
HP: I Have "Pure" Magic

(Check out my new HP fanfic! It's better than this one and the best on the platform!) In the Wizarding world, everyone knows what's Magic. But... does anyone know what's pure magic? Join Chris as he explores the wizarding world and realizes that... the books couldn't even describe the half of it. There's more to it than just a Tom, Harry, and Dumbledore. .... Chris is a smart and talented college student, but he had no motivation in life. What would he get after studying for hours like a dog? Money? He could find easier ways to get that. Then, fortunately, or unfortunately, he died and reincarnated to the Harry Potter world. "I have magic?!" Finally, he had found something which he could never get bored of—Magic! The eccentric genius with a penchant for breaking rules has got his hands on magic in his favorite world. He finally has a purpose in life— to explore magic to its very limits! -> Starting Point: A muggle-born orphan with nothing to call his own. (This book becomes great in the later chapters. The beginning chapters need rewriting since I was just writing for fun in the beginning so quality isn't as good as the later chapters, though they are still bearable since this book has 20k collections. The MC is a bit evil/scummy in the beginning but his character improves as his relations with the other characters deepen.) ********************************************** (Magic theory), (unique magic), (MC with high potential), (romance), (Harrypotterworld),(comedy), (Dueling), (Power Flexing) ********************************************** (P)(A)(T)(R)(E)(O)(N) Link: Patreon.com/Snollygoster (You can read ahead and take part in polls here.) ********************************************** I'll be posting this on Royalroad.com as well. Discord: https://discord.gg/TR3KKAhu9r ********************************************** ->Word count: 1000-1500 words upto Chapter 70 1500-2000 words from chapter 71 to 90 2000-3000 words from chapter 90 onwards ********************************************** Disclaimer: So, most of this obviously belongs to J.K.-Billionaire-Rowling. I'm just writing a fanfiction out of it. The cover art is sadly, not mine either. (Also, the title used to be "I Have Magic" but since the story is more about exploring this great variable called "Pure Magic," I change the name a bit. ) Also, try reading "HP: A Magical Journey" as well, if you haven't already read it. The book's great and the author helped me out a lot!

Snollygoster · Derivados de obras
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175 Chs

Chapter 5: Gringotts

I walked into the Daigon alley and looked around. It was very crowded. I could even see some children our age roaming around or having fun in front of broom or candies shop. Some didn't even seem to have any adults near them. That's good. We won't draw much attention in a place like this, so I guess I can proceed as planned.

Harry looked around while I searched for Gringotts. There is no use looking around without the money. I spotted a big white building with pillars and a couple of creatures that could only be called goblins, standing guard.

They looked like the ones I saw in the movies except, these creatures looked more.. agile. They each had weapons on them. One had a sword and the other an axe.

I walked in without reading the poem which was there to warn the thieves, which I have already read too many times.

As we walked up to the head Teller. he looked up from his parchments.

"What's your business?"

I stepped forward and spoke to him.

"This is Harry Potter and we're here for withdrawal from his vault if there is any.

The goblin raised an eyebrow at me and then scrutinized Harry. I removed the cap I had Harry wear and his lightning bolt scar became visible.

I had already told him that his scar is famous. But he still doesn't know why.

"We don't have the vault key. It was never given to him." I spoke again.

I knew the vaults could be opened by them by other means. The key is usually just for identification and authorization. How did Sirius Black get the money to buy the firebolt?

In canon chapter 22, it was mentioned that he just sent a letter through owl post. No key. And even Molly Weasley made a withdrawal for Harry without even his key.

The goblin looked back at me with the same scrutinizing gaze.

"The vault can be opened by placing his hand on it. But, do you speak the truth, boy? If you're lying then your friend will receive certain consequences for not being of the potter family. Or if your mind has been altered in any way."

"Yeah I'm sure he's Harry Potter. And he just wants to withdraw some money". I spoke and Harry also eagerly nodded.

"I have one more question. Is his magical guardian required to be informed about this matter?"

The teller shook his head in disgust. "No. There's no such thing. we're not so idle."

A goblin standing nearby took us on a fun roller coaster ride and we arrived in front of the vault door.

The goblin gestured Harry to take his palm in a specific place and with a click, the vault started to open.

