A more powerful, knowledgeable and much better trained Harry -but not Super!Harry, there won't be any suddenly acquired powers here just improvement of a preexisting talent and many years of effort- a differently evolving Severus as I believe he could have been had things turned out differently. After all, you must keep in mind, Lily lives in this story. Yet, you shouldn't expect he will get over his issues that easy. This story is Harry and Severus centered but it's not slash; it's a father/son relationship in every meaning of the word. For the rest? Just read on!
And as the potions' master was wondering when would be the next time he would see the little boy, not really daring to hope it would be any time in the near future, he had no way to hear that person answering his unasked question.
"Soon Severus. Soon."
Severus was seething. It wasn't that he was averse to socializing as a concept. But he preferred choosing the people with which he was socializing with. The Hogwarts staff would have, of course, been his first choice or some of the Ministry officials he had met last March in a potions conference. Maybe even some of the people he had met during his travels. As he had tried to remind Albus over and over again, he wasn't a recluse or anything of the sort. He just appreciated his privacy. Privacy; now that was a word that seemed to escape the Headmaster's otherwise vast vocabulary.
Somehow, Dumbledore had managed to volunteer him for some sort of… he had no idea really what he was supposed to do. All he knew was that he was expected to report first thing in the morning of the third of August at the Potter manor. So much for being able to decide what he wanted to do for himself. And what exactly did Albus think? I need somebody to help the Potters; who can I torture more at the process? Why Severus of course! The potions master snorted in disgust as he grabbed some of the floo powder from the pot next to his fireplace. And he had hoped he would get to move on with his research that day. How naïve of him.
He arrived at the Potter manor at nine thirty in the morning, not a minute later than he was supposed to. If anything else, he wouldn't be frowned upon for his lack of punctuality. He hadn't been invited to the birthday party of the twins that year and, even if it had stung a little bit, he figured it was for the best. Last year's experience had been less than pleasant. He stopped at his trail of thought with a smile. Admittedly last year's party had started out as awkward but it had turned out to be quite interesting in the end. Harry seemed to have that effect on him for sure. But facing Harry, Lily and her dimwitted husband playing the perfect family? Severus could think of better tortures found in hell. No escaping it now; he was at the Potter manor and ready to face the Potters.
But where were the Potters? Severus moved closer to the door he remembered leading to the main living room and found it empty. Actually there where white sheets covering the furniture as if the family had moved or was going to be absent for some time. What was going on?
"Severus my boy!" Albus Dumbledore exclaimed entering the living room from the hallway. "Right on time, as always."
"I seem to be the only one." He stated pointing at the sheets. "Did I miss a memo or something? Where is everybody?"
"On the record, the Potter family has gone to spend August in France." The Headmaster said casually. "Off the record, they are somewhere in Istanbul, visiting a specialist on magical cores. Lily though it would be best to monitor Adrian's progress growing up and Sirius mentioned that the best healer he knew that specified on that, somewhat elusive subject, was in Istanbul. Ergo, James, Lily, Sirius, Remus and, of course, young Adrian left early this morning for the east." Severus considered what he had heard in shock.
"And what about Harry?" It didn't sound like Lily to leave her youngest son behind.
"Harry is still here, in the study as a matter of fact." Albus explained. "I assured his parents that he would be well taken care of in their absence."
"Impossible!" Severus exclaimed seeing red. "How could they just leave on of their boys behind…" Albus raised his hand to stop the younger man from his rant.
"I understand what you're trying to say Severus and under any other circumstances you would have been correct." Dumbledore offered, his eyes losing some of that twinkling element they were notorious about. "But both Adrian and Harry are theoretically too young for such journeys; if Lily and James weren't so anxious to find out what exactly happened the night Voldemort attacked their children and Adrian's role in defeating him, the whole endeavor would have been postponed for sometime in the future. But alas, one can not do much to stop parents from worrying over their children." Severus still didn't like that reasoning but kept his silence, sensing that the Headmaster too wasn't so fond of the idea himself.
"What I don't understand is this; what is that expert going to tell them anyways?" Severus wondered out loud. "Adrian is far too young for his magical core to have stabilized yet and, even if it had, finding ones core is a very private matter." The potions' master said considering the whole journey and its purpose. "Come to think of it, I'm not sure it is an attainable goal even for adults if they don't spend the time needed to concentrate on searching for their core. What is this expert supposed to do anyway?"
"He's going to put young Adrian under some tests, stimulating his magic and waiting for bouts of accidental magic." Albus explained. "He's then going to analyze the data collected and draw any conclusions possible over Adrian's abilities."
"This is idiotic, you must know that yourself." Severus offered after some contemplation. "I persist in my opinion that Adrian is too young; why should he go all through that trouble? I mean, has he even started showing outbursts of accidental magic yet?"
"No, as a matter of fact he hasn't and I believe that's what prompted the trip." Albus said sighing. "But that's not the reason why I asked you come here."
"I figured as much." Severus offered curtly.
"As you have noticed yourself, young Harry has been left here, under my care." Severus nodded, waiting to see if the conversation was sifting towards where he thought it was. It was surely too much to hope for, but still…
"I figured as much too."
"Well, while I might not be in complete accordance with the journey to Istanbul, I should like to be there to monitor the results since it is happening anyway." Albus continued."I could leave Harry in the care of the manor's house elves but I would rather he stayed with someone who is familiar to him. And I couldn't help but notice that you…"