
HP: The Achiever

Reborn into the world of Harry Potter, the MC uses his knowledge and power to explore the unsung mysteries of the world. He discovers that the world is quite different than he had seen in the movies and read in the books. He goes into many magical exploration. Some Information: 1. Yes, the MC would have a system but it will be passive. 2. The MC won't be a Harry Potter fanatic, following Harry Potter around everywhere or getting involved with him. 3. MC will be older than Harry 4. Although he will take part in some of the plots and change them. 5. MC will be manipulative. 6. The world is an Alternate Universe, so some of the timeline and plot might be changed my me -------- ------- Disclaimer: I do not own the Harry Potter series or any of its characters, it is completely owned by J.K Rowling ------ If you want to support this fanfic and help me improve my writing and your reading experience, kindly provide your comments through reviews and comments.

FT_Rhino · Derivados de obras
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17 Chs

Chapter 13: Balancing Worlds

A/n: Since I got some time my mind got over some topics that I want to share with fellow readers. I will be glad to hear all of you opinion at the bottom of the story.


Chapter 13: Balancing Worlds


The report finally arrived. Leo's parents, brimming with excitement, handed him the letter. One look at his parents and he could tell everything written on the letter, still he opened it and read.

"Your potions were successful!" his mother exclaimed, her eyes shining with pride.

Simultaneously, a notification popped up in his system.

{Achievement Unlocked:

Potion Master Prodigy

Description: You can develop and modify any potion that you know of the ingredients or have prepared before.

Reward: Potion Evaluation (Skill)}

The new skill, Potion Evaluation, allowed him to assess any known potion. This was a game-changer.


The months passed by as Leo put his mind back on focusing between muggle academic and magical studies, the only time he gave himself a little rest were the holidays where he didn't have to go to school. He was absorbing every magical history books along with books related fundamental of magic in their arsenal.

Well, he couldn't do anything else since his parents didn't yet let him study any book related to proper spells, jinx, curses or any other fields of magic. So he focused on potion, which was a hassle since many of the potion books were published by pureblooded families and they always change some of the details in the preparation of the potion when publishing to keep the Potion Master profession which was one of the high paying profession to them. Due to no official standardization record nobody could say anything about it making potion a relatively difficult subject for the muggle-born wizards.

Thanks to the skills that he achieved from the system, it helped him scan through this errors and made potion relatively easy for him.

As time went by Leo entered into a new session in high-school and then came his birthday, where his parents handed him a new collection of books. During this time the entire fortune made by his potions were used to expand their business on Leo's persuasion, initially his parents wanted to keep the money separately till Leo would be able to handle it on his own, but Leo understanding the nature of money better decided to let it be in the circulation. 

Leo was finally able to get some rest as the winter break arrived and his study of fundamentals of magic came to an end. Winter break was a welcome relief, a chance to recharge during Christmas and New Year's festivities with his new family.

Yet, these joyous times also brought moments of introspection. These were the times when he misses and remembers his family from the previous life. He would always think, 'How were they now?', 'Are they missing him?' or did they just moved on.

On Christmas Day, as the family gathered, Leo found a moment with his mother.

"Mum, why do we wizards celebrate Christmas?" he asked, genuine curiosity in his voice.

Lisa tilted her head, a soft smile playing on her lips. "Why do you ask?"

"Well, I know it's to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, right? But we wizards can do things like turning water into wine... Isn't it strange?"

Lisa chuckled, brushing her hand through his hair. "It's more about belief and hope, Leo." Her tone suddenly changed as she said, "There will come a day when magic won't have all the answers, and you'll seek hope through your beliefs."

Her words carried a weight of emotion that made Leo decide to not continue with the topic. "I see," he replied softly.

Lisa's tone turned cheerful again. "And if you want a more theoretical answer, many wizards come from muggle backgrounds, so cultural influences seep in. When our community first formed, we had little to celebrate. Britain's wizarding community is quite underdeveloped in terms of celebrations and entertainment, but don't tell your dad I said that!" She winked, "Or he won't stop bragging about his."

Leo laughed, picturing his dad's smug face. "I promise."


Days passed, and winter break ended. Leo returned to school, his mind still pondering his mother's words about the wizarding community's lack of entertainment. He saw an opportunity to introduce something new, to make his mark and earn a fortune.

The bell rang, pulling him from his thoughts. He glanced around the classroom, older kids surrounding him. And he was surrounded by girls, as always, who saw him as their toy. The girls pinched his cheeks and played with his hair, which both annoyed and amused him. He was just a cute kid, after all.

The teacher concluded the class, announcing, "Remember, if any of you want to submit an article for the newspaper, do it by next week."

"What's this article about?" Leo asked the girl next to him.

"It's for the new local newspaper. They're starting a weekly science section," she replied.

"Thanks, Lily," Leo said, packing his things. This was an opportunity. If he could get a section in the newspaper, it would pave the way for publishing his own book someday.

As he left the classroom, an older boy approached him. Leo sighed inwardly, bracing for the usual teasing.

"Are you Leonard Shelby?" the boy asked.


"Mrs. Smith wants to see you."

Leo nodded, following the boy. Surprisingly, the boy led him directly to Mrs. Smith's office.

"Thank you, Brian. You can leave," Mrs. Smith said as they entered. Leo took a seat as Mrs. Smith gestured him, curiosity piqued.

"Mrs. Smith, may I know why you wanted to see me?"

"It's about the new local newspaper. I hear you plan to submit an article?"

"Yes, I do."

"We'd love to see that. But I wanted to ask if you'd be interested in submitting one of your comics. The newspaper will have a kids' section, and we thought your comics would be perfect."

Leo blinked in surprise. "How did you know about my comics?"

Mrs. Smith smiled. "You have some very enthusiastic fans among your classmates, Mr. Shelby."

Leo nodded, realization dawning. Those girls had seen him drawing and shared his comics. A grin spread across his face.

"I'd be honored," he said.





A/n: The topics:

What will happen if a person reincarnates and the new life or family's belief are totally different from you, something like,

Let's say you are a vegan and you are reborn in a meat loving family.

Or you were born into a religion that violates the ideas and ideals of your previous life.

Will a person who gets reincarnated have an accent. Share your ideas too.



A/n: If you enjoyed the story do drop a comment, review or Power Stone.

Or maybe... maybe.... maybe... all of them.

Thank you