Harry wakes up after the events at the DOM finding a semi-repentant Bellatrix LeStrange staring into his eyes. By:-ReluctantSidekick Note: I do not own Harry Potter or any of its character. The rights belong to the respective owner.
"Harry love, who's your friend?" Bellatrix-as-Josephine asked with a wide smile, Harry sputtered out of shock from being kissed by Bellatrix LeStrange and was no help. Bellatrix held out her hand to the stunned woman, "Hello there, Josephine Reed, you must be a friend of Harry's!"
Nymphadora Tonks prided herself on being smart. She might have been in Hufflepuff, but she had always believed she was just as smart as anyone in Ravenclaw. But being smart, and being witty weren't always the same thing. She had came to see if Harry was alright, but when she came in, she found a young witch, someone it appeared was about her age, kissing him. She was a beautiful woman, straight, jet black hair and bright blue eyes, for some reason the idea of her kissing Harry like that irked the young Auror.
"Er...my name is Tonks, I'm a friend of Harry's.." She began, taking the woman's hand and shaking it, still somewhat stunned by what she'd seen. Nymphadora Tonks...this must be Andi's daughter... Bellatrix thought, releasing her hand after shaking it.
"Well, I am sorry for pushing you out of the house, but Harry and I must be on our way." She said with a smile, acting for all the world like the pleasant-if-dim persona she had decided to craft for this body.
Harry Potter was still processing how his morning had went thus far. First I wake up tied to a bed by Bellatrix LeStrange...now she's kissing me in front of Tonks...that's it, somewhere in the Afterlife, Sirius and my dad are making fun of me...
Harry felt a tug on his hand, looking down, it was if he had just noticed Bellatrix standing there. "That's right, sorry Tonks..thanks for coming to see me..can we maybe talk later?" He asked her. Harry liked the young Auror. She was smart and a lot of fun.
Tonks nodded, "Alright, maybe we can meet up this evening? I'll stop in muggle London and get us a pizza or something." Harry looked to Bellatrix, "Do you like pizza?" He asked her, unsure of if she'd ever even had it.
"Why certainly, every kid who grew up half-blooded likes pizza don't they?" She lied smoothly When we're alone, I'll have to ask him what the Hell a 'pizza' is... She thought.
Tonks left and the pair got ready to go to Gringotts. Bellatrix looked to him "Have you ever side-along apparated?" she asked him. Harry shook his head and Bellatrix rolled her eyes and stuck out her hand. "Hurry up Potter, take my hand, and be warned...people usually vomit their first time, I might have taken an oath not to kill you, but if you get any sick on me, I'll find a loophole somewhere." Harry took her hand in his own, then felt a strange sensation as if he was being sucked down a tube.
Bellatrix hated Gringotts. It stunk to her, it always had. It smelled like her fathers study, the coppery stink of old coins, the acrid stench of the dragonsblood ink the Goblins used, and then there was the Goblins themselves.
Goblins always smelled like a mixture of cheap vinegar and wig powder. She pulled him along to the front desk. "The heir to Houses Black and Potter is here for the preliminary reading of Sirius Black's will. I, as Lady LeStrange need to speak with my account manager."
She spoke to the Goblin who looked up from his paperwork and then set down parchment. "Right, both of you hold out a finger." He said in a bored tone. As they did he pricked each finger with his quill and applied the blood to the parchment.
It glowed red for a moment then settled into a soft blue glow. "Very well, Please follow me to meeting room 619. Masters Goldclaw, Silvertooth, and Account representative Griphook will be with you shortly."