
CH 9: Regular Chapter [2]

{[Last Time in Tainted Desire]}

I was so hard that it actually started to hurt. I decided enough was enough, and it was finally time to act. I pulled one of my hands away from her body, and used it to push my pants down, freeing my cock for the long-awaited second act. A shake of my legs later, I was naked waist down, ready to slip inside her. I rubbed my hand over my cock, covering it with oil. I had a feeling she would be too tight to accommodate my cock, so anything to reduce the friction was a good thing. I aligned my cock with her entrance, and took a deep breath, then pushed…







I was surprised when no words of protest left her mouth, though I had any intention of wasting the opportunity. I placed my hands on both sides of her to stabilize her body, and started slamming into her repeatedly, her tight tunnel squeezing my cock. I wondered for how long Lucius hadn't touched her, because she was as tight as a virgin. She tightened around my cock in an attempt to milk me, but I didn't want to stop, even momentarily. Stopping here would allow her to gather her wits, which was the last thing I needed. So, I continued pumping inside her repeatedly. Soon, an earthquake captured her body, leaving her trembling under me.

A minute, she just lay there, purring softly as I continued sliding inside her lazily. Then, suddenly, she let out a panicked gasp and tried to stand up, a move that was impossible thanks to my hands over her back. "Draco, what is going on? What are you doing!"

My eyebrow rose in surprise. I knew that she was deep in pleasure, but I hadn't guessed it was so deep that she had forgotten where she was, and who was delivering the massage. Still, even dubious, she had already consented to it, and I had no intention to give the control back. I grabbed her wrists and pulled her, preventing any immediate movement. "Why mom, I'm doing exactly what you want."

"Draco, you cannot do this, please stop, you are my son."

"Yes, mom," I replied enhancing my rhythm even further. "And as a dutiful son, I'm doing exactly what my mom wants."

"But this is-" she started, only to cut by a sudden moan, hard enough to rattle the glass. "This is not what I want."

Despite my best tries, a snort escaped my mouth. "Really, mom, it's not what you want," I said, tugging her arms enough to pull her chest away from the bed. "Then please explain to me, why you are in my room, naked without a protest, with the full knowledge that the previous time it happened, I pleasured you with my fingers hard enough to send to you to the land of unconsciousness. Please explain to me how you didn't want this?"

As I expected, Narcissa wasn't able to reply to my statement, though she tightened even further. I was glad to see that things were unfolding much quicker than I planned. Actually, I realized, so good that I saw no harm in pushing the process to the next step. I wrapped my arms around her torso and pulled back. Then, before she could say anything, I flipped her to a missionary position and impaled her once more, my cock forcing her tunnel to stretch. Her eyes grew in surprise, suddenly finding herself looking at me, leaving her no illusion to hide behind.

She opened her mouth to say something, but I had no need to hear her words, at least not at this moment. I pressed my lips to hers, and pushed my tongue into her mouth, arresting her words before they could leave her lips. She stiffened in shock, her body coming to a complete standstill under my intimate attention. I hadn't slowed down even for a moment, my cock sliding in and out, again and again, trying to dispel her shock. Still, I wasn't expecting success this early, which was why I was surprised when her lips started to reply my assault, slow, hesitantly, but replying nevertheless.

I didn't slow down for another ten minutes, slamming her repeatedly in the missionary position, in which she experienced another shattering climax that left her limp for a moment. A moment I sped up mercilessly, until her vitality came back amongst muffled moans. Then I pulled back. She looked surprised for a moment, feeling the absence of my lips. Our eyes met for a moment, guilt, shock, and pleasure dancing in her eyes, then she tried to avert her eyes. "Don't avoid my eyes, mother" I ordered in a deliberately husky tone.

She straightened her neck and started looking my eyes as soon as the order left my mouth, not even the slightest delay in following the order, though I could see the doubt. "Why son," she said in a trembling tone. "Why are you doing this?"

"Why, mom, asking like that, one would think that you are unwilling," I said, unable to stop a mocking taste to color my tone.

"Of course I'm," she said, trying to sound stern, but it was an exercise in vain, considering half of the words that left her mouth was drowned by her moans, removing the bite she tried to inject.

"Really, mother," I said, not letting my beat even for a second. "If you are that dissatisfied with the situation, you only need to say stop, and we will stop, and I will never touch you again."

I knew that such a statement was daring. If she managed to utter the word in a momentary daze or panic, it would throw my plan back a month at best. I had no intention to actually respect her wish of course, but that would change the dynamics quite a bit. So, when she opened her mouth, a wave of panic passed through me. I did the first thing that came to my mind, I quickened my beats, pushing my cock even deeper into her, hoping a last-minute flare of pleasure would be enough to dissuade her from her idea. Her mouth stayed open for almost a minute. A long, drawn-out minute. But in the end, the noise that left her mouth was limited to wordless moans.

"Good choice, mother," I said, and leaned for another kiss. This time, surprising me even further, her tongue was active. Not active enough to actively try to push into my mouth, not even enough to meet mine on the halfway. Still, it was enough to caress my tongue as I aggressively explored her mouth. I could feel my pleasure building up. "I'm about to cum, mother," I said, pulling back, enjoying the pure look of panic on her face before locked her lips once more. I started sprouting inside her as she trembled in throes of yet another orgasm, her walls squeezing to extract the last few errant drops. I pulled away from her lips once more, and whispered. "You are mine, mother."