
HP: Incomprehensible

He had been reincarnated... as an obscurus!? Inside Harry Potter's body, no less. He's Harry Potter's obscurus, not Harry Potter himself. He'll manage, somehow. First thing first, He'd need to get his host out of the Dursley. Cover made by Revon Zev (This book's author). Also on Ao3, FFn, Scribble Hub, and Wattpad. Spanish translation by Nasu954 on Wattpad.

RevonZev · Derivados de obras
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14 Chs

CH. 14 – Notus

"As I've said over the floo, I am here to discuss several pressing issues concerning your vaults," said Sabart as he ordered the paper inside a folder he had brought from Britain.

"What are those issues?" The obscurus took a quick glance at the papers Sabart put on the table. Investments, taxes, fees, loans, and such. He huffed from doing math in his second life. Still, he doesn't want the IRS and then the CIA chasing him down a second time from country to country. 'Listen to Joker, Harry, don't commit tax evasion, not even he was crazy enough to take on the IRS.' The same couldn't be said for himself, though.

Harry doesn't know who this Joker and the IRS are, but if his first-ever friend said not to commit tax evasion, then he wouldn't. Besides, what even was tax evasion? Nevertheless, Harry answered with a minute, 'Okay.'

"The first being the matter where our Gringotts owl mail deliveries to you and or your supposed guardian. I suspect that you live in a ward where the owls cannot track, or that you have some kind of mail redirection charm. I have informed a curse breaker, he will be here soon."

The obscurus nodded. Was Harry's blood ward real, or something that Dumby made up to keep him in the Dursley in this world? His special vision was able to let him see the intricacy of magic. Even now he could see the rhythmic pulse of the room. Except, he couldn't put a name on each aura, barrier, thread, and pulse of those magic as he hadn't grasped any book on them, yet.

"The second pertains to the assignment of your guardianship. The Britian Ministry of Magic assigned a guardian who was not stated in Ms. Lily Potter's will. Dumb-" Someone knocked on the door and a man in his thirties entered the room. "We will continue this at a later time."

"Hello, I'm here for a client of Sabart…?" inquired the man.

"Yes, that would be me and that would be the client you speak of." Sabart pointed at the obscurus with his palm.

The man stood a few feet beside the obscurus and said, "A possible mail redirection charm, is that correct?"

"Yes," answered Sabart.

The man waved his wand and mumbled, "Notus Specialis Revelio," which ousted a piece of paper from his wand. The man caught the paper with his other hand and read it. The man showed an increasingly worried face as he read from the first to the last spell that stuck on his client.

The paper was surrendered to Sabart who was puzzled by the curse breaker's worried expression. Such a look for a mail redirection charm? Sabart took the paper and understood why the curse breaker was troubled. Sabart places the paper on the table and slides it to the obscurus. "It seems you have far more than a simple mail redirection charm, Heir Potter."

The obscurus grabbed the paper and read it. Let's see… the expected mail redirection charm, a tracker charm, a couple compelling charms for Harry to be subservient to the Dursley, a curse on each eye for Harry to be near-sighted, and a glamour charm. Worst of all, Harry had multiple magical blocks. The other two in the room were right to be worried about these results.

"I can break the mail redirection charm, tracker charm, compelling charms, and near-sighted eye curses. The magical blocks, however, I'm afraid I don't have the experience nor the qualification to break them safely," conceded the curse breaker.

Could the obscurus break those charms and blocks himself? He let Harry take over their body, as he'll be indisposed from locating and breaking charms, curses, and blocks.

"H-hi." Harry gave an awkward wave to Sabart and then shifted in his seat because he was flung into the driver's seat by his friend and didn't know how to interact with people.

Sabart caught the sudden change in demeanor along with the change of sclera color of his client but said nothing. He took a note in his mind to bring it up later. Something like a split personality should be addressed with a mind healer, a human one. Although goblin healers are the best healers Gringgot got, the goblin mind healer, on the other hand, was well versed only in a goblin's mind, not in a human's mind.

"Um… he said to break one of the compelling charms," said Harry.

The curse breaker and Sabart glanced at each other and, as if they had come to an agreement, the curse breaker broke contact and cast, "Homenum Revelio," which gave nothing besides the three people that were already in the room. They then gazed in amazement as a dark wisp departed from their client's body and hovered beside the client. The wisp took a half-formed, dark, wispy depiction of their client.

"Please?" added Harry.

The curse breaker regained his composure and waved his wand to break a compelling charm to be subservient to a Dudley Dursley. The spells that affected his client lie anchored within the body, thus it won't do with a simple Finite Incantatem. With the note of the spells back in his hand, he could route a specialized Finite to the affected spell, the spell being: "Finite Compelio Serviens Dudley Dursley"

The obscurus saw the way the curse breaker's spell weaved from the soul, danced into the wand, and accumulated as it waited for its owner's prompt. The curse breaker spoke the incantation, and the accumulated magic flew out of its container and dived into Harry. The spell scours Harry's body in search of the target and when found, the spell collides and eliminates the targeted charm.

Alongside watching how the spell formed and interacted, the obscurus felt the foreign magic that had invaded their body and how once the curse breaker's spell extinguished the compelling charm, he felt two magical signatures stamped out of their body.

Now that the obscurus knew what to look for, he could sense the spells and blocks that were in their bodies. They were in their expected places, the compelling charms in the brain, near-sighted curses in the eyes, the tracker charm in the wrist, and the blocks hidden in Harry's… soul.

The obscurus shattered all the foreign spells within their bodies, except the magical blocks. He could break the spells, but he couldn't brute force the blocks. Harry screamed when the obscurus yanked the embodiment of the blocks, chains. The pain Harry felt bleed onto the obscurus, a pinch, but he could sense it, so unlike the usual numbness of his obscurus form. 'Sorry about that, Harry.' The obscurus patted Harry's unruly hair.

"It's okay," answered Harry. It didn't hurt that much, really! His tummy had worse when his uncle locked him in his room 'cus he burned sausages and beacons for breakfast 'cus he was too short to reach the stove.

The obscurus took over their body and said, "I broke the charms and curses." Why were his surroundings blurry now? Right, he was wearing glasses. He took the glasses off and saw the clear new world. Harry's glasses weren't even optometrist-prescribed, he knew, since objects in the distance were still a blur when he used Harry's eyes with the glasses.

He continued, "However, I don't know how to remove the blocks without hurting Harry." …as it was Harry's soul that was bound. Sabart and the curse breaker already saw and probably speculated about what they were, so the obscurus didn't mind that they knew that they were two different beings. That and they probably include NDAs in their contracts.

Sabart wrote something on a paper and did the same thing as Nargok as the paper popped out. A few seconds later, another paper popped onto the table. It looked like some kind of list. Sabart read the paper and spoke, "Then, we will go to Healer Yalora." Sabart hopped off his chair and walked to the room's only door. "Follow me please."

The obscurus nodded to the curse breaker as they exited the office. The curse breaker nodded back and walked the opposite way from where Sabart was going. They were going deeper into Gringgot… where was the infamous roller coaster? He wanted to experience them. Wait. They were going to the goblin's hospital, a roller coaster would make a patient's condition worse… never mind.

Sabart stopped and bowed to the two goblin guards on each side of the door he was in front of. Following the goblin's curtsy, the obscurus bowed along. The goblin guards bowed back and opened the door they guarded.


It's been so long since I watched (all) Harry Potter movies that I need to rewatch them… maybe after that, I'll read the series.

Collage is back… darn. At least it isn't full-time work.