
Hp The Ageless

Zander is sent to a new Harry Potter world as Eric a Nordic Vampire. Traveling the globe during 700 ad

BigSteve · Derivados de obras
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34 Chs

14 Baptism

As of right now I am impaling Wyverns keeping them from attacking. The Dragonliche stood tall on its 4 legs. It's bones crunch as they move, eyes without eyes and a dark aura in its mouth. Switching over to Soul Sight I could see with each death the dragon was pulling souls. As the souls pass into its maw they change from color into a pitch dark. The aura inside the Dragons mouth seems to have a soul of its own as it stares back at me. The dragon let's out a loud roar which In Draconic meant "Submit." It caused everyone to begin kneeling to the liche as I also began. Before my second knee could fall a portal opened above as my friend Tag entered the battle field.

Once she had exited the portal she grew horns, and scales began to form on her skin. Her arms grow claws as she grows to half the height of Ghidora. She towers over as her aura strengths my allies and I as we stand firm. The liche let's out a darkness breath toward us. Some of my allies were unable to block the attack as their bodies shrivel up and I could see their souls being snatched an corrupted joining the darkness of the liche. Tag has grown to a solid gold Dragon giving off a light aura while facing the orange bone dragon with a dark aura.

The two dragons released a massive breath attack between each other. When the attacks made contact a massive shock wave pushed all of us back 20 feet. The breath attacks continued with no one gaining the upper hand. When Tag went to speak to the bone dragon, she was caught of guard by the bone dragons tail, slicing into her upper wing. Tag spoke in draconic "UNCLEAN FILTH!." In my head tag said "A corrupt soul barrier that feeds the Phylactery. He must be destroyed we must cleanse the souls."

From my previous life I knew that Tag was a metal Dragon for justice and peace. In Dungeons metal dragons were often nice but with some minor character flaws but the color dragons were aggressive. This orange dragon is no different hopefully I won't have many dragon fights. I opened a portal to Flokis hut grabbing all the items I needed for a Purification Ritual. Portaling back I began drawing the array as the dragons were clashing close by. I was able to protect the array from getting tags blood in it. Don't want any blood magic coming into effect on the ritual. I drew the circle, I offered the proper items and began filling the circle with half of my mana. By now the fighting was close as I was covered in Tags blood. My mana began to surge as I used my mana to condense the mana given off by the ritual.

I made the purification mana into spears that could penetrate the phylactery and spears that would act like a rocket to break on impact spreading the ritual. The spears would cleanse the corrupted souls from around the phylactery plus it won't piss off tag the dragon for justice. The village had long been destroyed, this made my heart rage as I began pushing mana into the spears. My mana surged as it seamed easier to cast and my mana seemed multiplied. Unfortunately where I was standing was bad since tag was in my line of fire.

She had noticed me thankfully as I was drawing the circle. She willed her thoughts to me saying "I will pin him you must attack the heart. Get ready!" I began to run closer with the spears above me. I seemed faster luckily they weren't using breath attacks or the Shockwaves would push me back. Tag did as she said pushing the bone liche to the ground. only some of the bones of the dragon detached from the skeleton stabbing Tag. I threw the spears with telekinesis smacking the heart cracking the phylactory and purifying the corrupted dragon soul. The other spears spread an area of attack ritual around the captured and corrupted souls. That's when I saw him. It was a Grim Reaper collecting the souls. He nodded at me, it was funny he had a sword like a shinigami. The souls went through a portal probably off to reincarnation.

My mana frighteningly low cause me to fall. I fell face first down into a puddle of blood. I couldn't move as my body used mana to boost my speed and my mana was nearly gone. I was paralyzed, slowly a shell started to harden around me as I fell unconscious. I was in a dream, I could see an Gold Ancient Dragon speaking. He said "You are now a descendant of my line, you are a human no something more. I see your past and my descendant has seen you worthy of dragon tongue. Oh you have the Grandfather's blessing, I am the grandson and first golden dragon. I am still alive, this is a chat before your rebirth. You were going to be an Ageless. You drunk some of my dear Tags blood causing a bond to form. You will now bear the name Draconis, as it was fated. May the stars guide your way hatchling."

In the next second I woke up in a fluid as the walls of the shell had started to weaken. I tore the wrapper and the liquid poured out. I stepped out feeling rejuvenated and the liquid didn't even feel as slimy as it looked. Rubbing my arms I looked down seeing scales on my arms I nearly fainted. I was naked, my body had golden scales, they weren't fully golden as a purple hue was given off as an under tone. My turning dirt into a mirror I could see that I had grown 2 horns and a pair of wings. My body had scaling on my arms and legs and my face was normal. My eyes were a vibrant royal purple. My eyes were so good I could see that my face looked the same but each of my skin cells had been made into microscopic scales. I had a dragon form, hopefully I could control it. Looking around I had seen I was in Tags domain.

I walked up to the patio not feeling any pain in fact I had expanded my mana reserves by almost half. My second core had crystallized. I sat on the couch as no one was there. I inspected my body as I could hear footsteps coming up to the patio. My hands had claws coming out at the tips. I had grown wings and a tail, my tail was long and skinny but I could it seemed to do as I thanked which was quiet simple. When the footsteps were near I was tackled by a flying sister. My mother was close behind, and finally Tag. She was looking like an old elf at the time. She was walking slower. My mom hugged me as my sister poked at my claws and horns. She tried to grab my tail but i had smacked her hand then tucked it around my waistline.

My mother turned to tag questioning why I was in this form. As she did my hands began to change back to my human skin like an animagus transformation. My tail shortened and my eyes began to revert back to the sky blue but their was still purple in my eyes. My sister continued to hug me as my mother was smiling. I questioned "How long was I out for?" My mother answered "2 Weeks. Your sister got scared and used your ring." My sister continued "It was really scary as I used it I thought of the portal that you opened to get home. It led us to Tag, when we got here she was a young elf then she turned into a large dragon then brought you back in an egg. She was hurt and now looks older rbut she's still very kind." Tag laughed saying "So my blood granted you a draconic animagus. We are now considered have siblings. You are now a lesser dragon, be cautious of other dragons. Luckily you are golden. Most metal dragons see the golds as royalty." She then turned to my sister and mother saying "I need a moment with Draconis, alone."

My mother and sister left as tag sat silently. My sister didn't want to leave as my mother pulled her along. Tag stated "As a humanoid merged with a dragon your title is Draconis. It is said you will help metal dragons along your destiny. Other dragons have tried this with lesser species but it only resulted in Wyverns, Basilisks and Occamy, it has also lead to death. Had you not been a Progenitor you would have died. You haven't seen your reflection clearly but your Vampirism had begun. Luckily you don't fiend for blood or I would have to stop you. You are taller and bigger, your second form is strong but it will be hard for you to cast at first." I simply nodded as she said "I am going to be reborn because dragons weather metal or not cannot truly die. I was to tell you I will see you again and this realm is yours." As her body fades away I switch to soul sight, I could see a gold dragon fly through a portal.