
HP: Magic Punk

[Congratulations. you just died !!!] He was just a normal teenager. Trying to make something out of his life. But everything changed when Truck Kun met him. Now there are new magical worlds to explore and a mentor who will teach him. But there is more, much more hiding in the darkness. Let's explore the Wizarding World for fun, shall we? Upload on :- Tuesday to Sunday. Bonus Chapter on Monday and Sunday. ******************************** (P)(A)(T)(R)(E)(O)(N) LINK: patreon.com/Kamidemond ********************************* I'm planning on keeping a stockpile of at least 20 chapters there. DISCORD Discord invite: https://discord.gg/VqU83N2As4 *The Cover is not mine, tell me if you want me to remove it, just don't sue me!!!

kamidemond · Derivados de obras
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301 Chs

Chapter 60 : Pandora's Book 2

Orion after showing his newly found skill in magic and much-awaited magical power to both Dumbledore and McGonagall with a smuck smile.

So when McGonagall asked 'HOW' he did it, he was too happy to explain the edited version which both he and Merlin devised before.

"In the book, I have talked about the nature of magic. Every book about magic I read in Hogwarts Library before was praising magic as a gift or a power which we magical people got from the creator, but I never found out the real reason why we have magic while Muggles don't.

This led to me creating my own hypothesis, I reversed the entire concept and it started making sense to me, I believe that magic is not a boon given to us but a natural disorder in the laws of the cosmos which occurs by the inclusion of Chaos in the world." Orion said and both Dumbledore and McGonagall frowned, they had read the same lines in the book too and they didn't like it as their upbringing in the magical world had made them see Magic as this almighty power that they should show gratitude to have.

" I know many will not believe my hypothesis, after all, magic is similar to religion in the magical world, and I don't want anyone to agree with my viewpoints either, all I want is to read that book with my mindset to understand what I am trying to convey," Orion seeing the frowning faces, decided to do some damage control before going forward, and all these things he said was also written in the book.

He wrote right on the cover to read the very first page of the book and if buyers can read the book from his point of view which he mentioned before, only then they should purchase the book.

Many would not buy the book or agree with his belief but Dumbledore and McGonagall read the book nonetheless, they wanted to know what led Orion to consider Magic as a virus or disorder.

And they were glad that they did, because all the reasons that Orion gave, made complete sense, for the first time in their life, they had a complete understanding of the origins of magic, or at least a theory that checks all the boxes.

Like a Math formula, it works no matter how big or small a number is, so yeah in a way it checks all the boxes, all except one, the public satisfaction. Most of the time, authors write what pleases their audience, usually going against the public with subjects which arouse public criticism and even make them angry are avoided by the authors.

But Orion didn't care much, he was not here to please the idiotic peasants of the magical world who are nothing better than sheep. He was here to educate the new generation of Wizards, to bring back the ancient magic and reveal the ancient knowledge back again.

"I have to be honest Mr AMbrosius, what you did is dangerous, it will arouse much public criticism towards you, especially from the more religious side of the magical world, fortunately for you, magical Britain is not influenced by those magical religious sects," McGonagall said with a stern tone but then immediately said again.

"But personally I vouch for your work, the theory of magic being chaos and how it brings alternation in the realistic world is the most complete and loop-free theory of magic I have ever seen," McGonagall said with a proud smile like showing to others that Orion is from Gryffindor but then immediately snapped back at Orion, wanting to ask him again the question which was haunting her and even Dumbledore. But even before she opens her mouth, dumbledore being more eager to asked.

"It is really possible to increase the power of a wizard or witch's magical core with the method you wrote there," dumbledore asked with much anticipation, he was not asking for himself, as he could barely notice any improvement on his own vast magical reserve, he asks for the new generation.

Orion wrote down a magic cultivation technique given to him by Merlin in the book, he never used it as he has his own Integration technique which is far superior to any other technique he can get his hands on and literally tailor-made for him, even Merlin said that Integration a cheat, and should not exist in the normal sense.

The technique which Orion got from Merlin was named Chaos Binding or Core Binding, it's a magical core exercise which everyone can do, the effect takes time to build up like any other exercise but it shows, that day Orion really believes in the phase that Magic is like a muscle.

Performing magic or training to do magic is like working on a field, eventually, you build the required amount of muscle but won't build more and will more or less focus on the technique over the build, but in a gym, we especially target on building those muscles.

The concept of this technique Chaos Binding is the same, its focus is on muscle building and buffing up.

Orion smiled and gave a glance at the golden snitch which was still flying around the office, "It depends on how dedicated you are but yes, the proof is right in front of you," Orion said and extended his hand and caught the snitch effortlessly like a Chad, once again surprising Dumbledore and McGonagall but this time with his physical power and agility.

Both Dumbledore and McGonagall knew about Orion's problem with weak magic, Madam Promfrey even tested this and made sure that it was a magic deficiency and not Orion acting or any external reasons like a curse or a disease.

So Dumbledore after sensing Orion's sudden increase in magic and his absolutely pure magic, like more than any person has the right to thanks to him absorbing a Unicorn, has to agree that Orion's method worked and he didn't use any black back to get strong like a certain Slytherin student which caught his attention, a little frown appears on his face after thinking about one Nick Iron and his sudden surge of magical power which reeks of black magic.

"And you are willing to give this knowledge to the wizarding world just like that," Dumbledore asked. Like testing out Orion's motives, He himself has tested the technique and could say that it works, being the strongest wizard of his time has its perks, he knows how it feels like to get stronger, the technique feels like putting one body into a duel or fight for him, and mental fatigue, weakness and even circuits getting sore but ultimately that made wizards strong and this technique worked very similar.

"Who said it's free, you are paying for the book. Not to mention, once people find it's working for them, they will look for more of my work bringing more customers for me, It's business," Orion said while rubbing his hands, again showing his greedy ass to others, even Merlin sighed.

[I had to do something about this greed of his] Merlin covered his face like he didn't know the greedy kid in front of him, not even regarding that no one could see in him in the first place.

On the side, both Dumbledore and McGonagall sweat drop, first time noticing that their little harmless genius has a greedy side. But still smile as they knew that the information Orion provided, worth far more than a book.

They just internally think that it's his way of being modest or not taking credit.


It took more than 2 hours to just clear out all the doubts and answer all the questions both Dumbledore and McGonagall had about his book and theory.

The major ones are his claims that his technique can make Magicals stronger, according to him it's possible to reconstruct a magical core for a squib, something he came up with by reengineering his own case with the help of Merlin, how wands don't let the magical circuits of a wizard develop and finally and the most outrageous thing he wrote in his book. The loss of magic density in the modern wizards makes more squibs and makes modern wizards weak.

He literally trashes the traditional belief of blood purity of the pure blood wizards and explains his own version of Pure Blood, Aka the Magic Density in the blood.


Why put so much importance in this book you ask? because this will kick off a chain of events in this fic. This book in fact will bringing changes to the original HP world and not just this book, he will write more books.

Find out in the next chapters of Magic Punk.

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500+ Stones for 1 bonus chapter

750+ Stones for 2 bonus chapters

1000+ Stones for 3 bonus chapters

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