep.

"Huh? It's you, kid. Why are you here so early? Dumbledore probably hasn't gotten up yet," the gargoyle said.

"The password has been changed. It's Sherbet Lemon. Say it quickly so I can open the door for you," the gargoyle instructed.

The little wizard behind Wayne left everyone in disbelief.

This guard is truly dedicated to his duty.

I was worried that Wayne wouldn't remember the password, so I reminded him specifically.

At this moment, the gargoyle stone beast noticed that there were many people following behind it and asked in confusion, "What are they here for? I can only decide to let you in, not others."

"No need," Wayne waved his hand. "I'm not here to see the principal, I wrote him a letter. Please hand it to him for me."

"That's it," the gargoyle stone beast opened its mouth. "Then let him in. I will remind him later if he enters through the front door."

Wayne didn't hesitate and put the letter directly into the gargoyle's mouth.

"Is this the mailbox?" Cedric tugged on Wayne's clothes and whispered in his ear.

"Yes, put your letter in too. After doing so, we can go have dinner," Wayne replied.

With courage, Cedric also threw his letter into the stone beast's mouth.

"Eh? You also have a letter for Dumbledore?" the Gargoyle exclaimed.

"Wait, what are you doing!" Gargoyle panicked.

"No, hurry up, stop it," Gargoyle urged.

"It's going to be full!" Gargoyle exclaimed.

"Don't be so rough! Be gentle!" Gargoyle pleaded.

Finally, as the last little wizard stuffed their letter into the gargoyle's mouth, it swallowed all the letters with tears in its eyes.

My belly is visibly bigger, the gargoyle thought.

"Thank you for your hard work," Wayne patted the gargoyle's head. "Be sure to remind the principal."

After saying that, Wayne ran away with the little badgers.

Everyone had an abnormal blush on their faces.

It was so exciting.

In the history of Hogwarts, there has never been such a grand occasion where a whole school of young wizards collectively complained against a professor.

They are about to be recorded in history!

It's a big deal!

There are no secrets in Hogwarts. In less than a day, news spread like a whirlwind throughout the school that all Hufflepuffs complained about Quirrell.

When everyone first heard this shocking news, their initial reaction was disbelief.

But since every Hufflepuff student said so, and many people saw them walking toward the upper floors in the morning, the whole school erupted!

Hufflepuff has always been the most low-key college, never causing trouble, and other colleges will not provoke them. The sense of existence is extremely faint.

Even parents educate their children by saying that if they don't have any notable qualities, they will be sorted into Hufflepuff.

But this time, Hufflepuff did something significant that made Gryffindor envious, Slytherin laugh, and Ravenclaw take notice.

It was dinner time.

The atmosphere in the auditorium was incredibly strange.

Only a few teachers were present to honor the special guest.

The seats of Professors Dumbledore, Snape, and Quirrell were all empty.

Sprout was so restless that she held her knife and fork backward.

"Pomona," Professor McGonagall sighed, hesitated for a moment, and then said, "You should have stopped them."

Professor Sprout helplessly set down her utensils. "Do you think I didn't want to?"

"The problem is... I only found out this afternoon."

Professor McGonagall's eyelids flickered in shock. "They didn't inform you about something so significant?"

She couldn't believe that Hufflepuff was capable of such a thing.

If it had been Gryffindor, she wouldn't have been as surprised.

Well, what Professor McGonagall didn't know was that upon learning of the accomplishments of the badgers, the lion cubs also took action.

How could Hufflepuff be so exclusive about something so public?

In one afternoon, the gargoyle had nearly a hundred more complaint letters from Gryffindors in its belly.

Of course, McGonagall was unaware of this at the moment.

She quickly asked Sprout, "What's going on? Who caused this?"

On the side, Professor Flitwick also gave a concerned look.

Sprout smiled bitterly. "It's Mr. Lawrence."

The two professors were stunned.


Were the first-year students already this audacious?

At Hufflepuff's long table, Wayne was surrounded by a group of people, including Hufflepuffs and Gryffindors.

The Weasley twins were even more deferential.

"Wayne, this is so cool! We never imagined we could play like this!"


A figure forcefully made their way through the crowd, went up to Wayne, and pulled him away without any explanation.


Cedric whispered.

"Not the Gryffindor one, this is... Ravenclaw's new Seeker?"

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