Magic can solve all the Wizarding World's problems. What's that? A prophecy that insists on a person? Things not quite going your way? I know, lets use this here ritual to summon another! It'll be great! - An eighteen year old Harry is called upon to deal with another dimension's irksome Dark Lord issue. This displeases him.
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Harry walked through Hogwarts' halls, lit up by the bright mid-morning sun, with a smile on his face and a spring in his step.
"Good morning, portrait of a lady I don't know," he said, happily waving before briskly saluting the suit of armour next to it. "Good morning, sir knight, may your day be as wonderful as mine."
A grumpy hiss from near its legs drew his attention.
"Oh, what's this?"
Getting down to his knees, Harry reached beyond the plated metal boots until his fingers touched soft fur. Grasping, he withdrew a black cat with red eyes from her hiding place.
"Good morning, Mrs. Norris," he said happily, cuddling her to his chest as he stood up.
The cat hissed and clawed at him. Her nails stuck in his thick robe and she frantically fought to free herself, yowling and writhing to get out of his grasp. Harry ignored her struggles and instead held her just a tad tighter, cooing like a parent over their happily gurgling baby.
"What. Are you doing. To my cat?"
The smile on Harry's face flickered as he slowly turned to face the grouchy bearded face of Argus Filch, the caretaker, who looked spitting mad and quite ready to beat him with his broom if he didn't get his question answered right this instant. His smile only faltered for an instant though and quickly resumed its full strength until it radiated happiness strong enough to bleach the cat's black fur to blonde.
Nothing, but nothing, could make him feel less than happy after the night he'd had.
"Good morning, Mister Filch," Harry greeted him happily. "I was just wishing the lovely Mrs. Norris here a wonderful day."
With his index finger he lightly scratched her little head.
Ears pent flat against her skull, the animal hissed at him and glared through malevolent red eyes.
"Put. Her. Down."
Harry blinked and relaxed his arms. "But of course."
Mrs. Norris, sensing freedom, pushed off against his chest for leverage and jumped away as far as she could manage, incidentally colliding with Filch himself. Claws extended, she tried to find something to hold on to on her new perch.
"Ow! Gentle, my sweet. Calm down, will you," Filch grumbled as she climbed up his body using her sharp nails on his arms and chest. Finally she reached his shoulder and calmed a little, turning on the spot and hissing sharply.
Filch ran his thumb between her ears. "There, there, my sweet. You're safe now."
Harry watched them with a tiny hint of familiar loathing for the pair, but it was washed away under his good mood. This was a new world and he had not yet established quite the difficult relationship with the caretaker that he had in his old one. Perhaps today would see them turning over a new leaf?
"It is magnificent to see such a close bond between a man and his familiar," Harry praised.
Filch gave him a baleful eye and scrounged up his nose as if he smelled something foul. "Who are you?"
Instead of a handshake – which he wasn't sure would be appreciated at the moment – and bolstered by an abundance of cheer that he could just not contain Harry opted for an elaborate bow complete with hand flourish. "I, my good sir, am Harry White, Hogwarts' new Divination Professor."
The caretaker took a wary step back, eyeing him like he might be contagious. "Job doesn't call for much contact with animals, I take it?"
Harry shook his head. "No. I mean, there is haruspicy, which is seeking omens in an animal's entrails-"
Filch took another step backwards and half turned, shielding Mrs. Norris with his body and his body with his broom, which he raised, ready to fight off all comers.
"-but that just sounds messy and wrong and I've never done that," Harry babbled when he realised this was definitely going in the wrong direction. "Honestly, I was just saying good morning."
The caretaker narrowed his eyes. For a moment he stared, before nodded with exaggerated slowness and putting his broom back on the ground. He didn't relax his wary posture, though.
"Um..." Harry held back the urge to laugh hysterically. How did he get into these kinds of situations? "It's nice to meet you?"
Mrs. Norris batted a paw at Filch's ear – without the claws this time – and the man scowled in response. "Mrs. Norris disagrees."
"Right. Well." Merlin, this was deliciously awkward. "I should probably be going then. Got an appointment with a potential Prophet, anyway."
The man scowled before turning on his heel and stomping away, his broom trailing behind him. The black cat on his shoulder kept staring and spitting at Harry, apparently afraid that he might curse them in the back.
It wasn't until they turned the corner that Harry allowed himself to relax, regain his happy smile – edged with a hint of glee – and let out a few quiet cackles as he skipped further down the corridor. Merlin, what a wonderful morning.
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