We were both in a daze after we looked inside. There was quite a lot in there. Mountain of Galleons, Sickles, and Knuts stacked into piles.


"You are rich harry..." I stated the obvious to him.

There were also some wands and also a few stacks of books. I was pleasantly surprised to see them. I guess there won't be a need for going to the knockturn alley in an aging potion for the wand.

I asked the goblin if he had a bag in which we could carry the gold. He went to his cart and retrieved a small bag. It seems we're not the only ones who asked for this request. After some negotiation, I bought two of those for 5 galleons not knowing if I was cheated or not.

I touched and waved all the wands and took

one which I was the most comfortable with.

After storing some galleons and some change and the wands and books. We made our way back to the head Teller.

"Excuse me, but, is there anything like an heir ring for the House Potter? And what about the properties owned by them."

"There's an heir ring but it should be within your magical guardian's care. And as for the properties," he turns to the side called out,

"Gornuk, bring out the information of house Potter properties."

"Only a Potter heir or head of the family can access this information unless you have the permission from the said heir or family head's formal permission."

"Alright, how're we doing this? Harry, do you give me the permission to accompany you?" I asked him.

" Yes," Harry said, looking impatient.

"This enough for you?" I asked.

Harry is 6 years old he won't understand half of what's going on here. He only cares about the fact that he and his first friend have money and they are going to have fun with it exploring this new world.

The goblin, Gornuk, beckoned us to follow. We followed him to a room with a lot of folders. (It was locked and guarded) He took out a folder and gave it to me. I looked at the folder and then I looked at him like he was crazy. He either expects a 6-year-old to know about it or he's just playing me. I simply gave it back to him and asked him to explain it to me and tossed him a galleon.

I took out another galleon and told him that I would I'd pay it if he also answered some of my questions.

Giving me a toothy grin, he explained to me about some greenhouses, some farms for animals, etc. But I didn't pay much attention. They were all abandoned during the war or were taken by someone else. Some were still active and we're providing money to the vault. Harry didn't have any need for them yet and I just wanted to see if there's anything for the future.

"What about the Potter manor? I asked him in between. "Where is it located and what's its condition after the war?"

He turned a few pages, "The Potter manner wasn't attacked. Because all of its occupants either died fighting or were in some other place when attacked. The wards of the manner are still strong and difficult to bring down."

I noted that he said difficult but they mustn't be infallible otherwise Lily and James would have hidden there instead. Then he also gave us the address which I noted down carefully. I then asked,

"Would we be able to enter?"

"Harry Potter can enter once the wards scan him. And any other guest can enter once he formally permits them to enter."

'hell yeah!' I exclaimed inwardly. Though I remained neutral outward. I gave the galleon in my hand and we were on our way. I didn't want to know more and Harry was long since showing the signs impatience. It seem he wanted to explore the alley.

Then I did something very important. I wrote a simple contract that the goblins won't leak any information on Harry and me through any mean and I will pay them 100 galleons to keep it a secret.

"So where are we going first?" Harry asked me excitedly while we were exiting.

" To buy potions of course." I told him matter of factly. Though it is quite common for children to roam around in the alley, since even I could see a lot of them in front of the broomstick store, but it's quite risky. We need adult supervision and protection. Thus, the first thing we need to buy is, an aging potion.

I looked back at the bank and sighed.

Earlier at Gringotts, I didn't go through inheritance test because Inheritance test needs you to blood and blood can be used for a lot of things.

It can be used to track you of it can be used to curse you or in some ritual. So, I decided to wait for now and get a bit for knowledgeable about the ways to prevent that. Like how to bind the goblins with oaths or contracts and how cast a spell to vanish my blood. I think I'll just keep leech- *cough* borrowing from Harry for a bit more.

I don't think I'm taking advantage of him at all. The money I'm borrowing would be returned to him with a lot of interest, and I'll also help him in his home circumstances. So, how am I taking advantage of him? Without me, he'd have to live a life comparable to a Malfoy House elf for the next 5 years. I'm going to make it a LOT better.


I was, but a new author, trying to improve

Taking all the criticism into perspective

In hopes of writing something new.

The results started showing,

my readers started growing.

The work is becoming into something

that the majority would approve

But I am still, an Author trying to improve.


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