
CH 13: Yaxley

{[Last Time in Tainted Desire]}

I received another surprise while trying to understand why she barely reacted my trick with her dress. She was having an orgasm of her own! Even with the lust potion, that was impressive. Either the potion interacted with her veela heritage in an unexpected way, or she was more vulnerable to domination than I thought. "Good work, Mrs. Weasley," I said even as I pulled her wedding dress up, and mended the tear with a repair charm, her tits still covered with my seed under the fabric, staining her wedding dress. Yet another symbolic victory of sorts. I pulled a paper, scribbled and address on it with a conjured pen, and was about to push it into her dazed hand, when the inspiration struck. I pulled her dress down once more, writing the address on her stained breasts, then pulling back after one last farewell squeeze. "Here, Mrs. Weasley. This is the address you will visit tonight, 10 PM, sharp. Don't be late." She nodded, then shook her head dazedly, trying to gather her mind from the haze of pleasure.







I turned, started to walk away. But just at the door, I turned, vanquished by the temptation. "And don't forget to practice on a banana," I added. "You need to provide a better service if you want to ensure your husband's safety." With that, I turned, and left the cell, my mind is already on the next steps.

After leaving Fleur's cell, I spent fifteen more minutes in the ministry, setting up the necessary steps based on my agreement with Fleur, her husband's transfer, her release, and other details. It took a couple of minor favors, a few threats, and an imperius here and there to grease the wheels. Having magic was awesome, it even helped to avoid the torture called bureaucracy, if one was ruthless enough of course. Then, I left the ministry of magic.

First, I dropped by Fleur's sister cell, making sure to disguise myself in Death Eater garb, and passed over her cell, casting a sound spell that called me as Yaxley. I decided he made a good scapegoat for the whole affair, because I knew that monster actually liked children that way. Creepy monster. I might be evil, but even I had standards. After making sure Gabrielle saw me, I stunned her once more. No need to actually traumatize her with the memory of the kidnappings.

I was tempted to pay a visit to Narcissa, but I already had plans for the evening. And if Fleur loved her sister as much as I thought she was, she would drop by the address I gave as soon as she realized her sister was missing. So, I apparated there. It was a relatively small house that had been used by a part of the Branch family, when Malfoy family had a much bigger headcount. It was deserted, but thankfully, elves took care of it.

As I expected, I hadn't had to wait for long. Half an hour later, I heard a loud bang on the door, eerily similar to a bludgeoning hex colliding with the wards. I apparated to the door. I didn't even bother to check whether the wards held, instead opened the door. "Hello, Mrs. Weasley," I said, deliberately mocking. "I see you are a bit early."

Anger was flowing in waves from her, with feathers sprouting from her body. "Where is my sister, you bastard!" she shouted, turning her wand to me.

I utilized the full extent of my occlumency ability to reflect an expression of shock on my face. "What do you mean?" I asked.

My ploy must have worked, because most of the anger drained from her face, leaving shock behind. "You don't know where my sister is?" she said, with a defeated tone.

"No, but I know no children were taken from the party-" I started, then changed my tone completely. "Yaxley!" I shouted, interrupting my earlier statement. Fleur looked at me uncomprehendingly, trying to understand what I meant. "Yaxley was a part of the group, but he disappeared for a while during the attack. And it's a badly kept secret that he has some terrible habits, but he has enough pull with the ministry to keep those suppressed." The infliction I used when I used the word habit left no doubt about what I mentioned.

"No, no, no…" Fleur started shouting in panic. "Where is that bastard, I will kill him. Gaby!"

"Stop," I shouted, silencing her. "Time is the essence. You will sit here, do nothing, while I go check whether my guess is correct. If so, I will come back here, with Gabrielle with me. Understood!" In the last part, I deliberately held the Elder Wand and flared my magic, knowing it increased the impact of my presence several folds. She nodded, suddenly smaller.

The rest of my plan worked ridiculously easily. I sneaked into Yaxley's home. Luckily, he was alone in the study, busy with some documents, so he didn't notice as I sneaked behind him and smashed his head with a chair. I smashed it several times to make sure he was dead, filled a glass with his blood, and walked away, only apparating after I was reasonably away from his house. There was no need to leave magical traces when not needed.

I apparated to Gabrielle's cell, sprinkled some of Yaxley's blood over her clothes, vanished the rest of the blood. Then, I grabbed her, and apparated to the meeting place with Fleur. She turned towards the source of crack, and saw her sister in my arms. "Gaby!" she shouted. "Is she okay."

"She is just stunned," I said, and she reached her wand. "Stop, don't enervate her until you are back your home, or even better, take her directly to France."

"Why?" she asked, surprised by my vehemence.

"I just killed Yaxley," I said. "And the last thing any of us need is a child to know the link between us." I could easily see the question in her eyes, though she had the decency not to ask. I answered nevertheless. "You should care, because, a Death Eater was just killed in his home, and whole government will be looking for the responsible. Currently, no one knows your sister's presence there. Yaxley isn't stupid enough to tell anyone else that he had kidnapped someone without authorization, especially a child."

She stayed silent for almost a minute, caressing the hair of her sister. "Why did you help me?" she asked.

I was impressed, I thought she was going to ask me why I killed him. It was nice to see she wasn't a hardcore groupie of Dumbledore's forgiveness train. "I helped, because there are barriers that shouldn't be crossed. Targeting children is the most important of these rules, especially the deplorable way Yaxley planned to do." I acted like I was in deep thoughts, then added. "Go to France with your sister. We can always handle our appointment tomorrow. Be here in tomorrow at ten p.m." With that, I turned and walked inside, acting like I didn't hear her whispering her thanks.

Another step of my plan was complete.

With Fleur's visit pushed back one day, I wanted to visit one of my other targets to initiate my plans, but I didn't have time for it. Everything was balanced on the edge of the blade after the ministry takeover, even though the resistance had been destroyed almost completely. Neither Dumbledore's supporters nor ministry loyalists were able to put up a resistance more than a few hours. The order of fried chicken had effectively disbanded with the death of the Moody, and it all took the death of Scrimgeour for the Ministry to fold completely. It just took Voldemort to walk inside the building, and none of them dared to touch their wands, yet alone attack him.


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