
Chapter 89

{[Last Time in Tainted Desire]}

However, what I found most interesting was no all of them were Slytherins. No, two of them were actually from Hufflepuffs, and one from Gryffindor. Nott had surprising depths






"What, I should have listened to you and be your Hufflepuff whore," Susan, quite bravely considering she didn't have her wand. He turned two Hufflepuffs who stayed behind. "You two are a disgrace."

"Well," Nott said. "You should have listened to me and stayed in your own Dorms," Nott said gleefully. "That way, you only needed to serve my two good friends here," Nott said, patting the shoulders of the two Hufflepuff. Now, you need to serve a larger crowd first as a lesson, maybe starting with me."

Susan looked brave, but I could see fear dancing behind her green eyes despite her best effort. I decided to cut her suffering short, and removed the cloak. "So, is this a private party, or everyone can join?" I said. Nott and his retinue turned immediately, trying to catch me hard, but they had paid for their laziness. My wand was already out, and I was casting disarmers. Pain filled the room.

Of course, they were shouting in pain because of my choice of disarmers. I decided to go with bone breakers rather than expelliarmus. It counted as disarming if both of their arms were broken, keeping them from picking their wands, right? Of course, if one or two wands was also destroyed irrevocably, costing them months as they tried to establish a bond with a new wand… Well, it wasn't exactly my problem.

I walked toward Nott, whose pained cries were less loud compared to his friends, which could be considered as an achievement. Something I was glad to inform him about. "Impressive, Nott, unlike your friends, you're not crying like a little girl," I said with a smirk that made him blanch even worse than the pain he was suffering. "But let's fix that, right," I added before sending two more bone breakers, this time to his knees, earning the cries he let out. "This is your second warning. The next time, I stop being nice!" I warned him, then looked around his wounded friends. "That applies to you as well."

Only after every single one of them avoided my gaze I turned to Susan, who was looking at the scene with a shocked expression. "Shall we," I said even as I presented her my arm, and we walked out. I had to give credit to Susan. When I put my hand on her arm, I could feel her shaking badly, but she managed to exert a royal aura nonetheless.

When we were outside, she tried to pull her arm. "It's okay, let me accompany to back to the suite," I said.

"I need to go to my class," she replied.

"No, you don't, not after what you have experienced. You're holding very well, but you're going to crash badly in a few minutes. And you need a safe space for it," I said. I might not be the kindest man, but I took care of my prospective allies. It was just common sense.

Of course, the fact that the said ally had the most amazing tits I had ever seen might have played a small role…

It didn't take us a long time to return to our room. Susan was silent as we walked, trying to process her shock of what had almost happened. Only after we arrived in the living room, she spoke. "Thank you…" she whispered in a soft tone. "I don't want to imagine what would have happened if you weren't there."

"It was my honor, sweetheart," I answered in a kind tone. I decided to lean into the heroic angle since I had already saved her. "I felt suspicious when I couldn't see Nott in class, so I followed him. Luckily, I was able to arrive just in time."

"Yes, you did," she murmured back, a smile flickering on her face, pushing back the gloom momentarily. Meanwhile, I led her toward the couch, and she sat down. I didn't join her on the couch, but instead walked to the back of the couch, and put my hands on her shoulders. "W-what are you doing?" she stammered.

"Giving you a massage, you need to relax after what had happened," I said even as I squeezed her shoulders gently, using the skills I had perfected over numerous activities on Fleur and Hermione. At first, she was stiff regardless of my skill, which was, considering the little treat I had forced from her back earlier in the morning, rather understandable.

"No … need…" she murmured a minute later, but this time, the shaking of her voice was not really about the fear or stress. No, her voice was colored with the familiar tones of arousal. It surprised me a bit, honestly, as I wasn't expecting her to react that quickly, not even considering I had played the amazing hero and saved her from a rather ignoble fate.

Maybe she liked the morning treat more than I had assumed. Suddenly feeling curious about what she had been doing in my room after I have left, I discreetly pulled my wand and cast a spell, tapping into the security measures. I reflected the view to the wall behind Susan, not wanting her to see it, at least not before I made sure about the content.

I didn't watch for long, just enough to check what Susan was doing in my absence, only to meet with a naughtier view than I had expected. I stopped it, because watching it together with Susan was far too interesting to miss.

"How do you feel?" I asked after a cute moan escaped her mouth, almost ten minutes after the massage started.

"Good," she whispered, which was an intentional choice, as she tried to hide the signs of her arousal, only to fail spectacularly.

"I'm sure it will feel even better if you remove the robe. It's rather bulky, so it's keeping me from showing the full extent of my skills," I mentioned casually, but made no move to actually do so. She trembled, but stayed motionless for a while, almost making me write-off that approach. So, when her shaky fingers started unbuttoning her shirt, I was pleasantly surprised.

Of course, my pleasant surprise turned rather overwhelming when Susan didn't stop with her robe, and unbuttoned her shirt as well. Moreover, the more she unbuttoned, the surer her movements were turning out to be. I licked my lips at the amazing view of her tits, forced into a tight bra. Yes, I had seen them naked, even received a titjob from them just an hour ago, but that didn't prevent me from being fascinated by their amazing capabilities.

"Good idea," I said casually even as I put my hands on her naked shoulders, but this time, stopping for a moment to conjure some massage oil. The hot but comfortable sensation it created made her tremble even worse. I slowly caressed her neck and shoulders, until she was unable to keep her moans under control, her nipples hard enough to cut through her thick bra.

"Why don't you lay down, so I can continue with your back," I said even as I looked down at her tits, enjoying the sight of their firmness despite their size, once again fantasizing about squeezing them. Patience, I repeated in my mind. I didn't want to waste the opportunity created by my heroics and her preexisting arousal by acting in a hurry.

"Okay," she murmured as she immediately followed my order, laying on the couch face down, which, unfortunately, hid the amazing sight of her breasts. However, in compensation, I could see her ass, which was second only to her breasts. Her skirt was rather thick and loose, but the current position more than compensated for it, especially considering her skirt rolled up as she lay down. I wondered whether she missed that, or she wanted to give me a glimpse of her thick yet still beautiful thighs.